The Break-Up 分手男女 中英文剧本
Come on, come on, come on. All right, here we go.
快点 快点 快点 好了 对了
MAN: Take a seat, buddy!
快坐下 伙计
Come on. It was a good play.
来吧 这可是个好球
Are you gonna be like this all day?
I don't know. Is it gonna be like this all day?
我不知道 要一整天都这个样子么?
I don't know. It's up to you.
我不知道 你自己决定
I have no room to sit. I got no room to sit.
我没地方坐了 我没地方坐了
I'm sitting next to a guy who's sitting
like he's at home on the toilet with his legs spread.
就像是在家里坐马桶一样  还把两条腿张开
Please don't crowd people. Relax, please. Look at me.
求你别挤了 放松点 看着我
I am relaxed. Look how I'm sitting.
让她降落 歌词
我很放松 看看我怎么坐的
Why are you sitting like that? What do you think?
-你为什么要那样坐着? -因为 你想怎样?
Why'd you wake me up for this shit?
Because I'm trying to relax and have a nice day.
因为我想放松放松 开开心心过一天
Sweating in the sun like a Tijuana whore.
在太阳下晒得直冒汗  像是提华纳的一样
VENDOR: Ice-cold soda!
Get your soda here!
VENDOR: On the right. Coming down there. Pass that on down there.
右边 那里往下传 传下去
Hey, hot dog guy, can I get six hot dogs down here, please?
嘿 卖热狗的 能给我拿六根热狗过来么?
Right away. GARY: And make it right, please.
-马上 -放对料哦
You know, with the mustard and the ketchup and the relish.
要知道 加点芥末 番茄酱还有调味品
Don't make me hit you up for more.
I thought we were going to Wiener Circle after this.
We will. Then why are you getting hot dogs?
-当然会 -那你为什么只要热狗?
Pass this down, please. You can keep the change.
请把这个递过去 不用了
Do you want one of the hot dogs?
GARY: You can have You want a hot dog?
你可以吃一个 你想要个热狗么?
Do you want a hot dog, miss?
要个热狗么 小?
No. Thank you. You can have one.
-不要 谢谢 -你要一个吧
That's okay. Go ahead. You can have a hot dog.
-好了 不用了 -你要个热狗吧
No, I don't want one. Excuse me, sir?
-不 我不想要 -不好意思 先生?
Would you mind passing the lady one of the hot dogs?
I'm good, thanks. You don't have to share.
我没事 谢谢 你不必一定要给我一个
You can have your own. Thanks. That's really nice of you.
吧 -你人真是太好了
Just have one, please. Okay, give me a hot dog.
-就吃一个吧 -好吧 给我一个热狗
Somebody give her a hot dog. The big guy can't eat all of them. Have one.
谁能递个热狗给她 我有了  那个大个子可吃不完 你吃一个吧
Have you ever had one before? A hot dog?
-你以前有吃过吗? -热狗么?
At the ballpark? I have. I believe I have.
在棒球场吃么?  -我吃过 我想 我吃过
Okay, good. Thank you.
-好的 很好  -谢谢你
Well, enjoy this one. Thanks.
-那么 好好享用 -谢谢
Do you like mustard? No, I'm okay.
-你想来点芥末么? -不 不用
It's much better with a topping. Here.
加点料会更好吃的 拿去
I'm just kidding, I'll give you two.
我开玩笑的 我会给你两个
Cheers! Thanks.
-吃吧 -谢谢
We'll share it.
It's a good dog. I like the hot dog. I know.
这热狗不错 我喜欢吃热狗 我知道的
That's nice.
You have a problem with me eating a hot dog, guy?
你对我吃热狗有意见么 伙计?
I'm trying to watch the game and have a hot dog.
I'll smack him in his head. No, just leave him alone.
-我真想敲他脑袋 -不 别理他
Hey, you want to go get a drink? No.
-嘿 想去喝一杯么? -不了
I'm with somebody, sorry.
我跟别人一起来的 抱歉
Who? The guy with the tucked-in shirt and the visor?
谁? 就那个把衬衣塞到裤子里  还戴顶鸭舌帽的家伙?
What, is that like a brother? The guy was not your brother, then.
怎样 像是个哥哥?  不过 那家伙不是你哥哥
Who is this guy? He's not my brother.
-那家伙是谁? -他不是我哥哥
Who' I'm getting mad now. I'm jealous. Who is this guy?
这个 谁 我就要疯了 我很嫉妒 那家伙是谁?
Who are you? I don't know. I'm kidding with you.
-你是谁? -我不知道 我是在跟你说笑
Who's the guy with the tucked-in stuff? Is that a boyfriend?
那个把衬衣塞到裤子里的的家伙是谁? 是你男朋友么?
呃 是
I'm going. Do you think you'll marry him?
-我要走了 -你难道想嫁给他么?
What? 'Cause I know you've thought about it.
-什么? -因为我知道你肯定想过嫁给他
The first time you laid eyes on him, you probably thought,
你第一眼看到他的时候 你可能在想
"I wonder if I could marry this guy in plaid shorts who tucks his shirt in. No way."
我是不是会嫁给这个穿格子短裤 还把衬衣塞到裤子里的家伙 绝对不会
Then when you kissed him, you said, "I can't believe it.
然后 当你吻他的时候 你说 真不敢相信
"I had a lot to drink tonight. I'm kissing the tucked-in guy."
我今晚喝太多了 我居然跟这个 把衬衣
My point is, if you're not gonna Yeah.
-我想说的是 如果你不想嫁给他了 -是啊
...and if it's not forever,
then you really don't have anything to lose in taking me up on my offer.
那么 接受我跟我开始 你不会有任何损失
Uh-huh. Well, I'm gonna go. Okay. Me, too.
-呃 哈 我要走了 -好的 我也是
Okay. To where? On an ice-breaking first date?
好的 去哪儿?  跟我来个破冰式的第一次约会?
Well, no, I don' Listen.
-恩 不 我不想 -听着
If you want to stay off the market while you're with
如果你跟那种你不怎么爱 但还能将就的人在一起的时候
I'm-not-the-one- but-I'm-comfortable, then you can do that.
就不再跟别的男人约会 那你就走吧
But for all you know, I just offered you
我只不过是想带你走出沉闷的恋爱 不带任何附加条件
a get-out-of-bored-love- for-free card with no strings attached.
God, you're crazy. No, I'm not crazy.
-天哪 你疯了 -不 我没疯
And a lot of times people go, "Oh, that's crazy,"
而且 很多时候 人们会说 噢 这太疯狂了
and then they go, "It's genius."
结果 后来 他们都说 真是天才
That's what happened when the person invented fire.
有人发明了火的时候 就是这样的
They burned that witch. And guess what, then they got warm and they ate good stuff.
人们把那个巫婆烧死了 猜猜后来怎样  他们得到了温暖 吃到了好吃的食物
Now, where are we headed to? Let's not make this weird,
现在 我们去哪儿? 别搞得那么太神秘了
'cause I'm not good on dates. No. You know what?
-我可不擅长约会 -不 
I'm better just to kind of hang out and, if we don't have fun,
我也只是会出去玩玩 如果玩得不开心
I might go my separate way. Okay.
-我们就各走各的 -好的
I'm not committing to anything. I'll go hang out with you for a little bit.
我也不想承诺什么  我也就跟你一起出去约会
That's not gonna happen. But I can't say for sure.
-那是不可能的 -但是我也说不准
<font color="#ffff00">-==www.1000fr==- 謦灵风软影视论坛荣誉出品 本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业用途</font>
<font color="#ffff00">-=风软字幕组=- 翻译:狗熊 雨潇 校对:冰块 狗熊</font>
GARY: All right, all right, everybody. Welcome to Three Brothers Bus Tours.
好了 各位 好了  欢迎参加三兄弟公车旅行团
I'm brother number two. It's good to have you here.
我是老二 在这见到你们真好
That's right, there's plenty of seats here up front.
好了 在上边前排还有很多位置
I promise I won't bite. I'm not a biter. I'm psyched to have you here.
我保证我不会骗你们 我可不是个骗子 看到你们 我真是激动
Okay, a couple quick ground rules. Please don't jump off the bus.
好了 有几条基本规则 请不要跳下公车
Weird. Not fun for anybody.
太可怕了 那可不好玩
Also, no throwing objects at pedestrians,
还有 不要往行人身上丢东西
unless, of course, they deserve it. Okay?
当然 如果他们罪有应得又另当别论 好吧?
We are not at work today. We are on vacation today.
我们今天不是去工作 今天 我们去度假
And if you can't blow it out here on the big funny bus,
如果你不想在这有趣的公车上 断送了你假期的话
where the hell can you?
I do split the tips with my driver, Shondra.
We don't want her back out turning tricks.
That was a weird time for everyone. Seriously. Honest to God.
那对每个人来说都很可怕 我是认真的 真的
And I was a customer. Long time ago.
而且 我也当过游客 我是说很久之前
Come on, everybody, let's get loose!
好了 大家一起放松放松吧
I'm gonna ask you once. Show me that you mean it.
我只想问你一次 让我知道你们的意愿
Don't make me ask you twice. Are you ready to see Chicago?
别让我再问你们第二次 你们准备好去参观芝加哥了么?
Are you ready to see Chicago?
That's what I'm talking about. Shondra, put this baby in the air.
我就是这个意思 尚德拉 让这宝贝飞起来
Let's get the blood flowing. Let's get everyone up and let's loosen it up.
让我们的血液沸腾起来 让大家都兴奋起来 让我们好好放松放松
Coming up here, you're gonna notice
过来这边 你们会看到
one of the only buildings to survive the fire of 1871.
That is the original Chicago Water Tower and Pumping Station.
CHRISTOPHER: Happy Holidays. Marilyn Dean Gallery.
节日快乐 这是玛里琳.迪安画廊
The artist was inspired by the neoclassical movement.
CHRISTOPHER: No, she doesn't.
不 不是的
But wanted to reflect it with an abstract bent.
不过 她确实想用抽像的手法 来反映新古典主义运动
CHRISTOPHER: Okay, bye-bye.
好的 再见
And how much is it? $35,000.
-多少钱? -三万五千美金
Happy Holidays. Marilyn Dean Gallery. Hold, please.
节日快乐 这里是 玛里琳.迪安画廊 请稍等
Will you excuse me for a moment? Sure. Go ahead.
-抱歉 失陪一会  -没问题 去吧
Christopher? Yes, sweetie.
-克里斯多佛? -是的 亲爱的
Hi, honey. Hi.
Christmas wa
s months ago. Don't remind me. I miss it so much.
-圣诞节都过了好几个月了  -别提醒我 我很想念圣诞节
Yeah, I know. But today is not a holiday.
是的 我知道 不过今天又不是节日
I know for a fact that people like my spirit on the phone
我知道 事实上  人们都喜欢我在电话里的热情
and they dig the energy that I give them.
Okay. I'm just saying, I don't think Marilyn Dean will "dig" the energy.
好了 我是说 我认为玛里琳.迪安 不喜欢活力
Oh, no. She's the one that told me to be creative. So...
噢 不 就是她告诉我要赋有创造性 所以
I know. It' Okay. What is the next holiday coming?
我知道 只是 好了 下一个节日是什么?
The Fourth of July, is that what's next?
Well, if you want to get technical, there's Memorial Day,
那么 如果从专业角度来说  还有将士阵亡纪念日
妈妈教我一支歌there's Flag Day.
Some people recognize Father's Day as a holiday. I don't.
有些人认为父亲节是个节日 我可不认同
I get it. I get it. Well, on those days you can say, "Happy Holidays."
我明白了 明白了 那么在这些日子 你可以说 节日快乐
Every other day, "Good morning, good afternoon,
其它时间 你都只能说 早上好 下午好
"good evening, Marilyn Dean Gallery." Okay?
晚上好 这里是玛里琳.迪安画廊 行了么?
I'm so sorry about that. Oh, no.
-我很抱歉 -噢 不
So, now this is a new piece by Zakrzewska.
那么 这是沙维吉和萨卡的新作
What do you think of this?
Can I be honest with you? Please.
-我能直说么? -请便
Other than taking an art history class in college,
which I pretty much slept through, I don't have the first clue about art
当然 我差不多都是睡过去的 我还没有得到任何关于艺术的启迪
or how to go about buying it. I mean, like that painting.
也不知道怎么去买艺术品  我是说 像那副画
I mean, I don't see the point in buying something that I could have done myself.
我想不出我为什么要买 我自己就能画出来的东西
Yeah. I completely agree with you.
是啊 我完全赞同您的观点
You know, an art teacher of mine once said,
要知道 我的艺术老师曾经说过
"Never buy a piece of art that you don't have to have."
如果不是你一定想得到的艺术品 就千万别买
You know, don't worry about who the artist is or how much it's worth.
你知道的 不用考虑到底是谁画的 也不用考虑其价值
I mean, you have to live with it every day. You have to walk by it every day.
我是说 你得每天跟它生活在一起 天天从它面前经过
You know, you