1、形式        had + V过分
The children had all gone to sleep at 9:00 last night.
I had just finished watering the lawn(草坪) when it began to rain.
She had learned English before she came to England.
As I had seen him before, I recognized him at once
He had never seen a giraffe till then.
I asked him if he had ever seen a whale blowing.
许茹芸 好听(3)在过去某时之前的连续动作,表示某事继续到过去某一时刻已经有了一段时间,常与for、since连用
*He had been ill for a week when he was sent to the hospital.
He has been ill for a week.
*Everything had gone well up to that time.
Everything has gone well up to now.
I gave him the book which I had bought the day before.
He told his mum about what had happened that morning.
I found the watch which I had lost.
I had seen him before he saw me.
*两个过去的动作,用and (then)或but +连接,按动作发生的先后顺序表达,都用过去式
I bought a hat but lost it.
I lost the hat which I had bought.
I had hoped to pass the exam.(希望但未能)
We had hoped that you would be able to visit us but you did not.
She had thought of paying us a visit, but the bad weather made her Change her plan.
--We had wanted to call on you but was prevented from doing so.
崔珉豪电视剧--We had wanted to see him but found he was out.
*He said, “My uncle came to see me last night.”
He said that his uncle had cone to see him the night before.
*He said, “I have studied the problem for years.”
He said that he had studied the problem for years.
Our teacher told us that Columbus      had discovered (X)
                                  Discovered  (演员王思思)        America  in  1492
(2)由before 、after引导的时间状语从句中,因before和after已表示时间先后,所以可用一般过去代替过完
*After she (had) left the room, the thief came in. 
We (had) arrived home before it rained.
*The train (had) started just before I reached the station.
The train had gone when I arrived at the station.
be + Ving
We are now playing tennis.
I am writing a letter to my son.
We are leaving here tomorrow.
I am going up to Chongqing sometime next week.
He leaves for Beijing tomorrow.
He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow.
He will leave for Beijing tomorrow.
Are you staying here till next week?
She is getting married in May.
(4)现在进行时与always,for ever,all the time,all the while连用,通常表说话者认为不良习惯或不耐烦。
She is always complaining.
I’m always forgetting people’s names.
His wife is always wanting money for new clothes.
He is forever finding fault(错误n.) with me.
The son is all the while arguing with his mother.
Are you feeling better this morning?                  (同情)
Why aren’t you studying?                          (责备)
Well, I’m telling you the truth.                      (强调)
What are you doing here, girls?                      (好奇)
You are helping me, darling!    你真帮我的忙        (快乐)
John is doing fine work at school.  表现很好          (赞赏)
(6)  be  going  to  +V原,表将来要发生(主观看法)
I am going to see my friend off this afternoon.
How long are you going to stay here?
The moon is going to come out soon.
(7)不完全及物动词 get, become, turn, run, go 以及一些瞬间动词begin forget ,die ,finish 的现在进行时均表示“逐渐”“越来越”或“快要”。
Father is getting fat.  (越来越胖)
The leaves are turning yellow.    (逐渐)
Our house is becoming old.      (逐渐变旧)
1、表事实状态的词:be , have(有),lie(位于),need,want(缺乏),look(看似)seem(似乎是),own(拥有),stand(位于)。
*I have a car.
I am having a car.  (X)
*Prices depend on supply and demand.
Prices are depending on supply and demand.  (X)
2、表心理情感状态:care(在意), dislike, forget , hate, know, mean (打算), notice(注意), agree , dare(敢),hope , like , mind , prefer(较喜欢), believe , love, need, think (以为), wish,  understand, want(想要), remember。
      Loves                        hates
She                swimming, but                diving.
      Is  loving                    is  hating
Tom                  My  sister.
        Is  knowing
I                      that  you  are  right.