You know, downward-facing dog  下狗式
comes from the Sanskrit phrase adho mukha shvanasana.  是来自梵文中的"朝下  面  犬  体式"
Oh, that's beautiful. What does it mean?  好美  是什么意思
"Downward-facing dog."  "下犬式"
Yeah, I guess they don't have Sanskrit  好吧  我猜梵文里大概没有
for "Butts up and heads down."  "屁股朝上头朝下"
Hey, we wrote the Kama Sutra.  印度性爱圣经可是我们写的
If it involves butts, there's a word for it.  跟屁股扯上边的  我们肯定有那个词
I thought we were getting breakfast before work.  我们不是要在上班前吃早饭吗
Oh, right, sorry.  我忘了  抱歉
It's my fault. I asked Penny to do yoga with me.  是我的错  我邀请佩妮跟我一起做瑜伽
If you want, I can get ready in five minutes.  如果要  我可以在五分钟内换好衣服啊
It's cute that you think that.  你盲目自信的样子真可爱
Don't worry about it.  算了  没事
Hey, can I ask you a favor?  我能请你帮个忙吗
Would you mind taking Cinnamon for a walk?  能不能帮忙我去遛一下小桂子
Sure. You're living here for free.  没问题啊  你免费在这住
I guess I owe you.  我当然是欠你的啦
Bye, Cinnamon. Be a good girl.  再见啦  小桂子  你要乖啊
- Yeah, bye, sweetie! - Bye!  -再见啦  小宝贝  -再见
Yeah, yeah, bye, Leonard.  再见  莱纳德
Okay, and tree pose.  树式
嗨氏画手事件Well, she's done.  她"完事"了
Things have been going really well  最近我们研发
with the infinite resistance gyroscope.  无限持续陀螺仪很顺利呢
That's great. How so?  那很好啊  怎么顺利
Oh, the project is classified.  这个项目是机密
I can't tell you.  恕我不能透露
Oh, I suppose I could redact the classified parts.  不过我可以把机密部分消音掉
All right, um, I came up with an elegant solution   好的  我想出了一个绝妙的方法来解决...
I   我用了...感动歌曲
And   然后我...
And that did it.  然后就成功啦
Wow, I wonder what they're redacting.  真好奇他们在消音什么
Why don't you ask me what I'm working on?  你怎么不问问我最近在研究什么
Oh, very well. What have you been working on?  行啊  那你最近都在研究什么
And feel free to honk during the boring parts.  也欢迎你按喇叭消音掉无聊的部分
I'm doing some experiments to show  我最近在做实验来表明
that the signal to move a muscle occurs  人体控制肌肉的信号
before you know you even decided to move it.  是在大脑做出决定前就发送出去了
W... So you're attempting to pinpoint  所以你在尝试做实验出
where consciousness resides in the brain.  意识在大脑中存在的位置
Yes, I'm trying to figure out the nanometer  是的  我在试着得出何处与何时
and the attosecond, precisely where and when  意识在大脑中产生
an event of awareness takes place.  精确到纳米与原子秒
Well, what do you know?  真是没想到
Here I was, waiting to be bored with biology,  本来我还等着要受无聊生物学的轰炸
and instead you tickle my intellectual fancy.  结果却让你搔到了我求知的痒处
Which, unlike my body, is an okay place to tickle.  而这痒处不同于我的身体  是允许被搔的
You know, when I was six,  在我六岁的时候
I wanted to marry the gorilla from Good Night, Gorilla.  我想要嫁给童书《晚安大猩猩》的那大猩猩
Maybe I was onto something.  或许当时我有点未卜先知了
Gentlemen, the most interesting thing  先生们  刚才我跟这根汤匙
just happened with this spoon.  发生了一件史上最有趣的事
Unless it was singing "Be Our Guest," I doubt it.  除非它对你唱《当我们座上宾》  不然我不信
Unless it was singing "Be Our Guest," I doubt it.  《美女与野兽》中的家具仆人们唱了这首歌
Yeah, I picked it up without thinking about it.  我想都没想就挑了这根汤匙最远的你是我最近的爱原唱
Which raises a neuroscientific question,  一个神经学的问题就产生了
when did I decide to pick it up?  我什么时候决定选择这根汤匙
The bigger question is, what are you gonna eat with that spoon?  更大的问题是  你要用那根汤匙吃什么
You didn't get any food.  你都没拿食物
He does raise an interesting point.  他提的这点的确挺有意思
Amy is studying the time lag between intent and awareness,  艾米正在研究意图与意识间的时间滞差
and I realized that applies  而我意识到这也能
to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics.  套用进量子力学里的测量问题上
Now, I recognize there will be a time lag  我也意识到了在我说出来这话
between me saying that and you Googling what it means,  到你们用谷歌查之间也会有时间滞差
so I'll wait.  所以我等你们
I understand it, Sheldon.  我懂好吗  谢尔顿
Yeah, me, too.  我也懂
I'm sorry, I spaced.  抱歉  我放空了
Are we still talking about the spoon?  我们还在聊汤匙吗
It's nice to see you taking an interest in Amy's work.  看到你对艾米的工作感到兴趣挺好的
Well, don't get me wrong.  别误会了天蓝蓝歌词
Neurobiology's nothing more than the science  神经生物学不过就是研究
of gray squishy stuff.  灰黏糊糊东西的科学
But, you know, when it connects to physics,  但是当它跟物理学关联起来
gas up the Ford, Martha, we're going for a drive.  给马喂好草料  师弟  咱们要直奔西天啦
So did you confront Jennifer?  那你跟珍妮佛撕逼了吗
I was going to, but she called in sick.  本来准备要  结果她请了病假
And guess who else called in sick.  你猜还有谁请了病假
- Paul. - Paul.  -保罗  -保罗
Who's Paul?  谁是保罗啊
Oh, you met him at the office Christmas party.  我们办公室圣诞派对的时候你们见过面
He's married to Nancy.  是南希的老公
Oh, sure. Wait, Nancy?  那个人啊  等等  谁是南希
I bet Jennifer gets a promotion out of this,  我敢打赌珍妮佛能借此升职