街舞基本知识(Basic knowledge of hip-hop)
街舞 (Street dance或streetdancing) 诞生于二十世纪六十年代末, 是美国黑人城市贫民的舞蹈, 到了七十年代它被归纳为嘻哈文化(Hip Hop Culture) 的一部分, 与涂鸦 (graffiti或writing) 、打碟 (、说唱 (MCing, DJing)) 这些同时代产生的黑人地下文化并称为嘻哈四大元素.街舞在两个地方同时诞生、独立发展, 最后相互影
响合而为一, 一个地点是美国东海岸城市纽约; 另一个地点是美国
在纽约的布朗克斯区, 贫穷的黑人青少年在黑人歌手詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown) 的影响下, 以一种模拟帮派打斗的舞蹈 - 战斗步(up 为基础 (Rock), 发展出一种以摇摆步 Top Rock) 、地板步(footwork) 、冻姿 (Freeze) 三种形式组成的舞蹈 - B - boying.
八十年代初一系列高难度、技巧性的力量动作 (被不断创新出来power move), 在媒体的炒作下, 这种舞蹈以霹雳舞 (Breaking) 的
名称被广泛接受.霹雳舞有一种特殊的舞蹈形式 - 斗舞 (Battle),
它源自以前的帮派斗殴, 只不过斗舞是以霹雳舞者 (B - boy或b 的创造力而不是暴力来赢得比赛.参加斗舞的两个霹雳舞团队 Girl) (Crew, 也是由帮派背景而来的一种组织形式) 分站一方, 每队队员
逐个轮流跳入圈中舞蹈, 技艺最高超、动作最新颖的一方获胜.
加州的街舞起源于黑人民权运动中心 - 奥克兰.在二十世纪六十年代, 奥克兰的许多黑人团体根据早期街头艺人、喜剧或哑剧演员的杂耍和新奇动作, 在灵歌音乐的基础上发展出一套舞蹈来, 他们称之
为布加洛舞 (Boogaloo).这种舞可以多人编排一起舞蹈, 也可以单
独舞蹈, 但是它没有一定的舞蹈形式, 每个人都可以做自己的动作, 创造自己的风格.到了七十年代, 疯克音乐 (Funk) 在加州出现, 为06超女冠军
西岸的舞蹈注入新的活力, 催生出两种新的舞蹈.一个是锁舞(locking), 七十年代初由洛杉矶黑人青年唐·康佩尔 (Don compell) 发明.这种舞蹈以手腕和手臂的快速翻转移动并在突然间
停顿为特, 停顿的一刹那身体就像被锁住一样, 舞蹈因之得名;
另一个是加州小镇弗雷斯诺的天才少年萨姆·所罗门 (Sam Solomon) 创造的, 他在以前布加洛舞的基础上结合疯克音乐创造了一系列舞
蹈动作, 形成新的舞蹈风格, 并借用了布加洛舞的名字, 后来他改
称布加洛·萨姆.萨姆同期还借鉴早期奥克兰的机器人舞 (robot)
创造了另一种舞蹈 - 爆舞 (popping).这种舞蹈以身体各部位肌肉
持续的收缩与放松 (POP) 为特, 视觉上产生震动的效果.由于共中国好声音李代沫我的歌声里
同的音乐基础, 锁舞、爆舞、萨姆的布加洛舞以及早期的机器人舞等奥克兰舞蹈现在统称为疯克舞 (FUNK DANCE Style).
朴熙京二十世纪八十年代, 纽约的黑人舞蹈因嘻哈音乐的兴起而改变.在一批天才舞者, 如亨利·林克 (Henry 、布达·斯特雷齐 (link) 的改编和创造下 Buddha stretch), 一种可以用嘻哈、节奏布鲁斯 (R & b) 、爵士等各种音乐跳舞的, 混合了各种风格舞蹈动作的新的舞蹈风格诞生了, 为了区分七十年代的黑人舞蹈, 人们为它取名为新派
嘻哈舞蹈 (New School Hip Hop Dance) 或者干脆简称为嘻哈舞 (hip hop) 传统,.嘻哈舞继承了纽约黑人舞蹈一贯的摇摆 (Rock)
With the body up and down, left and right fluctuation swing characteristic (Up &Down), but the rhyth
m is more relaxed, light. It does not have standardized dance movements, and dancers can add any component to the music as long as it fits. Since it was based on all previous black dances, hip hop dancing requires a touch of dance. Moorhouse later appeared in New York (with the tap dance dance dance (Swing), (Salsa) and Campo sauce (Capoeira), House dance music dance), New Jazz (New Jazz, ballet and hip-hop dance combination), Bipop (Be-Bop, Moorhouse dance and jazz combined new tide dance)...... They have become a part of a new breed of hip hop.
李炜托奶门Hip-hop was introduced into China in the mid - 1980s, thanks to a 1984 American hip-hop movie called Breakin. The first wave
in 1984 coincided with the American hip-hop, hip-hop has been widespread concern in society, from the ground up at the ground by major media coverage, appeared in the "National Geographic" cover and major prime time television, even President Reagan watched dancing performances. Hip hop films or television films have emerged only in 1984, had 7 in one year of hip-hop movie. The peak of the whole hip-hop craze happened at the closing ceremony of the 1984 Olympic Games in Losangeles. When Lionel Rich sang the song "night", in the light of the fireworks, 200 dancers from more than 10 groups of 100 thousand people in a street dance, dancers began to hit at the same time (more than a high degree of difficulty of the action force break dancing), millions of viewers in fr
ont of the television to see this exciting scene.
At that time China, video started to enter the family, "breaking" video delivered to the hands of China youth through various channels, the earliest have TV. Teenagers become family communication center breakdance. The streets for a time there have been many head cloth, pedal warrior shoes "motor" ("Dancing" in one of the main characters, named Boogaloo Shrimp (Boogaloo Shrimp), a famous hip-hop dancer in History), they like the brain out of the same while a hand to another "electricity". While walking around "moonwalk", while also facing the air "wipe glass". In fact, even the American media got dizzy when they were in their first hip-hop craze. They took the break dance, the name of the dance in New York, on the West Bank dance. "Break dance" should be called "funk dance" or "lock dance" and "pop dance", because it is filmed in California and basically reflects the dance of the West coast. But anyway, the break dance has a huge impact on China, and there is a large
好听的疗伤情歌number of street dancers in the United States almost simultaneously with the United States, and the level is quite high. The late young dancer Tao Jin was a famous professional dancer who studied and experienced hip-hop at that time. In 1988, he filmed the movie rock youth, which used a lot of hip hop movements, which were very popular among teenagers at that time. He also went to the Unit
ed States to learn the famous crazy dancer Pop N Taco, hip-hop, including Taiwan dancers, the first to get hip-hop, master of the Chinese face pass.
Unfortunately, by the end of the 80s, the break dance quickly disappeared in china. There are three main reasons for this: first, the influence of the United states. Since the beginning of 1986, hip-hop heat cooling gradually in the United States, excessive commercial speculation that quickly became popular in the hip-hop chewed gum pop artists quickly steal popular products repackaged into hip-hop results will more easily accepted by the public, but the real hip-hop abandoned. The break dance became a thing of the past in New York, and it seemed as if the world's B-Boy had been swept away overnight; two, the "break dance" was not properly understood by society. Jump "breakdancing" of young people, in addition to art majors, mostly do not love learning, fun and love students or social idle youth, many of whom are then known as the "riffraff" bad boy.
In 80s the social consciousness is far from open now (even today, hip hop is still not completely understood and accepted by the public), of the young hip-hop hip-hop cast the disgust of unhealthy social image, thus not treated properly, not to mention the guidance and support; three is the "Dancing" did
not grow and the development of the market environment at the time. The first wave of hip-hop in America was built on mass commercial and commercial development, and in 80s China had few commercials, no commercial packaging and development. Hip hop dance hip-hop, in addition to satisfying personal interests, have no income, no laziness, to survive the economic foundation, as a non-traditional form of art, hip-hop in China finally can only lose vitality.
Another important early influence of hip-hop in China is Michael Jackson, who still has many young people imitating his dance steps today, showing the influence of the "king of pop". In fact, Michael Jackson is a typical "steal popular products" will be repackaged into hip-hop results more easily accepted by the public of the artist, and almost all of his representative dance are learned from American underground hip-hop artist. In early 1974, 16 year old Michael Jackson as "Jackson Godte" singing group members in the television singing the song "dancing machine" (Dancing Machine), and a robot dance, the dance hot country. In 1983, Jackson performed a space walk (moonwalk) on Motown, a record company's 25th anniversary television special. Since the beginning of the wall, each of his albums has produced many excellent music videos, including a large number of dance performances, and dancing has become an important part of his musical art. "Thriller" and "bad" (Thriller) (Bad) and "time memory" (Remember The Time) is one of the most exciting dance pe
rformances of the three music videos, the dance is the funk dance, hip-hop dance, jazz dance combines new hip-hop classic, is New York's famous choreographer the hip-hop master, Henry Link et al. And Jackson's dance performance in the concert is more popular in