Classroom Code of Conduct
As members of this English class, we agree to abide by the following code of conduct to create a positive and conducive learning environment:
Respect: We will treat each other with respect, kindness, and empathy. We will listen attentively to others' opinions, value diverse perspectives, and avoid any form of discrimination or harassment.李晓峰个人资料简介
Active Participation: We will actively participate in class discussions, activities, and group work. We will contribute our ideas, ask questions, and engage in constructive dialogue to enhance our learning experience.
Punctuality and Preparedness: We will arrive on time for class and come prepared with the necessary materials, including textbooks, notebooks, and assignments. We will actively complete our homework and review class materials to maximize our learning potential.
梅格 瑞恩Academic Integrity: We will maintain high standards of academic honesty. We will not enga
后会无期歌词ge in cheating, plagiarism, or any form of dishonesty. We will properly cite sources and respect intellectual property rights.
Technology Use: We will use electronic devices, such as laptops or smartphones, responsibly and for educational purposes only. We will follow the teacher's guidelines regarding their use in the classroom.
说散就散 歌词Classroom Environment: We will maintain a clean and organized classroom. We will be responsible for our personal belongings and keep our work areas tidy. We will follow any specific rules regarding the use of materials or equipment.
一路向北Confidentiality: We will respect the privacy and confidentiality of our classmates. We will not share personal or sensitive information without proper consent.
Attendance and Communication: We will attend classes regularly and notify the teacher in advance if we are unable to attend. We will actively communicate with our classmates and teacher, seeking clarification when needed.
Conflict Resolution: In case of disagreements or conflicts, we will address them respectfully and seek to resolve them in a peaceful manner. We will approach the teacher if necessary for guidance or mediation.
Compliance with Rules: We will adhere to the rules and policies set forth by the school and the teacher. We understand that failure to comply may result in disciplinary actions.
By adhering to this code of conduct, we contribute to a positive and respectful learning environment where everyone can thrive academically and personally.
Please sign below to indicate your commitment to this Classroom Code of Conduct:
(Student's Name)