Module蔓延旅行3 Unit2
  Daming took a photo of his father.
会说the Great wall, at the weekend, by bus, took photos of, at…o’clock, in the morning.,能理解课文并且准确认读。
1.教学重点:the Great wall, at the weekend, by bus, took photos of, at…oclock, in the morning的认读。
Step1: Greeting.
T: Hello, boys and girls. T: How are you?
Step 2:Warm-up.
T:What did she/he do last weekend? 
S:She watched TV. 
Group word——What did you do last weekend? 
安胎音乐T: Are you happy? Lets say and do together.
师生齐说:Happy, happy, happy ,I am happy. Happy, happy, happy ,I am happy.并拍掌.
Step 3.Introduce new lesseon.
1. 师讲述自己的旅行经历。 
2. 学习Daming’s trip,整体感知,语篇全文。 
Watch the video and answer the questions. 
1)Who went with’s吕纬青 father? 
2)How did they arrive?
1.(引出长城) T: Are you ready? Lets go! (播放幻灯片: <<长城长>>歌曲) What can you see in this song? (引出长城,并复习: The Great Wall is long/ old.)
听音提出问题,整体感知课文:Who went to the Great Wall?
1.When did they arrived there?
2.What did they do?
Step 4.Come into the new text.
1.Read and underline the new words.
2.Learn the new words. (hour, mountain) ( 单词教学方式:卡片呈现—带读—小组抽查--个
别抽查 )
学习短语a photo of …(拿出同学们的照片,让学生利用短语造句) 学习单词plant
3.Work in groups and think about two tasks.
T: Now read in groups. Four in a group. Try to finish two tasks. (幻灯片呈现两个任务,让学生带着任务去小组阅读课文,并完成任务。)
4.Finish the tasks. T: Lets look at task one. Who can answer these questions. (幻灯片呈现任务一) T: Lets look at task two. Find out the past tense. (幻灯片呈现任务二)
5.Watch and match.
6.Read the text. ( 1 ). Listen and repeat. ( 2 ).Read together.
7.Translate the phrases. (幻灯片呈现本课词组,让学生翻译)
8.Talk about the pictures. T: Now, look at the pictures, and talk about them. (幻灯片呈现讲述课文的八幅图,先全班一起说,然后请学生单个说)
9. Retell the text.
T:Let’s retell the text.
_________ and_________went to the Great Wall _____________.
Step 5.拓展活动
Activity1.I am a reporter.
T: We have learn these words. ( how where who what when) Let’s read together. T: I want to ask you some questions. (教师用学过的疑问代词问学生问题,如:What did you do at the weekend.)
T: Do you know how do ask questions now?
T: Let’s do this activity----I am a reporter. (幻灯片呈现活动模板,学生可以按老师提供的模板来做对话,也可以自行编造。)
Activity 2.Share my travel dairy.
share the pictures of teacher. T:Now, I want to share my travel dairy with. (幻灯片呈现教师的一些旅游图片,并配上文字说明)
Write your travel dairy. (幻灯片呈现教师的旅游日记,让学生写自己的旅游日记)
Share the travel dairy of the students.
do_____        go_______        see_____        row_____        buy_____
visit____        like______        take____        have_____        walk____
are_____        climb_____        is______
在周末_________________                大英博物馆__________
bus ride________________                许多的______________
林雄威the London Eye__________                拍一张照片__________
Step7. Homework.
1. 继续完善自己的旅游日记。
2. 利用所学句型采访身边的人。
Step8. 板书设计
Module3  Unit 2  Daming took a photo of his father . 
Who went to the Great Wall ? 
How did they go there ? 
When did they arrive ? 
What did Daming do ? 
图文结合,通过层层递进、由易到难、不断突破,并围绕语篇教学,让学生能利用阅读小技巧初步形成阅读能力,进行有效阅读。 四、通过旅游经历大调查,操练本课重点句型:4wh+1h句型。让每个学生皆能参与到句子描述中,使本节课的教学得到有效运用和反馈。通过写一写自己的旅游经历,让学生获得初步阅读的成就感,培养阅读兴趣,且能让学生感知不仅要热爱祖国大好河山,同时领略世界其他国家的美。