The AQWA Suite uses both ASCII files and binary files for its input and output. All the files are defined by a generic name with a 3 character file extension. The maximum length of the filename is 28 characters (32 with the extension). It is strongly recommended that the filename is related to the program used.
The extension names are related to the file type. The following is a list of the file extension names commonly used in AQWA and AQWA Graphical Supervisor (AGS).
Input Files输入文件
DAT -- ASCII file for model definition and analysis parameters. Used by all AQWA programs. 
XFT -- ASCII file defining a time history of external force on a structure or structures in six degrees of freedom in local axis system. Used for time domain analysis (optional). 
WVT -- ASCII file defining a time history of wind velocity and direction. Used for time domain analysis (optional). 
LIN -- ASCII file defining ship offsets. Used by AGS Mesh Generator to define hull shape. 
LIN是一种ASCII文件,文件信息:定义了船舶的船线坐标,该文件用于AGS Mesh Generator定义船体形状
MSD -- ASCII file defining the mass distribution of a vessel. Used by AGS for shear force and bending moment calculation. 
EQP -- Binary file containing the equilibrium positions of structures. Created by AQWA-LIBRIUM and used (optional) by FER, DRIFT or NAUT; see RDEP option.
  EQP是一种二进制文件,文件信息:包含了结构的平衡位置,由AQWA-LIBRIUM创建,  FER,DRIFTNAUT子程序使用;(见RDEP选项)
Output Files输出文件
LIS -- ASCII file containing model definition/analysis parameters and the analysis results.
HYD -- Binary file containing the hydrodynamic results calculated in AQWA-LINE. Can be used for further AQWA analysis.
我可以笑着扮演你的配角RES -- Binary file containing the model definition/analysis parameters and the hydrodynamic results calculated in AQWA LINE. Can be used for further AQWA analysis or structure visualisation etc in AGS.
EQP -- Binary file containing the equilibrium positions of structures. Created by AQWA-LIBRIUM and used (optional) by FER or DRIFT; see RDEP option.
ENL -- Binary file containing Morison element/nodal loading. Only created for TETHER analysis, or tube elements at analysis stage 6.
MES -- ASCII file containing messages issued during an AQWA analysis.
POS -- Binary file containing structures' positions at each time step. Used by AGS for generating animation.
民兵葛二蛋结尾曲PLT -- Binary file containing AQWA analysis results. Used by AGS for plotting graphs.
PLT是一种二进制文件,包含了AQWA在雨中吉他谱分析的结果。PLTAGS韩国小 李孝利使用以画出图表。
POT -- Binary file containing potentials. Used by AGS or AQWA-WAVE for element pressure calculation. This file is only created by AQWA-LINE when LDOP option is on.
USS -- Binary file containing source strengths. Used by AQWA-WAVE for Morison force calculation. This file is only created by AQWA-LINE when LDOP option is on.
SEQ -- Binary file containing the animation of structure motion. Created and used by AGS.
TAB -- ASCII file containing the statistics table from AQWA-DRIFT TETHER analysis.
PAC -- Binary file containing pressures at element centroids. Used by AGS for post-processing involving pressures.
VAC -- Binary file containing fluid velocities at element centroids. Used by AGS for wave contour plotting.
QTF -- ASCII file containing fully populated matrix of Quadratic Transfer Functions.
All programs in the AQWA suite have a facility for gradual progression through any given
analysis. This facility is made possible by structuring each program into a number of distinct stages, called Restart Stages. These are common to all programs in the suite and the user may run, in sequence, any number (there are six stages). Since the restart stages are common to all programs, this allows the user to run more than one program within any analysis (e.g. the user may run the first three stages of AQWA-LINE and then run the last two stages of AQWA-FER, to complete a specific type of analysis).