Module 1 Wonders of the world
Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.
This is the second lesson in this module. The reading我爱这蓝的海洋 material is information about wonders. It’s a good text to help the students improve their reading strategies, such as getting information from the reading material about the wonder.
1. Key words: natural, light, reply, rock, clear, rise –rose-risen, ground, below, edge, bottom , canyon, top, disappear,
2. Key phrases: get out of; look over, on the edge of, at the bottom of
To get information 平安洋葱of wonders in the world.
Learn to respect nature ..
Learn to write about wonders in the right way.
Learn the key words.
Learn to understand the passage about wonders.
Learn to write a passage about wonders in the world.
Step I. Warm-up 
1. Know about wonders of the world and some adjectives about them.
T shows some pictures to introduce wonders of the world: the Eiffel Tower(modern, tall), Niagara Falls (natural, deep ,wide), The Amazon River (natural, long, wide), Mount Qomolangma (natural, high), Mount Huang (natural)
Step II. Introduction
T: They are all places of interest of China. Let’s know some wonders of the world.
Ss enjoy a video about the Grand Canyon.
Step III. While-reading
(I) Read quickly and match the paragraphs with their contents.
  Para 1 -2  Before I saw it  When I arrived,  After…
Para 3 -4    While I saw it    Suddenly…
Para 5      After I saw it    That morning…
(II) Read Para 1-2 and answer questions.
1. How did the writer get there?
2. What was the weather like at first?
3. Who did the writer ask for help?
(III) Read Para 3-4 and fill in the blanks.
                  The Grand Canyon
How deep/ high is it?
How wide is it?
How long is it?
(IV) Read Para 5 and answer questions.
1. How long did the writer stay there?
2. What was the writer’s question?
3. What is your answer?
Step IV Language points
1. I got out of the car, went through a gate  and walked along a path.
get out of … ……内出来; 逃避; 摆脱
We only want to get out of this dark room as soon as possible. 我们只想尽快离开这个暗室。
get in    进入    get to到达    get on  上(车等)  get off下(车等)
2. After about a kilometre, a stranger appeared in front of me.
appear  vi.  出现
A rainbow appeared after the rain.雨后空中出现了一道彩虹。
disappear  vi. 消失
The sun disappeared behind the cloud.太阳在云层后面消失了。
3. “Yes,” he replied, “you’ll get there in five minutes.
  reply v.回答 reply to sb/sth  回答某人/某事
1) Who can reply to my question? 谁能回答我的问题?
2) Why don’t you reply to me? 你为什么不回答我呀?
reply + that从句  回答到……
I replied that I was unable to help them.
4. I looked carefully over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it.
周杰伦夫妇秀恩爱 look over  ……上面看过去
She looked over the top of the mountain, and saw rocks in different shapes.
拓展:look over  检查
Can you look over my composition for me?你能帮我检查一下我的作文吗?
I looked down to the 我俯瞰科罗拉多河……
Finally, I looked to my left and to
look over  ……上面看过去
She looked over the top of the mountain, and saw rocks in different shapes.
补充:look over  检查
5. I looked down to the Colorado River  about 2,000 metres below me.
look down  ……往下看;俯视
6. Then I looked across to other side of the canyon.
look across  向对面看
He often looks across to the mountains in class. 他上课经常看对面的山。
side  n. 边,面,侧
on the left/right of …/on one’s left/right
7. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon went far away for more than 200 miles.
look to …  …… (某个方向)
Look to the left and to the right before crossing the street. 过马路要左右看。
8. Suddenly, the rain stopped and the clouds cleared.
clear  v. ① (云或雾) 散开 打扫干净
1) The fog cleared and we saw the whole tower in the end. 雾散了,我们终于看见整个塔了。
2) I have to clear the snow in front of the door before I go out. 我出门前得把门前的雪打扫干净。
  clear  adj.  清晰的
  We should keep clear minds.我们必须保持清晰的头脑。
9. The sun rose behind me and shone on the rocks.
(1) rise  v.  升起        rise – rose – risen