1. 青蛙王子/ The Frog-King, or Iron Henry
2. 猫和老鼠交朋友/ Cat and Mouse in Partnership
3. 圣母玛利亚的孩子/ Our Lady's Child
4. 少年闯世界,学习什么是恐惧/ The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was
5. 狼和七只小山羊/ The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids
6. 忠实的约翰尼斯/ Faithful John
7. 好买卖/ The Good Bargain
8. 奇怪的乐师/ The Strange Musician
9. 十二个兄弟/ The Twelve Brothers
10. 一无赖/ The Pack of Ragamuffins
11. 小弟弟和小/ Brother and Sister
12. 野莴苣/ Rapunzel
13. 森林里的三个小矮人/The Three Little Men in the Wood
14. 三个纺织女/ The Three Spinners
15. 汉塞尔和格蕾特尔/ Hansel and Grethel
16. 三片蛇叶/ The Three Snake-Leaves
17. 白蛇/ The White Snake
18. 稻草、火炭和豆子/ The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean
19. 渔夫和他的妻子/ The Fisherman and His Wife
20. 勇敢的小裁缝/ The Valiant Little Tailor
21. 灰姑娘/ Cinderella
22. 谜语/ The Riddle
23. 老鼠、鸟和香肠/ The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage
24. 风雪婆婆/ Mother Holle
25. 七只乌鸦/ The Seven Ravens
26. 小红帽/ Little Red-Cap
27. 不来梅镇上的乐师/ The Bremen Town Musicians
28. 唱歌的骨头/ The Singing Bone
29. 长着三根金发的魔鬼/ The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs
30. 小虱子和小跳蚤/ The Louse and the Flea
包文婧个人资料31. 无手姑娘/ The Girl Without Hands
32. 聪明的汉斯/ Clever Hans
33. 三种语言/ The Three Languages
34. 聪明的爱尔莎/ Clever Elsie
35. 裁缝在天国/ The Tailor in Heaven
36. 魔桌子、金驴子和袋子里的小棍子/ The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack
37. 大拇指/ Thumbling
38. 狐狸太太的婚礼/ The Wedding of Mrs. Fox
39. 小精灵/ The Elves言承旭佟丽娅
40. 强盗新郎/ The Robber Bridegroom
41. 考伯斯先生/ Herr Korbes看上她
42. 教父/ The Godfather
43. 特露德夫人/ Frau Trude
44. 死神教父/ Godfather Death
45. 大拇指漫游记/ 45. Thumbling as Journeyman
46. 菲切尔的鸟/ 46. Fitcher's Bird
47. 杜松树的故事/ The Juniper Tree
48. 老苏坦/ Old Sultan
你听到了吗49. 六只天鹅/ The Six Swans
50. 睡美人/ Little Briar-Rose
51. 拾来鸟/ Fundevogel
52. 尖下巴国王/ King Thrushbeard
53. 白雪公主/ Little Snow-White
54. 背包、帽子和喇叭/ The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn
55. 古怪的姓氏/ Rumpelstiltskin
56. 情人罗兰/ Sweetheart Roland
57. 金鸟/ The Golden Bird
58. 狗与麻雀/ The Dog and the Sparrow
59. 弗雷特尔和卡特丽斯/ Frederick and Catherine
60. 两兄弟/ The Two Brothers
61. 小农夫/ The Little Peasant
62. 蜂王/ The Queen Bee
63. 三根羽毛/ The Three Feathers
64. 金鹅/ The Golden Goose
65. 杂毛姑娘/ Allerleirauh
66. 兔子的新娘/ The Hare's Bride
67. 十二个猎人/ The Twelve Huntsmen
68. 小偷和师傅/ The Thief and His Master
69. 约琳德和约林格尔/ Jorinda and Joringel
70. 三个幸
运儿/ The Three Sons of Fortune
71. 六个好汉闯遍天下/ How Six Men Got on in the World
72. 狼和人/ The Wolf and the Man
73. 狼和狐狸/ The Wolf and the Fox
74. 狼婆与狐狸/ Gossip Wolf and the Fox
75. 狐狸和猫/ The Fox and the Cat
76. 紫丁香/ The Pink
77. 聪明的格蕾特尔/ Clever Gretel
78. 爷爷和孙子/ The Old Man and His Grandson
79. 水妖/ The Water-Nixie
80. 小母鸡之死/ The Death of the Little Hen
81. 逍遥自在的人/ Brother Lustig
82. 赌徒汉斯/ Gambling Hansel
83.幸运的汉斯/ Hans in Luck
84. 汉斯结婚/ Hans Married
85. 金童/ The Gold-Children
86. 狐狸和鹅/ The Fox and the Geese
春天里 春晚87. 穷人和富人/ The Poor Man and the Rich Man
88. 又唱又跳的云雀/ The Singing, Soaring Lark
89. 放鹅女/ The Goose-Girl
90. 一个年轻的巨人/ The Youne Giant
91. 矮人精/ The Gnome
92. 金山之王/ The King of the Golden Mountain
93. 乌鸦/ The Raven
94. 聪明的农家姑娘/ 94. The Peasant's Wise Daughter
95. 老希尔德布兰特/ Old Hildebrand
96. 三只小鸟/ The Three Little Birds
97. 生命之水/ The Water of Life
98. 万事通医生/ Doctor Knowall
99. 瓶子里的妖精/ The Spirit in the Bottle
100. 魔鬼灰兄弟/ 100. The Devil's Sooty Brother
101. 懒汉/ Bearskin
102. 鹪鹩和熊/ The Willow-Wren and the Bear
103. 香甜的米粥/ Sweet Porridge
104. 一聪明人/ Wise Folks
105. 蛤蟆的故事/ Tales of the Paddock
106. 可怜的磨坊学徒和猫/ The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat
107. 两个旅伴/ The Two Travellers
108. 刺猬汉斯/ Hans the Hedgehog
109. 小寿衣/ The Shroud 561
110. 荆棘丛中的犹太人/ The Jew Among Thorns
111. 本领高强的猎人/ The Skillful Huntsman
112. 天上的连枷/ The Flail From Heaven
113. 两个国王的孩子/ 113. The Two Kings' Children
114. 聪明的小裁缝/ The Cunning Little Tailor
115. 灿烂的阳光下显真相/ The Bright Sun Brings it to Light
116. 蓝灯/ The Blue Light
117. 任性的孩子/ The Wilful Child
118. 三个军医/ The Three Army Surgeons
119. 七个斯瓦本人/ The Seven Swabians
120. 三个学徒/ The Three Apprentices
121. 天大胆的王子/ 121. The King's Son Who Feared Nothing
122. 菜驴/ Donkey Cabbages
123. 森林中的老太婆/ The Old Woman in the Wood
124. 三兄弟/ The Three Brothers
125. 魔鬼和他的祖母/ The Devil and His Grandmother
126. 忠实的费尔南德和不忠实的费尔南德/ Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful
127. 铁炉子/ The Iron Stove
128. 懒惰的纺纱妇/ The Lazy Spinner
129. 本领高强的四个兄弟/ The Four Skilful Brothers
130. 一只眼、两只眼和三只眼/ One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes
131. 美丽的卡特琳娜勒和皮夫·帕夫·帕尔特里/ Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie
椎名林檎132. 狐狸和马/ The Fox and the Horse
133. 跳破了的鞋/ The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces
134. 六个仆人/ The Six Servants
135. 白新娘和黑新娘/ The
White Bride and the Black Bride
136. 铁汉斯/ Iron Hans
137. 三个黑衣公主/ The Three Black Princesses
694 138. 克诺衣斯特和他的三个儿子/ Knoist and His Three Sons
139. 布拉克姑娘/ The Maid of Brakel
140. 我的一家/ My Household
141. 小羊和小鱼/ The Lambkin and the Little Flsh
142. 泽姆西山/ Simeli Mountain
143. 旅行/ Going a Travelling
144. 毛驴/ The Donkey
145. 不孝之子/ The Ungrateful Son
146. 萝卜/ The Turnip
147. 返老还童/ The Old Man Made Young Again
148. 上帝的动物和魔鬼的动物/ The Lord's Animals and the Devil's
149. 雄鸡驮木梁/ The Beam
150. 要饭的老太婆/ The Old Beggar-Woman
151a. 三个懒人/ The Three Sluggards
151b. 十二个懒仆人/ The Twelve Idle Servants
152. 牧童/ The Shepherd Boy
153. 星币/ The Star-Money
154. 偷藏的钱/ The Stolen Farthings
155. 选择未婚妻/ Looking for a Bride
156. 扔掉的东西/ The Hurds
157. 麻雀和它的四个孩子/ The Sparrow and His Four Children
158. 极乐世界的童话/ The Story of Schlauraffen Land
159. 不可置信的童话/ The Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders
160. 谜语童话/ A Riddling Tale
161. 雪白的玫瑰和红玫瑰/ Snow-White and Rose-Red
162. 聪明的仆人/ The Wise Servant
163. 玻璃棺材/ The Glass Coffin
164. 懒人海因茨/ Lazy Harry
165. 大鹏/ The Griffin
166. 强壮的汉斯/ Strong Hans
167. 农夫进天堂/ The Peasant in Heaven
168. 瘦子丽莎/ Lean Lisa
169. 林中小屋/ The Hut in the Forest
170. 同甘共苦/ Sharing Joy and Sorrow
171. 篱笆王/ The Willow-Wren
172. 比目鱼/ The Sole
173. 鸟和戴胜鸟/ The Bittern and the Hoopoe
174. 猫头鹰/ The Owl
175. 月亮/ The Moon
176. 寿命/ The Duration of Life
177. 死神的使者/ Death誷 Messengers
178. 鞋匠师傅/ Master Pfriem
179. 井边放鹅女/ The Goose-Girl at the Well
180. 夏娃的孩子各不相同/ Eve誷 Various Children
181. 池塘里的水妖/ The Nixie of the Mill-Pond
182. 小矮人的礼物/ 183. The Giant and the Tailor
183. 巨人和裁缝/ The Giant and the Tailot
184. 钉子/ The Nail
185. 墓中可怜的孩子/ The Poor Boy in the Grave
186. 真正的新娘/ The True Bride
187. 兔子和刺猬/ The Hare and the Hedgehog
188. 纺锤、梭子和缝衣针/ The Spindle, the Shuttle and the Needle
189. 农夫和魔鬼/ The Peasant and the Devil
190. 桌子上的面包屑/ The Crumbs on the Table
191. 海兔/ The Sea-Hare
192. 贼王/ The Master-Thief
193. 鼓手/ The Drummer
194. 麦穗/ The Ear of Corn
195. 坟丘/ The Grave-Mound
196. 老林克兰克/ Old Rinkrank
197. 水晶球/ The Crystal Ball
198. 梅琳姑娘/ Maid Maleen
199. 牛皮靴/ The Boots of Buffalo-Leather
200. 金钥匙/ The Golden Key
201. 森林里的圣者约瑟夫/ St. Joseph in the Forest
202. 十二使徒/ The Twelve Apostles
203. 玫瑰/ The Rose
204. 贫穷和屈辱可以使人上天堂/ Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven
205. 上帝之食/ God'
s Food
206. 三根绿树枝/ The Three Green Twigs
207. 圣母杯/ Our Lady's Little Glass
208. 老太婆/ The Aged Mother
209. 天堂的婚礼/ The Heavenly Wedding
210. 榛子树/ The Hazel-Branch