Unit 2 King Lear
1. I love you more than all the riches in the world, more than my freedom, more even than my own eyesight. In fact, I love you more than life itself. 我爱您胜于爱世上所有的财富, 胜于爱我的自由, 甚至还胜于爱我的眼睛。事实上, 我爱您胜于爱自己的生命。
    这个句子是省略句, 完整的表达应该是 “I love you more than I love all the riches in the world, more than I love my freedom, more even than I love my own eyesight. In fact, I love you more than I love life itself.” 这个句子采用排比的修辞手法, 一连用了四个more than, 从不同层次和不同角度陈述同一内容, 以加强I love you的语气。
    rich是形容词, 它的名词形式为richness。而riches是名词, 网上音乐>图片意思是“财富;财宝;金钱”等,它只有复数形式。如:
Riches have wings. 【谚】钱财易散。
She gave away all her riches. 她把自己的全部财产都送给了别人。
每一次当爱再靠近    近义词有:possessions, fortune, gold, money, property, treasure, wealth等。
    In order to watch the soccer game, they even closed the store. 为了看足球比赛, 他们甚至把店门关了。
I didn’t even know his name. 我甚至不知道他的名字。
Some robots can even talk to you. 一些机器人甚至能和你对话。
    Shanghai is a huge city, larger even than Beijing. 上海是个很大的城市,甚至比北京还大。
    The task might be difficult, impossible even. 这项任务也许很难,甚至不可能完成。
    2. In expressing her love for you, my sister has also expressed mine. 在表达她对您的爱的同时, 也道出了我的心声。
    这里的in是介词,表示“在某行动或过程中”(during the act or process of),相当于while。如:
    In racing for the bus, she fell and hurt her knees. 她追赶公共汽车时摔了一跤,伤了膝盖。
    In helping you with the competition, I have also learned a lot. 在帮助你参赛的同时, 我也学了不少。
杨洋资料    3. This part is equal in value to what I give to Goneril. 这部份和我给贡纳莉的那部份价值相等。
    what I give to Goneril 相当于the part that I give to Goneril
    be equal in意思是“在 (某方面) 相等”。如:
    Are men and women equal in physical strength? 男人和女人在体力上相当吗?
    You and I are equal in strength, but not in intelligence. 你我力气相当,但智力有高下之分。
    区别be equalto (与……相等) 。如:
    Let X be equal to Y. X等于Y
    They receive an income that is equal to the value of the goods they produce. 他们所得的收入与他们所生产的产品价值相当。
    4. You are no longer my daughter but a stranger to my heart. 你不再是我的女儿,我心里再也没有你。
stranger的含义是“陌生人”,换句话说, 既非亲人, 亦非朋友, 也非熟人, 而是完全不相干的人。李尔王在心中将科迪莉亚从最宠爱的女儿陡然降格为非亲非故的陌生人, 表达了他失望而愤怒的心情。而daughterstranger在语音上的押韵更衬托了这种强烈的反差。
    be a stranger to是个短语, 意思是“对……陌生;对……没有经验;对……不习惯”, 对应的反义短语为be no stranger to。例如:
    He is a stranger to our country. 他不懂我们的国家。
    He is no stranger to hardship. 他曾历尽沧桑。
    5. We’ll see if either wants to be a bridegroom when she has no riches to bring to the marriage. 我们倒要看看, 她没有分毫嫁妆, 谁愿意当她的新郎。
    值得注意的是, 这个句子中的if相当于whether, 表示“是否”。而when则相当于if, since, now that, 张晨光前妻是岳翎表示“如果;既然”。如:
    How can he get good grades when he doesn’t study hard?他不用功的话怎么拿高分呢?
    Why does she always drive to work when she could easily take the bus?她坐公交车上班很方便, 为什么总是开车去呢?
    这个句子中有三个不定式结构, 句法功能各不相同。to be a bridegroom充当want韩国女星潜规则视频的宾语,
to bring to the marriage充当riches的定语,to the marriage充当bring的状语。
    6. If you have not passed beyond my frontiers within five days, I will have you killed. 五天之内你若没有离开我的国土, 我就叫人杀了你。
    have sth doneget sth done都是“叫别人做某事”,但have sth done更正式。如:
    We’ve just had the house decorated. 我们刚叫人把房子装修了一下。
    It’ll be a long joumey. We’d better have the car serviced before we set out. 这次旅行路途遥远, 我们最好在出发之前叫人把汽车维修一下。
    Doesn’t Mike look smart? He has had that suit made specially for the wedding. 迈克看上去很潇洒,是吧?他那身西装是专为婚礼而定做的。
    7. His plays make people laugh an dcry, sometimes at the same time. 他的戏剧有时让人发笑, 有时让人落泪, 有时让人又哭又笑。
    这是个省略句, sometimes后面省略了laugh and cry
    at the same time表示“两个动作同时发生”,如:
    If you all talk at the same time, I can’t understand what you’re saying. 如果你们同时开口讲话, 我根本不知道你们在说什么。
    What’s going on here? She’s laughing and crying at the same time. 她又哭又笑的, 发生什么事了?
    Do you know that footballer who’s shouting and running at the same time?你认识那个一边奔跑一边叫喊的足球运动员吗?
    at the same time还可以引出和前一句同等重要的事实或观点, 相当于however, 比如:
    He wanted to support this wife, but at the same time he didn’t want to offend his mother. 他想站在妻子一边, 但又不想得罪妈妈。
    You promised to reduce our work load, but at the same time you gave us more homework. 你答应减轻我们的学习负担, 但又给我们布置更多的家庭作业。
    8. OK Caius, I’ll give you a trial. And if you prove to be good at your job, I’ll keep you on as my servant. 好的, 凯厄斯, 我将考验你一下。如果你能证明你擅长你的差使, 我会留你作我的仆人。