Cordyceps steamed ox tongue虫草蒸牛舌
keren annType chafing dish藏式火锅
Fried lamb炸羊腿
Snow light spicy sheep's head雪光香辣羊头
Butter yellow mushroom酥油黄菇
Fried mutton chop香酥炸羊排
Braised beef with carrots萝卜炖牛肉
Ya Dong edible fungus亚东木耳
Potato and mutton土豆羊肉
Fried steak炸牛排
Fried mutton chop油炸羊排
Boiled mutton煮羊肉
Potatoes fried mutton土豆炸牛肉
Onion on muttonthe doors葱葆羊肉
Fried beef炸牛肉
Natural beef自然牛肉
Pleasant Zi sizzling beef steak喜孜铁板牛肉
唐嫣整容前后对比照Braised beef红烧牛肉大城小事国语版
Steamed beef清蒸牛舌
Fried chicken with saffron藏红花炒鸡柳
Plate with chicken板鸡柳
Ginseng fruit fried rice人参果炒饭billy gilman
Butter and cheese酥油炖奶酪
Ma Sheng马生
Butter noodles pill酥油面丸
虞书欣个人资料及简介Frying and boiling炸煮条
Yogurt and rice酸奶饭
Butter yellow mushroom酥油黄菇
The fried rice雪域炒饭