The Vanished Reality
asia chow
The Modern Art Oxford Gallery celebrates its 50 years in existence with nine artists, including European big names Marcel Broodthaers and Hans Hacke, exploring the relationship between the production of artwork and the social conditions in which it is created.
The Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait
Britain’s leading international photographic competition is open to gifted amateurs and professionals from around the world, competing for the£15,000 prize. Fifty-seven pictures are on show.
Masters of Japanese Photography
Timeless beauty and urban bad conditions are the twin poles of post-Second World War Japanese photography. Focusing on the former, while allowing space for the latter, this view of three key figures-Nobuyoshi Araki, Eikoh Hosoe and Kikuji Kawada-features around 60 works and shows the technical skills of Japanese photographers over this period.
The Radical Eye
Drawn from one of the world’s greatest photographic collections-yes, Elton John’s-this astonishing show focuses on the key period between the Twenties and Fifties, with some
photos by Man Ray and key works by Brassai, Lange and Kertesz. A photo takes on a completely different feel when you experiment with exposures, papers and burnishing(抛光) techniques like the master photographers here.
Tate Modern, London SE1 (020 7887 8888),May 1-May 7
1.What is special about the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait?
A.Lasting the longest.    B.Offering some money.
C.Displaying more photos.    D.Being aimed at amateurs.
2.Which of the following will be on during the Christmas holiday?
A.The Radical Eye.    B.The Vanished Reality.
C.Masters of Japanese Photography.    D.The Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait.
3.Where should we go to take part in Masters of Japanese Photography?
A.Modern Art Oxford.
angela babyB.Tate Modern, London SE1.
C.National Portrait Gallery, London WC2.
D.Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich.
1.细节理解题。根据The Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait标题下的内容的第一句话“Britain's leading international photographic competition is open to gifted amateurs and professionals from around the world, competing for the£15,000 prize. (英国领先的国际摄影比赛面向来自世界各地的有天赋的业余爱好者和专业人士,他们将争夺£15000英镑奖金)”可知,这个The Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait的特殊之处在于会给获奖的人提供奖金。故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据The Vanished Reality下的 “Modern Art Oxford (018 6572 2733), Dec.15-Dec.31(牛津现代艺术展(018 6572 2733),12月15日至31日)”可知,The Vanished Reality在圣诞节期间展出。故选B。
3菊次郎的夏天吉他谱.细节理解题。根据Masters of Japanese Photography标题下的“Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts,Norwich (016 0359 3199),Mar.8-Mar.19(塞恩斯伯里视觉艺术中心,诺里奇(016 0359 3199),3月8日至3月19日)”可知,如果去参观Masters of Japanese Photography的话,地点在Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts,Norwich。故选D。
Park guards who watch North America’s highest mountain say inexperienced and overconfident climbers are taking more risks and endangering themselves and other climbers. The guards suggest many climbers are trying to move up the mountain too fast after having a year of.
Denali in southern Alaska is 6,190 meters above sea level. So, climbing it requires a high
level of skill. Climbers also need to acclimate to high altitudes (海拔), which is not needed for most mountains in the US. 马丽升级当妈
The National Park Service recently made a statement warning that many climbers in the Alaska Range are showing signs of inexperience and overconfidence. After reporting no deaths in 2018 and 2019, at least two people have already died on the mountain in 2021. Two others were seriously injured, officials said.
Earlier this month, a skier from the state of Colorado died after falling into a very deep cut in the ice. A climber from the state of Idaho was killed by a large falling piece of ice.
The guards made their statement after a Canadian climber was seriously injured after falling nearly 305meters. He was not wearing climbing ropes. Other climbers reported the fall. People in a helicopter (直升机) studying mountain ice in the area were able to save the man,park officials said.
刘德华支持占中The Park Service statement named several reasons for the increase in injuries and death
s. They include extreme tiredness, untested body reactions to high altitudes, quickly changing weather, and not bringing the right equipment.
In recent years,guards said they have seen more climbers try to make Denali’s top by climbing the 2,134 meters from the final base camp to the top in one day. This is nearly impossible to do except for the most experienced climbers.
Experts suggest that climbers take 17 to 2l days to reach the top of Denali. That includes rest days and extra days to wait out bad weather.