Ogilvie: now then, you two was in the hit-’n-run.
Duchess: what are you talking about?
Ogilvie: don’t play games, lady. This is for real.(拿烟,咬烟头) you saw the papers. There’s been plenty on radio, too.
Duchess: (脸红)what you are suggesting is the most dis’gusting, ri’diculous…
Ogilvie: I told you –cut it out! (拿烟在公爵鼻子下晃了晃)you listen to me, your high-an’-mightiness. This city’s burnin’mad--cops, mayor, everybody else. When they find who done last night, who killed that kid an’its mother, then high-tailed it, they’ll throw the books, and never mind who it hits, or whether they got fancy titles neither. Now I know what I know, and if I do what by rights I should, there’ll be a squad of cops in h
ere so fast you’ll hardly see’em. But I come to you first, in fairness, so’s you could tell your side of it to me.(眨眼变凶)if you want it the other way, just say so.
Duchess: (跳起来怒容满面)you unspeakable blackguard! How dare you!
Duke: (对Duchess)it’s no go, old girl. I’m afraid. It was a good try.(对Ogilvie) what you accuse us of is ture. I am to blame. I was driving the car and killing the little girl.
Ogilvie: that’s more like it.(点烟) now we’re getting somewhere.
Duchess: (疲乏的做认输手势,颓然坐回椅子上,双手对握已掩饰颤抖) what is it you know?
Ogilvie: well now, I’ll spell it out.(吐眼圈带嘲讽意看Duchess(皱鼻)指向Duke)last night, early on, you went to Lindy’s Place in Irish Bayou, You drove there in your fancy jaguar, and you took a lady friend. Leastways, I guess you’d call he that if you’re not too fussy’(看Duchess咧嘴笑)
上善若水 何晟铭>我的未来式 陈每文Duke: (厉声吼) get on with it.
Ogilvie: well, the way I hear it, you won a hundred at the tables, then lost it at the bar. You were into a second hundred-with a real swinging party-when your wife here got there in a taxi.
Duke: how would you know all this?
Ogilvie: I told you, Ogilvie-I’ve been in this town and this hotel a long time. I got friends all over. I oblige them; they do the same for me, like letting me know what gives, and where. There ain’t much, out of the way, which people who stay in this hotel do, I don’t get to hear about. Most of’em never know I know, or know me. They think they got their little secret tucked away, and so they have-except like now.
Duke: (冷冷地)I see.
Ogilvie: one thing I’d like to know. I got a curious nature, ma’am. How’d you figure
where he was?
Duchess: you know so much… I supposed it doesn’t matter. My husband has a habit of making notes while he is telephoning. Afterward he often forgets to destroy them.
Ogilvie: (咋舌表责备)a little careless habit like that, Ogilvie-look at the mess it gets you in. well, here’s what I figure about the rest. You an’your wife took off home, you drivin’, though the way things turned out it might have been better if she’d have drove.
Duke: my wife doesn’t drive.
Ogilvie: (点头表理解) explains that one. Anyway, I reckon you were lickered up, but good…
Duchess: then you don’t know! You don’t know anything for sure! You can’t possibly prove…
Ogilvie: lady, I can prove all I need to.
Duke:(规劝Duchess) better let him finish, old girl.
Ogilvie: that’s right, just sit an’ listen. Last night I seen you come in-though the basement, so’s not to use the lobby. Look the right shaken, too, the pair of you, just come in myself, an’I got to wondering why. Like I said, I got a curious nature.
Duchess: go on.
Ogilvie: late last night the word was out about the hit-’n-run. On a hunch I went over the garage and took a quiet look-see at your car. You maybe don’t know-it’s away in the corner, behind a pillar where the jockeys don’t see it when they’re comin’by.
Duke:(舔嘴唇)isuppose that doesn’t matter now.
灰姑娘 下载Ogilvie: you might have something there. Anyway, what I found made me do some
scouting-across at police headquarters where they know me too.(吸香烟看一眼红烟头) over there they got three things to go on. They got a headlight trim ring which musta come off when the kid an’the woman was hit. They got some headlight glass, and look’in at the kid’s clothin’, they reckon there’ll be a brush trace.
Duchess: a what?
Ogilvie: you rub clothes against something hard, Duchess, specially if it’s shiny like a car fender, say, an’it leaves a mark the same way as fingerprints.
Duke: (像讨论与自己无关紧要的事) that’s interesting, I didn’t know that.
Ogilvie: not many do. In this case, though, I reckon it don’t make a lot difference. On your car you got a busted headlight, and the trim ring’s gone. Ain’t any doubt they’d match up, even without the brush trace an’the blood. Oh year, I shoulda told, there’s plenty of blood, though it don’t show too much on the black paint.