蓝眼泪 陈冠蒲他历经重重险阻,在家族先⼈的帮助下,踏上了寻回家之路的奇幻历险,也更深刻地体会到家庭和亲情的意义。
1. 家⼈是⽐梦想更重要的事情。
The family is more important than the dream.
宋祖瑛2. 永远别忘了你的家⼈们有多爱你。
Never forget how much your family loves you.
3. 在爱的记忆消失以前,请记住我。
Remember me before the memory of love disappears.
4. 可以不需要原谅,但不应该被遗忘。
You can not be forgiven, but it should not be forgotten.
5. 我再也不想听什么允不允许的了,当你看到机会就决不能与它擦肩⽽过,你必须抓住它。
何超雄为什么变成这样I am done asking permission. When you see your moment, you mustn't let it pass you by. You must seize it!
6. 他⼀⼼想唱歌,想去更远的舞台,⽽我想的是在⽣活⾥好好扎根,⼥⼉是⽐⾳乐更重要的事。
He wanted to sing and want to go to the farther stage, and what I thought was to take root in life. The daughter was more important than music.城市少女