第二节 (满分25分)
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红蝴蝶 吴卓羲A Water Boy
It was the longest heat wave anyone could remember, and Sebastian couldn’t wait to cool off at the beach with his dad. Before heading out of town, they stopped at the library down the street to return a few books.
Sebastian noticed several workers on the library roof. “What are they doing?” he asked.
Dad watched them for a moment. “Fixing the roof. ”He shook his head as they drove away. “Hot day for that. I worked as a roofer for a few years. Hardest job I ever had. ”It was then that an idea flashed across Sebastian’s head:I bet they could need some drinking water. But the idea disappeared just quickly from the ten-year-old's mind, for his thoughts all turned to swimming.
The sea was perfect for swimming, and the light wind cooled the air. But all too soon they were headed home. Sebastian was half listening to the car radio when the DJ gave the weather report. “The record breaking heat will continue throughout the afternoon, ”she added. “If you have to be outside, remember to drink enough water. ”What the DJ said reminded Sebastian of his just-finished soccer camp. Even with frequent water breaks, it had been terribly hot. His jersey (球衣) stuck to his skin so stubbornly at the end of each day that he could hardly pull it off. Suddenly, Sebastian remembered the roofers. “What happened to them?”Sebastian thought to himself. He immediately asked his dad to drive to the library.
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When they reached there, the roofers were still working in the heat.
The roofers all climbed down happily for a water break.
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Adam, 8, and Peter, 10, played at the seaside with their mom every day. Every single day, they would come across an old man who would sit quietly on a chair, watching the w
One day, the brothers approached him. For some reason, the old man who always avoided people started a long conversation with the two boys and introduced himself as Walter Bridgeton. After a while, Peter finally asked the question they had been longing to ask: “Sir, why do you sit 活得潇洒out here every day?”
“Well, I have been waiting here for my brother, James, for 10 years. We were in the army together and then were sent to different countries. This happened a long time ago. When we last saw each other, we promised to meet right here, where we used to walk with our mother, ”the old man explained.
“How do you know he's still coming?” Adam asked.
“That's the thing . I don't know . They gave me his army dog tags(军籍身份牌), but they never found him. He is still missing, ”he said. The old man patted the boys' heads and said, “Look after your brother, boys. ”
The boys enjoyed his company ever since that day, and they were also surprised to know they lived near each other. Deeply moved by Walter's story, the brothers decided to use social media to spread it, hoping to find his brother. One day, they went to the beach to tell him about what they did, but didn't find him at his usual spot. “Something must have happened. Let's go to his house now, ”Peter said.
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They knocked at the door when they got there.
第二节 (满分25 分)
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。可惜不是你伴奏
She came into my life when I was seven years old. My dad found her at work. She was wandering and starving. He took one look at her, and said, “Seems like you could use a good home.” He opened up the door to his truck and she jumped in. Her tail wagged (摇动) all the way.