1.Executive Summary Darwin Joint Terminal
1.1The Title of the Proposal
The Shell Company of Australia Limited (Shell), BP Australia Limited (BP) and
Mobil Oil Australia Limited (Mobil) propose to build and operate a terminal at
East Arm Port in Darwin Harbour to receive, store and load out petroleum
products.  The facility is referred to as the Darwin Joint Terminal (DJT).
1.2Name and Address of Proponent
The three companies are in the process of negotiating an agreement with the
Northern Territory Government concerning access to 20 ha of land within the
East Arm Port precinct.  Following agreement with the Government, the three
companies will jointly form an appropriate business entity to construct, own
and operate the facility.  Shell has been appointed project manager, and as
such the Proponent for this project is:
Shell Company of Australia Limited
Shell House
1 Spring Street
Attention: MLB LOMX
1.3Project Background and Justification
The Northern Territory Government announced in August 1992 that additional
port facilities would be built at East Arm in Darwin Harbour.  Expansion of the
port has been a long-term goal of the Northern Territory Government since
self-government was achieved in 1978.  The East Arm Port is being
constructed in stages and will ultimately have the potential to handle
projected volumes of general cargoes, livestock and bulk materials for at
least the next fifty years.
Bulk petroleum shipments are currently received at the Fort Hill Berth, with
product stored at and distributed from the Shell, BP and Mobil terminals at
Frances Bay. The proposed DJT at East Arm will replace the three existing
terminals and will be capable of handling the bulk fuel requirements for
Darwin and a large proportion of Territory markets.  It will be designed to grow
with the Territory and will be a purpose-built facility appropriately designed
and constructed to suit the needs of the users.
The site is strategically located near the new East Arm Port, which will have
bulk oil tanker berthing facilities and dedicated receipt pipelines from the
wharf to the terminal.  It is also located adjacent to the proposed Alice
Springs to Darwin railway line.  Allowance has been made for the future
construction of a dedicated siding and rail tank car loading gantry.
Darwin Joint Terminal
The construction of the new terminal at East Arm and the removal of the old terminals will allow land at Frances Bay to be redeveloped for the uses proposed in the Central Darwin Land Use Objectives 1996.  With the relocation of the oil company Fort Hill Wharf and tank farm activities, it is expected that oil company road train movements will be significantly reduced within the city area.  This will have traffic safety and residential benefits.
1.4Description of Project
The DJT site is being prepared for the proponent by the Northern Territory Government, and this preparation includes the necessary subdivision, earthworks and off-site stormwater drainage, and connection of services.  The Northern Territory Government will also provide the oil berth, the
wharf/terminal supply pipelines and other ancillary works.  The proponent will provide the DJT and will operate the integrated oil berth, wharf/terminal pipeline and terminal system.  Therefore for the purposes of this PER the starting point for the project is the construction of terminal facilities.
安若溪和李四怎么了The 20 ha site will provide adequate space for the immediate and future storage and distribution needs of the three oil companies.
A total of 11 tanks will be constructed initially.  The terminal layout plan allows for construction of at least 2 additional tanks in the future to meet potential market demands.  The basis of the design for tankage is the year 2006 offtakes, and has regard for stock cover and product supply logistics.  The total storage capacity is 135 Ml of bulk fuel.  The total actual and estimated throughput for the years 1996 and 2006 are 606 and 797 Ml, respectively.
The largest tanks to be constructed will have height/diameter dimensions of 22/36 m, respectively.  Tank separation will conform to the relevant Australian Standards (AS 1940).  Separation distances are 1.5 times the diameter of the tanks, having regard to risk management and the ability to reduce the need for ancillary fire equipment.
The gantry/distribution area will ultimately allow for the transport of fuel by road trains and rail.  Road access will be provided to Berrimah Road to Department of Transport and Works Construction Agency requirements.  The gantry/distribution area will also incorporate offices, a control room, a workshop, firewater tank and pump house, storage areas and other ancillary facilities.
All fuel circulation pipelines within the site will generally be constructed above ground.
The site will be secured with security fencing and complemented by security guard patrols.  Vehicle and personal access will be by security key card.  Site lighting will be provided and emergency security lighting will be provided in the event of a power failure.
Darwin Joint Terminal
张学友专辑1.5Potential Environmental Impacts
The potential environmental impacts and proposed management associated with each stage of the development are summarised in Table 1.1.
The primary objectives of the proposed environmental management and monitoring programme are to control environmental impacts to levels within acceptable standards, and to minimise possible impact on the community and the workforce of foreseeable risks during the planning, design, construction and subsequent operation phases of the terminal.
The proposed construction phase of the development will extend for approximately 24 months and will result in a number of short term effects such as the generation of noise and dust caused by earthworks and building activities and may result in increased erosion through surface runoff.
The operation phase of the project has the potential to produce longer term effects on the environment than the construction phase.  The main issues include risk and hazards associated with the handling and storage of flammable hydrocarbons, atmospheric emissions, contamination of the environment through spills or leaks of hydrocarbon products and management of potentially contaminated stormwater.
It should be noted that the DJT will rationalise the three existing oil company terminals at Frances Ba
y to the single East Arm location, and that there will be a corresponding rationalisation of risk.  There will be benefits such as emergency response and a general reduction in the Darwin community’s exposure to risk from fuel storage facilities and operations.
1.6Summary of Management Commitments
The proposal seeks to establish a joint user petroleum terminal that will use proven, appropriate technology to minimise environmental impacts from the terminal.  The major potential environmental impacts and risks associated with the project are well categorised and understood, and appropriate management practices will be adopted for the benefit of the community at large.
The proponent has proposed several management commitments to ensure the development of an environmentally sound project.  A summary of the management commitments is presented in Table 1.2.
Table 1.1:  Summary of Potential Impacts Associated with the DJT
Construction Phase
Issue Potential Impact Environmental Management and Safeguards Monitoring
Air Quality Dust emissions from earthworks and vehicle华晨宇与张碧晨
movements reducing air quality.If dust emission is a problem then dust suppression
using water trucks and sprinklers will be
Visually monitored by construction contractor.
Ambient monitoring will be undertaken in response
to complaints.
Noise Construction activities may generate significant
noise.Construction will be carried out in accordance with
Section 6 of Australian Standard 2436-1981.
Site is within a designated industrial area with the
nearest residence more than 5km away.
Ambient noise monitoring will be implemented in
response to noise complaints.
Surface Runoff and Erosion Siltation of mangrove areas and increased turbidity
and sedimentation of the waters of East Arm from
surface runoff and erosion.Implementation of good construction practices aimed
at minimising erosion impacts such as providing
surface drainage system to divert runoff away from
disturbed areas and provision of silt traps to minimise
off-site sediment discharge.
Regular inspection of silt traps.
Acid Sulphate Soils Leachate from acid sulphate soils impacting on
the surrounding environment and causing
corrosion and weakening of concrete foundations
and sub-surface structures.Investigate the acid forming potential of landfill used
at the site.
If potential acid forming soils are identified then an
acid sulphate soil management plan will be
The acid potential of soil from DJT site will be
monitored prior to construction.
Introduced Weeds, and Pests and Diseases The importation of weed species or seed material
by vehicles.
A washdown procedure for off-road vehicles to be
instigated if required.
Construction Wastes Waste management of construction wastes will be
required.Solid wastes disposed of to approved landfill sites.
Wastes oils and solvents collected and recycled or disposed to an approved liquid waste disposal site.
Sewage and sullage retained in sealed tanks and disposed to an approved waste disposal site.
Issue Potential Impact Environmental Management and Safeguards Monitoring
Biting Insects Increase in mosquitos and other biting insect
numbers due to pondage of water and potential for
creation of breeding sites.
一个人的七夕Potential public health problem through the
transmission of diseases.
Public nuisance.Careful attention to design and maintenance of
earthworks and drainage systems during construction
to avoid creation of significant habitat areas for
mosquito larvae.
Use of larvicides may be required to prevent mosquito
breeding in slit traps.
Regular site inspection for breeding areas.
Traffic Increased traffic and associated safety issues.Only through traffic is to adjacent cement complex or
East Arm Port.  Construction traffic movements will
be via designated arterial roads such as Berrimah
Road, Tiger Brennan Drive and Stuart Highway and
will not travel through residential areas.