伤不起mp3下载  My favorite music is Beethoven created the first movement of fate, the instrumental music is divided into five groups: string, woodwind, brass, percussion group and color group. String section is made up of violin, viola, cello, times the cello playing. The woodwind group is made up of piolo, flute, oboe, English horn, clari, a great play. Steel pipe group is made up of trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba playing. Percussion group is made up of timpani, gongs, cymbals, tambourine, Angle iron play, etc. Color instrument group is made up of a piano, harp, xylophone, aluminum glockenspiel, etc.
  Start the music of the ripples makes people feel excited, as facing the heavy seas. Then let a person feel the waves struck to the reefs of the sea, deafening sound. And let a person feel the sea to blow breeze, breeze into the wind, the wind has now bee a tornado. The win
d sea spray, spray and playing on the sea from the sky. Then the wind stopped, the waves of breath, and a gust of wind blowing, the wind Flying in the sky and a storm, and finally the rain slowly stopped, everything seems to be not happened, the sea is When listening to music, let a person can not regrets Beethoven talent in music creation. It
  This is my favorite music, Beethoven created "the first movement of fate!
美丽新天地  我最喜欢的音乐莫过于贝多芬所创作的《命运第一乐章》,这音乐分为五个器乐组:弦乐组、木管组、铜管组、打击乐组和彩乐器组。弦乐组是由小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、倍大提琴演奏的。木管组是由短笛、长笛、双簧管、英国管、单簧管、大管演奏的。钢管组是由小号、圆号、长号、低音号演奏的。打击乐组是由定音鼓、锣、镲、铃鼓、三角铁等演奏的。彩乐器组是由钢琴、竖琴、木琴、铝板钟琴等演奏的。
  Art can edify sentiment, cultivate people's interests. Music, like a spring of moist people's hearts. I like art, especially like music, I think: the beautiful melody is better than all of the language.
  I like music, because she has a yearning for ten thousand kinds of reasons. When unhappy, music let me open your heart to tell her to get rid of the gloomy clouds; When a beating, music let me indulge, slowly groping in "the lost the yong" truth. ; When placency, I found a open-minded in music is calm state of mind, as if out of the earth, e to xanadu. In the relaxed and happy, I more would like to share with the eternal friend, together with melodious music. 赵晗
  I like music, like her colorful and endless charm. She is a goddess, but it can make different nationalities, different color, different backgrounds, different classes of people have of her. I'm just an ordinary student, but getting her a variety of grace: I like classical music, like in the spring with gay dance to the rhythm of the birds pay homage to the king, in the summer to play "sing night fishing boat", in the autumn morning to enjoy the mountain stream, hear the cucurbit flute in winter; I like pop music, like jay Chou, wang lee hom's Chinese wind, like ayumi hamasaki, jang na-ra, Japan and South Korea songs of romantic emotional appeal, more like avril, maria - kelly's classic European and American songs; I also like the western music, like in the depressed feelings of Beethoven's "fate", likes to enjoy the "home" in meditation, like when sadness slowly tastes have beautiful "butterfly lovers" and that of Jude.
  I like music, I try to listen to all types of, is a long story so she gives me a help. I once very introverted, always lonely aompanies. Since the music to know, I have a friend to listen and talk. She told me to change gradually, bee active with people, get to show up. In friendship, I got many music as good friends; In life, I learned to overe difficulties, foun
d better; On study, I will interest in music into learning motivation, thus moment self-confidence; The most important still is on their own, I have a pair of good at listening ears, feel beautiful melody, and a heart to keep good, it let me on the stage of the school, on the stage of the life forever
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