汉语国际初级教学课堂用语 teaching chinese
1.请举手raise your hands/put your hands up
2.请坐 sit down please
3.请站起来stand up
4.请坐好sit properly/sit straight
5.请出来come to the front
6.请回到座位上go back to your seat
7.请看黑板look at the blackboard
8.请注意attention please
9.请闭上眼睛close your eyes
10.请安静please be quiet
11.我们来点名let's check the attendance
12.我先读一遍i'll read it first
13.请听好listen carefully
14.请复述repeat after me
15.请跟我读read after me
16.再来一次one more time
17.大家一起读let's read it all together
18.大声说speak out loud/speak up
19.请清晰洪亮地发言read it out loud and clear
20.也许不易明白了吗do you understand
刘智满21.有问题吗?do you have any questions
22.我要提问i'll ask you some questions
23.请回答问题please answer the questions
24.你能来回答一下吗can you answer it
25.你说什么what did you say
26.你能再说一遍吗could you say it again
27.给大家发补充材料i'll give you a handout
28.请传给后座同学please pass it to the person behind you
29.请在补充材料上写上名字write your name on your handout
30.请传给我bring it to me
31.请翻到第15open your books to page15
32.请翻到下一页turn to the next page
33.请合上书close your books
34.地球人都知道我爱你请记到笔记本上write it on your notebook
35.请到黑板上写一下come and write it on the blackboard
36.请在下面画横线underline it
37.请伙伴please get in pairs
38.请做练习题do the exercise
39.请与同伴一起做练习practice with your partners
40.请与同伴交流talk with your partners
41.都做完了吗have you finished
42.我们来复习上节课的内容let's review the last lesson
43.上节课我们做什么了what did we do last time
44.让我们来对答案let's check the answers
45.我来布置作业i'll give you some homework
46.不要忘了做作业don't forget to do your homework
47.我要检查作业i'll check your homework now
48.请使用汉语please speak in chinese
49.那个用汉语怎么说what is it in chinese
50.让我们来进行下一个活动let's go on to the next activity
51.今天就到这里that's all for today