2015 2016 人教新课标九全英语    Unit 11 同步检测题
Unit 11    Sad movies make me cry.
听下边 5 段对话,每听完一段对话后,做    1 个小题。
1.W: Is Lily chatting with her friends on the Internet?
M:No, she is playing the violin. She is made to practice it two hours every day.
2.W: We both did well in the exam. Lets have a coffee together after work.
M:OK. Sounds great!
3.M: The red wall makes me feel nervous.
W:Right. I dontike it, either.
4.M: The rock music is so exciting. I want to dance to it.
W:Me, too.
5.W: I find that we have a lot in common.
M:Yes. For instance, both of us like eating chicken.
听第六段对话,做第    6-7 小题。
宅男的夏天M:Whats in the box, Linda?
精忠岳飞片头曲W:Some books. I bought them on line.
M:Do you often shop on line?
W:Yes, things on line always cheap. The most important is that shopping on line makes our life convenient. I just stay at home and get things I want.
M:Yeah. That is right.

听第七段对话,做第    8-9 奴隶兽小题。
W:What time is it now, Lu Jie?
相逢M:It is 8:40.
W:Today is the last day to return these books. I nearly forget. Do you think I have enough time to get there before it closes?
M:I m not sure. You have only 20 minutes. But it is a little far from here.
W:Yes, I llride a bike.
听第八段对话,做第    10-12 小题。
M:Hey, Cindy. I think i made Jack mad yesterday.
明星衣橱肖骁W:What happened?
M:I borrowed his English dictionary the day before yesterday, but unluckily i lost it in the library.
W:Take it easy. You can buy a dictionary for him from the bookstore.
M:Can you tell me how to get to the nearest bookstore?
W:OK. You can take No. 11 bus to get there. The bookstore is little far away from our
school. I lldraw a map for you.
M: Thank you.
听第九段对话,做第    1315 小题。
W:林俊杰得手足口病Tom, are you free the day after tomorrow?
M:Yes. Whats up, Kate?
W:This Saturday is Anns birthday. She is going to have a birthday party at her house. Could you go with me to her birthday party? I need a dancing partner.
M:OK. But I don tknow what to wear.
W:If I were you, I d wear a shirt.
M:And I don tknow if I should take a present.
W:If I were you, I d take a small present. Ann likes listening to music very much. I think you can buy a CD for her.M: Good idea. When and where shall we meet?
W:What about at the bus stop at 4:50 Saturday afternoon?
