欧美歌手A Fine Frenzy资料简介
A Fine Frenzy的原名为Alison Sudol,A Fine Frenzy为艺名美国著名歌手。下面是小编为大家整理的欧美歌手A Fine Frenzy资料简介,希望大家喜欢!
A Fine Frenzy资料简介
拥抱蓝天艺名:A Fine Frenzy
代表作品:One Cell In The Sea
真实名:Alison Sudol
A Fine Frenzy的原名为Alison Sudol,A Fine Frenzy为艺名,美国著名歌手。1984年12月23日出生于美国,5岁时父母离异,从此与母亲搬去洛杉矶,很少再见父亲。16岁高中毕业,18岁时组建第一支乐队Monro。
2006年,藉由一张自己寄出的demo,这个全身围绕着文艺气息的音乐创作人,立刻获得了EMI唱片合约。再发行几张颇受好评的单曲,以及参与无数现场表演的历练之后,创作力惊人的A Fine Frenzy终于带着她的首张专辑《沧海一粟One Cell In The Sea》,来两大制作人,以大量钢琴音符、空心吉他线条、以及无重力的嗓音,建构出一个充满想象画面的唯美世界。创作里散发独树一格的音乐氛围,立刻抓住众多好耳朵的关爱,美国星巴克娱乐副总为之深深着迷,并公开赞誉:“A Fine Frenzy是音乐界里的稀有品种,藉由她的音乐,你将立即前往一个温暖且萦绕的诗意天地。”美国权威娱乐杂志Paste Magazine也大力称许:“A Fine Frenzy的首张专辑,美丽又神秘!她过人的丰采,绝对是文字创作世界里的下一个明日之星。”18岁时有感而发所创作的〈Almost Lover〉,是这张专辑里的首发单曲,这首爱恋挽歌除了在欧洲引起广大回响,更在斯洛维尼亚Slovenia夺下冠军宝座,更
被MTV真人实境节目【The Hills】,以及知名电视剧【Big Shots】,不约而同地选作配乐;并作为插曲出现在电影《梦游》中。
A Fine Frenzy艺名出处
快女刘忻她,无师自通一手好琴艺!她,饶富细腻感受的创作文采,大多于她喜爱的深夜时分之中完成。来自于美国西雅图,钟爱文学本名为Alison Sudol的「美丽瞬间A Fine Frenzy」,摘下莎士比亚知名作品《仲夏夜之梦》书中的一个字词「A Fine Frenzy」,自在地迈开她充满诗意的音乐之路。在成长的过程当中,A Fine Frenzy自然地呼吸着Classical、Motown、Swing、Rock、Folk…等不同类型音乐。无论是从经典大师Aretha Franklin、Ella Fitzgerald、Elton John、Louis Armstrong、The Beatles,或是到新世代的音乐人Radiohead、Coldplay、Sigur Ros,在《美丽瞬间》MV中 A Fine Frenzy全都在他们的身上,寻觅到各式各样的灵感养份,「贪婪地」灌注在自己的创作土壤里。
欧美经典音乐她对文学十分着迷,曾沉浸于狄更斯等诸多作家作品当中,莎士比亚知名作品《仲夏夜之梦》中的一句:"The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven"(“诗人的眼,有精美的迷乱滚动,转瞬即是天堂地狱,地狱天堂”)便
A Fine Frenzy英语介绍
Early life
Born in Seattle, Washington to two dramatic arts teachers, Sudol and both parents moved to Los Angeles after their divorce, when she was five years old. She is the daughter of Sondra (Fraser) West-Moore and acting coach John Sudol.[6] Sudol grew up listening to a wide range of music, including Aretha Franklin, Ella Fitzgerald, and swing.[7] She has stated that her roots are "Scottish, Irish, Polish, and 'a bit' of German.”
She graduated from high school at the age of 16, and considered herself "nerdy and quiet." Sudol did not "drink or smoke or do anything like that." She stated in an interview "I was so nervous about going into college like that and super young. I figured I would take two years and try to find out what I was doing with music. And when I was 18, I was just so deep into it that I didn't want to stop."
Music career
In March 2007, Sudol appeared at the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference, opening for The Stooges. Shortly after, her debut album, One Cell in the Sea, was released to generally positive reviews.The first single, "Almost Lover", peaked at number 25 on Billboard's Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart. In mid-2007, she secured another opening spot, this time for Rufus Wainwright on his tour. In March and April 2008, Sudol headlined her own tour in the US and Canada, and in April she toured France, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. In September 2008, she was the star act on the opening night of the New Pop Festival organized by the German broadcaster SWR3. She returned to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland on a headline tour in November 2008 and played in the Super Bock em Stock festival in Portugal in December 2008.
Sudol's second album, Bomb in a Birdcage, was released September 8, 2009.The first single, "Blow Away," was released on July 17, 2009, followed by two more singles, "Happier" and "Electric Twist."On November 23, 2009, a live album and concert film recor
谷村奈南ded in 2007, A Fine Frenzy Live at the House of Blues Chicago, was released on iTunes.
On October 31, 2011, Sudol stated via Twitter that the band was mastering their new record.[citation needed] Several song titles, including "Avalanches" and "Riversong", were confirmed during Sudol's appearance at the Sundance Film Festival. In the March 2012 issue of Lucky magazine, Sudol revealed the third album's title as being Pines. Previously scheduled for release in September 2012, the album's release date was pushed back to October 9. Along with Pines, Sudol released an animated short film and a companion book illustrated by Jen Lobo.
In September 2012, A Fine Frenzy was featured in a campaign called "30 Songs / 30 Days" to support Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, a multi-platform media project inspired by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn’s book.
In June 2015 Sudol stated that she will no longer perform as A Fine Frenzy. "A few years ago I put A Fine Frenzy to bed.” Although choosing acting she continues to write songs.