1.love art 热爱艺术
2.something pleasant令人愉快的事
3.art form 艺术形式
4.an art festival 一个艺术节
5.musical talent音乐天赋
6.music without boundaries 音乐无国界
7.be presented to sb被颁发给某人
8.the award music颁奖音乐
9.a world-famous composer一个世界闻名的作曲家
10.in central Hunan在湖南中部
11.show/have/ take an interest in sth对…有兴趣
12.musical instruments 乐器
13.go on to do进而去做 ..
14.make music with common objects用普通东西创作音乐
15.get to know 慢慢了解
16.be known/famous for因…而闻名
17.his amazing piece of music他的令人惊奇的音乐
18.by controlling the speed of 通过控制 ..的速度
19.water flow 水流
20.build a bridge between the East and theWest 在东西方之间搭建一个桥梁
21.an ancient Chinese bell一个古老的中国编钟
22.in a Western style用一个西方的风格
23.mix together 混合到一起
24.make a new type形成一个新的种类
九天音乐网25.one of the greatest composers最伟大的作曲家之一
26.in his works 在他的作品中
27.write music for 为..作曲
28.think highly of 高度赞扬
29.design the posters设计海报
30.a students’ art show 一个学生艺术展
31.be open to对..开放
32.free tickets to an opera一个戏剧的免费票
33.hurry into the theatre快速进入剧院
34.out of breath上气不接下气
35.last for one and a half hours持续了一个半小时
36.get bored变得无聊
37.a music show一个音乐演出
38.country life 乡村生活
39.have a lasting value有一个持久的价值
40.use drums a lot大量使用鼓
41.created by African American被美国黑人创作
42.make up the music编曲
43.in the traditional style 用传统的风格
44.have strong local colour有着强烈的地方特
45.the folk concert民间音乐会
46.classical pieces古典曲目
47.go to a concert去音乐会
48.a classical music concert一个古典音乐会
49.be allowed on the road被允许上路
50.a gift for doing sth一个做..的天赋
51.play with some paint 玩颜料
52.mix the paint with water 把水与颜料混合
54.run in all directions 向四面八方跑
55e by走过来
56.encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人去做某事
57.in the world of 在...的世界里
1. According to the record, the engineer was forced to do something against the law.
2. The boy has amazing musical talent.
3. Beijing opera is an ancient art form in our country.
4. You can never find anything more pleasant than music.
5. I prefer to listen to pop music to relax myself.
6. Jay Chou is the King of Pop and one of the greatest singers
7. Lang Lang showed a great interest inmusic when he was young.
8. The sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind make people relaxed.
9. He decided to go on studying/ to study music after entering university.
10. A medal was presented to the world-famous composer in 2017./The world-famous composer was presented with a medal in 2017.
11. He is best known for building a school for his hometown.