英语听力mp3下载:别伤我心 Unbreak My Heart
  英语听力mp3下载:别伤我心 Unbreak My Heart
  今天为大家放送的歌曲来自于可可网友的推荐,来自于Toni Braxton ”Un-Break My Heart”。漂亮宝贝Toni Braxton天生一副好歌喉,93年同名专辑全球销量超过一千万张,并勇夺三座葛莱美奖,被评论界视为惠特尼休斯顿的天然接班人。96年推出的第二张专辑”Secrets”让我们看到Toni Braxton绝非花瓶之类,她钢琴功夫堪称一流,这张专辑中也不免牛刀一试。当然人们更感兴趣的还是她哀怨感性的嗓音。”Un-Break My Heart”逃不开卿卿我我的爱情故事,但Toni Braxton的精湛演绎 使这个主题变得无比的真实感人。歌手用其低沉的嗓音,诉说着爱情故事的心碎及喜悦。她温厚的声音透过心房,引诱你进入爱情的境界,以旋律启发内心世界中的渴望和欣喜。
  Don’t leave me in all this pain  
  Don’t leave me out in the rain  
  Come back and bring back my smile  
如何下载mp3歌曲  Come and take these tears away  
  I need your arms to hold me now  
  The nights are so unkind  
  Bring back those nights when I held you beside me  
  Un-break my heart  
  Say you’ll love me again  
  Undo this hurt you caused  
  When you walked out the door  
  And walked outta my life  
  Un-cry these tears  
  I cried so many nights  
  Un-break my heart  
  My heart  
  Take back that sad word good-bye  
  Bring back the joy to my life  
  Don’t leave me here with these tears  
  Come and kiss this pain away  
  I can’t forget the day you left  
  Time is so unkind  
  And life is so cruel without you here beside me