personal computer n.个人电脑;[计] 个人计算机(简称pc)Indeed, the personal computer helped drive a new era in both science and business innovation.个人电脑确实协助推动了一个科学和商业共同创新的新时代。
digital music player数码音乐播放器It is the world's smallest digital music player.是世界上最小的数码音乐播放器。
walkman n. 随身听Technological change has destroyed all sorts of once-popular products, from the handloom to the Walkman, and the world has mostly been better for it.科技变化已经毁灭了很多曾经一度流行的产品,从手摇唱机到随身听,世界总的来说是因此变得更好了。
portable player便携式播放器If you are looking for a good CD portable player without the radio, this is it.如果你正在寻一个好的CD 手提播放机没有收音机,这是它。
smart phone智能手机In such cases, it’s wise to carry a small notebook or smart phone around with you so you can record your ideas on the go.在这类情形下,有个随身携带的小笔记本或者智能手机,你就可以在这些点子一闪而过的时候及时记下它们。
pixels ['piksəl]n. 像素;像素点(pixel的复数)This is a display screen that measures one million pixels.这是一个达到1百万像素的显示屏。
resolution n. [物] 分辨率The images come from thumbnails, so
apologies for the low resolution.图像是从缩略图取来的,因此分辨率很低,抱歉。
数码音乐HD 高清晰度(high definition)Many consumers purchase an HDTV thinking that they can get HD programming.许多消费者认为他们购买了高清晰度电视认为他们可以观看高清晰的节目。
widescreen adj. 宽屏幕的n. 宽屏;宽银幕影片Once you've seen a beautifully shot widescreen movie in high definition you never want to go back to watching old-fashioned standard def again.人们一旦看过那摄影优美、高清晰度的宽屏幕电影,就再也不想回去看老式的片子了。
handset n. 手机,电话听筒So the real dilemma lies not in what handset you choose, but which network you opt for.所以真正的困境不在于你选择什么手机,而在于你选择什么网络。