. 1. be short of “缺少,短缺”    eg: This area is short of water.
2. how much how many “多少”
  how much 修饰不可数名词;how many 修饰可数名词复数。
EgHow many students are there in your class?
    How much juice do you want?
3. Would you like  “你想要…..  eg: Would you like to have a cup of tea?
                                      答语:肯定:Yes, please. / 否定:No , thanks./ I’d love to, but…..
Would you like to go with me?  I’d love to,but I haven't finish my work.
What would you like?    答语:肯定:I’d like …./I’d love to…..
egwhat would you like?  I’d like a glass of water.
5.help sb(to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事
Eg: Can you help me finish the task?
  She often helps me do the housework.=She often helps me to do the housework.
“n”-----“帮助,帮忙”  eg: Thank you for your help.
With the help of ….的帮助下…eg: With the help of my teacher, my English improved.
6. sound noise voice 辨析:
sound 泛指一切可以听到的声音
练习 The music made me think of the______of a running stream.
A .shout    B noise      C voice        D.sound
7. hardly ever “几乎不,很少”hardly是副词,位于助动词,be动词,情态动词之后,实义动词之前。hardly本身表示否定的含义,用于反义疑问句,附加疑问部分用肯定形式。
Eg: He can hardly do any housework,___________?    他几乎不会做家务,是不是?
There is hardly any milk left in the fridge, ____________?  冰箱里几乎没剩下多少牛奶了,是不是?
hardly用于句首,句子要用于倒装。  Eg:  Hardly had I falled asleep when someone koncked at the door.
练习:I was so tired that I could ________walk any farther.
  A.nearly      B.hardly        C. really          D.suddenly
8.also 副词“也”位于助动词,be动词,情态动词之后,实义动词之前,用法比较正式,而tooas well 一般位于句尾,在否定句之中用either.
Eg: I stduy Chinese,and I also Study English.
  Tom can swim. I can swim too.
  She doesn’t want to go to the park ,either.    她也不想去公园
引申: not only …..but also….. “不但…..而且….”
Eg: Not only he but also I am a student.  不但是他,而且我也是学生。
9 may be “可能是” maybe的辨析:
May be 是情态动词may与动词be连用作句子的谓语,意为“ 可能是”放于句中。
maybe 是副词,意为“大概”只能用作状语。放句首。
Eg: He may be at school. 他可能在学校。
  Maybe he is at school. 也许他在学校。
10.be aware of “意识到”  be unaware of  “未意识到”
11.辨析it one
It 代词,可用来代替上文提到的同一人或事物。
Eg: I want to use your pen, pass it to me.
One 所代替的是同类事物中的一个,泛指前面所提到的物或者人,复数是ones.
Eg: I have no exercise books.Lend me one.
Oneones 前面可以加冠词或形容词,而it则不能。
EgThe red sweater is too small. I want a larger one.这件衣服太小了,我想要件大的。
练习:——I need something for cutting_________the paper.
    -------Oh, you want a knif? OK, I’ll get________for you.
  A.it        B.that              C.this          D.one   
12.depend on “依靠,依赖
Eg: We shouldn’t depend on our parents.我们不应该总依赖我们的父母。
  depend on /upon  “….而定” ;取决于….
Eg: The success of the experiment depends on the weather. 这次实验的成功与否取决于天气。
13.Computers are told what to do by programes.电脑要通过程序被命令做什么。
what to do 是“疑问词+不定式”的复合结构,在句中作及物动词的宾语。
Eg: I don’t know what to say.
  Can you tell me how to do it ?
  How to do it is the most important.
练习:There are so many kinds of computers in the shop. I really don’t know______to chose.
  A. what            B. which              C.how                D.where
14.目前:at present
15. It is common konwledge that…..“众所周知”
16.It is essential that….必须,应该 It is essential that the humans does not make a mistake.
17. The answer to the question. 这个问题的答案。
  The key to the door
18. for the time being= for the present “暂时,目前
19.sometimes  有时
  Sometime 某时
  Some time 一段时间 
  Some times 一些次
Eg: The food tastes delicious.  这种食物尝起来很好吃。
  The milk tastes strange.  这种牛奶尝起来味道很怪。
练习The cookies_______good.  Could I have some more?
mp3dj舞曲A. taste          B.smell              C.feel            D.sound
——HiTony. The milk shake______good.
-----I’m glad you like it.
A.sounds          B falls.      C.goes          D.tastes
2.agree 同意
1agree with/on/to
agree with +某人/某人说的话——“同意某人的观点”eg: I agree with you.
agree to +计划/建议——“同意某一计划或建议”He agrees to my plan at last.
agree on +表示具体的文件,计划,行动的词。They agreed on that thing.
(2) agree to do sth. 同意做某事    eg: He agreed to come to help us.
(3) agree+that从句    egHer parents agreed that she went on with her study.
3 What do you think of…. How do you like…? 可以互换——“认为…..怎么样