Lesson 13 Body parts
1.words:      eye 眼睛  nose 鼻子  mouth 嘴  ear 耳朵  hand 手
arm 手臂    finger 手指    foot(feet)脚      leg 腿
2.I can see with them.我能用它们看东西.  with  用…
I can smell with my nose.  我用鼻子闻.
I can talk with my mouth.  我用嘴谈话.
3.I can speak English and Chinese. 我会说英语和汉语. speak 说(说语言)
she最新歌曲4.Just like you. 像你一样.  make noodles 做面条
5.play v.玩;运动 player n.运动员  sing v.唱歌  singer n.歌手
6. do one’s homework 做作业
He does his homework every day.
I do my homework at school.
Lesson 14 Colours and feelings.
1.I am listening to an English song. 我正在听一首英文歌.
be(am/is/are) doing… 正在做某事(现在进行时be+动词ing)
2.We use many colours for our feelings. 我们用很多颜来表示情感.
use…for….=use….to do …  用…来做….
3.Don’t+动词原形…    不要做某事(否定的祈使句)
Don’t be+形容词.  别…
Don’t cry. 别哭.  Don’t laugh at others. 别嘲笑他人.
Don’t be scared. 别害怕.  Don’t be angry. 别生气. Don’t be sad. 别伤心.
4.I am sick.=I don’t feel well. 我感觉不舒服.
5.What does the word mean?=What is the meaning of the word?
6.shake hands 握手  wave the hand 挥挥手 
in English 在英语中;用英语  in the song 在歌曲中
Lesson 15 Tall or short
1.How tall is he? He is 1.65 metres tall.  他多高?他1.65米高.
How tall 多高(提问身高)  1.65 one point six five 
2.She is a bit short. 她有点儿矮.
a bit=a little=kind of  有点儿(修饰形容词表示程度)
3.stand up 站立;起立  against the wall  靠墙  upon the ground 在地上
Lesson16 Happy or sad.
1.What’s wrong?=What’s the matter? 怎么啦? 
What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦?
2.My mum wants me to eat just one donut a day.
want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事  want to do sth.想做某事
small 小的----big  大的            long 长的---short 短的       
tall 高的----short 矮的            high  高的---low  低的     
happy 高兴的----sad  悲伤的      cry  哭---laugh 笑
up 上----down  下                new 新的---old 旧的       
young 年轻的---old 年老的        clean 干净的----dirty  脏的 
man 男人---woman 女人          girl 女孩---boy 男孩
brother 兄弟---sister  妹        uncle 叔叔---aunt 阿姨
son 太阳---sun儿子 eye眼睛---I 我 right 对的---write 写too 也---two 二 
Lesson 17 Seeing a doctor
1.Let’s go and see a doctor.  让我们去看医生.(let之后动词用原形)
Let me see. 让我看一看.
2.You’d better go and see a doctor. 你最好去看医生.
(You’d better 之后动词用原形)
3.have a +疾病        have a headache  头疼  have a fever 发烧
have a stomachache 胃疼    have a cold 感冒  have a toothache 牙疼
4.take this medicine  服药  stay home=stay at home 呆在家里 
have a good rest 好好休息一下
Lesson 18 We all look different
2.She is twelve years old. (划线提问) How ole is she? 
How old 多少岁(提问年龄)
3.How many+名词复数….?多少….?  提问可数名词的数量
There are sixty students in our class.(划线提问)
How many students are there in your class?
Danny has three hairs.(划线提问)  How many hairs does Danny have?
4.a pair of glasses  一副眼镜          a pair of shoes  一双鞋
a pair of socks 一双袜子            a pair of pants 一条裤子 
a pair of shorts 一条短裤            a pair of gloves  一双手套
5.look different  看起来不一样  look the same  看起来一样
They look different.(同义句)  They don’t look the same.
6.What do/does…look like?  …长什么样?(提问外貌、体型…)
She is beautiful.(划线提问)  What does she look like? 她长什么样?
Danny is big and tall.(划线提问) What does Danny look like?