I. Multiple Choice(45%)
Directions: Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.
1. Language is ______ in that there is no logical relationship between words and the objects these words are used to refer to.
A. arbitrary          B. symbolic          C. vocal          D.systematic
2. In English“culture" is a loan word from ______.
A. Dutch          B. French          C. Spanish          D. Latin
3. The medium of verbal interaction is ______.
A. thought          B. language          C. culture          D. communication
4. The chief Christian feast on the first Sunday after the full noon that comes after the spring equinox is called ______.
A. Easter                      B. St. Valentine’s Day
C. Thanksgiving Day            D. Boxing Day
5. Connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning and collocative can be brought together under the heading ______ meaning.
A. thematic          B. associative      C. peripheral      D. conceptual
6. Such interjections as “aha”, “my God”, “oh”, “dear” are chiefly used to convey ______ meaning.
A. collocative        B. affective      C. thematic      D. connotative
7. In English culture young, middle-aged and old often correspond to ______.
A. 18,40,60          B. 18,30,50          C. 18,35,55          D. 18,45,65
8. Which of the following is considered an appropriate form of address in English culture?
A. Director Smith                  B. Mayor Bush         
C. Teacher Jones                  D. Manager Li
9. “Goodbye” is derived from the expression______.
A. “Good luck for you”
B. “God bless you”
C. “God be with you”
D. “Looking forward to seeing you again”
10. ______ can be said as a reply to thanks.
A. It’s my duty              B. It’s my job         
C. Nothing for that          D. You’re welcome
11. When an English speaker picks up the phone,normally he would say ______.
A. Hello,this is Mary speaking. Who is calling?
B. Will you please tell me who you are?
C. Will you please tell me whom you would like to speak to?
D. Who are you?
12. Which of the following reflects social amenities in English-speaking countries?
A. Walk slowly, please.
B. It’s my duty to help you.
C. No. No. That’s not true.
D. You’ve got a hard job.
13. English idiom “look about” corresponds in meaning to ______ from French.
A. seek          B. despise          C. think          D. examine
14. When an Englishman says “I was only pulling your leg” he means: ______.
A. I was only warning you
B. I was only trying to prevent you from making progress
C. I was only joking
D. I was only asking you for help
15. “To make one’s flesh creep” means ______.
A. to show no alarm
B. to make surprise
C. to cause one to feel fear
D. to make one uncomfortable
16. A person who submits to indignities and sufferings without any thought or act of rebelling can be referred to as ______.
A. a Hamlet              B. a Shylock         
waving flag 歌词C. an Uncle Tom          D. a Frankenstein
17. “To throw in the sponge” derived from______.
A. card games          B. boxing          C. baseball          D. football
18. “I’m insane about her” illustrates the metaphor that ______.
A. love is magic            B. love is a patient         
C. love is madness          D. love is war
19. “That idea won’t sell” illustrates the metaphor that ______.
A. ideas are products                    B. ideas are commodities
C. ideas are money                        D. ideas are resources
20. “A white Christmas” refers to ______.
A. snow at Christmas time
B. purity at Christmas time
C. innocence at Christmas time
D. nothing done at Christmas time
21. “Red rag” conveys roughly the same meaning as “waving a red flag” which means ______.
A. doing something that could stop others
B. doing something that could cause other people’s attention
C. doing something that celebrate an event of happiness
D. doing something that could cause quick anger in other people
22. “Involuntarily leisured” is a euphemistic expression for ______.
A. sick          B. retired          C. unemployed          D. handicapped
23. “Chink” and “洋鬼子” are clear cases of ______.