1The Chair:Good morning /afternoon,honorable delegates,and fellows.My name is,the Chair of today’s conference.I will take this opportunity to welcome each of you to today’s  conference and I would like to introduce the secretariat members ofTo my left is the Director To my right is the Rapporteur
2The Director:Good morning/afternoon,my name is,the Director of today’s conference.All the files,including working papers,draft resolutions,amendments will directly come to me and I will provide all the answers at today’s conference.
3.The Rapporteur: Good morning/afternoon,my name is, the Rapporteur of today’s conference
二、(roll call)点名
Now the rapporteur will do the roll call ,All delegates please your placard and say‘present’when your nation’s name is called.
The Rapporteur:Afghanistan.                  主席助理:阿富汗
Delegate of Afghanistan:present.            阿富汗:到。
The Rapporteur: Afghanistan is present.      主席助理:阿富汗代表出席。
三、(setting the agenda)设定议题
1.Since we have two topic today .topic A…and topic B…now we are going to set the agenda.
2.Those delegates wishing to talk about topic A first ,please raise your placard.a,b and c.Thank you .Now delegate of …you have 90 second  to address the body
3.And those delegates wishing to talk about topic B first ,please raise your placard..d,e and f.Thank you .Now delegate of…you have 90 second  to address the bodythank youNow delegate of…you have 90 second  to address the body
4Since all the delegates have addressed their positionwe now have to vote
5All those  delegates wishing to discuss topic A firstplease raise your placard(counting)thank you
    6And all those delegates wishing to discuss topic B firstplease raise your placard(counting)thank you
7Since we have    delegates in favor of topic A being discussed first and  topic Bwe will discuss topic area AB …irst
现有  代表希望先讨论议题A  代表希望先讨论议题B。所以将先讨论议题   
四、(Speakers'Iist)  确定发言名单
1Now the chair would like to open the speakerslistand all those delegates wishing  to speak please  raise your placard.(calling the names of the countries)thank you
2If there are any other delegates whishing to speakplease send a page to the chair will add your country's name to the speakerslist.
3And each delegate will have 2 minutes to address the bodyand the chair will remind you of time with gavel when there's 30 seconds left
每位代表将有2分钟的发言时间,在还剩3 O秒的时侯主席会敲桌提醒。
4Honorable delegate fro m…you hav 2 min to address the body
尊敬的  国代表,您有2分钟的发言时间。
五、 (Formal debate)  正式辩论
1Thank youdear delegate.Your time is up.
谢谢你  国代表,您的发言时间结束。
2Thank youdelegat e.  You have lmin leftWould you like to yield your time?
谢谢你  国代表,您还有一分钟的发言时问。您愿意让渡您的时间吗?
    3DelegateI would like to yield my tiine to chair
4The ChairThank you.
5The ChairThank you.,delegateYou have 30 seconds 1eftWould you like to yield your time?
主席:谢谢你  国代表,您还有30秒的发言时间。您愿意让渡您的时间吗?
6DelegateI would like to yiel my time to India
    7The Chair剪爱吉他谱:Thank you.Delegate of indianow you have 30 seconds
8The ChairAre there any points or motions of the floor?
    9Delegateof IsraelPoint
    10The Chair哈妮克孜18秒烧毛Delegate of Israelto what point do you rise?
11Delegate of IsraelPoint of personal privilegeIsrael feels a little bit hotshold we have open the window?
12The ChairThank youdelegate .We are now sending our conference staff to open the window
六、(Informal debate)非正式辩论
1Now the de1egate of China motions for a moderated caucus for 5min on the topic of  and each delegate has 30 sec to address the body
现在中国代表就  问题进行5分钟的有主持核心磋商,每名代表的发言时间为3O秒。
2Now the delegate of China motions for an unmoderated caucus for 10minutes
3Is there a second?Now we have to vote All those delegates in  favor of this motion please raise  your placardA nd all those against this motionplease raise your placard.The motion obviously passed(the chair is sorry that the motion failed)