Welcome Unit
Reading and Thinking
. 必备单词: 根据提示填写单词
1. an exchange student             一名交换生
2. in the lecture hall                在演讲厅
3. a female singer                    一位女歌手
4. Hollywood’s top male star        好莱坞顶级男明星
5. a beautiful campus                一所美丽的校园
6. in formal situations                在正式的场合
7. an outgoing girl                一个性格外向的女孩
8. the guy next to me                我旁边的小伙子
9. do an experiment                做个实验
10. feel awkward                    感到尴尬
11. register a new web page            注册一个新的网页
→in the registration(nshe新专辑. ) office        在登记处
12. a hero of the nation                一名国家英雄
→a national(adj. ) park                一个国家公园
→have Chinese nationality(n. )        有中国国籍
13. design a new building                设计一幢新大楼
→to be a designer(n. )                成为一名设计师
14. feel a little anxious                感到有点不安
→full of anxiety (n. )                    充满焦虑
15. annoy others                        惹怒别人
→become increasingly annoyed(adj. )
→an annoying (adj. ) question        一个令人恼火的问题
16. in order to impress him            为了给他留下印象
→her first impression(n. )            她的第一印象
→an impressive (adj. ) performance
17. try to concentrate                    努力集中注意力
→break my concentration(n. )        打断我的注意力
18. explore a new world                探索一个新的世界
→start our exploration (n. )            开始我们的探索
→the young explorer (n. )                这位年轻探险家
19. have total confidence(n. )            有绝对的信心
→feel confident(adj. )                感到自信
. 必备短语: 英汉双译
1. senior high school            (美国)高中 
2. at last                                终于; 最终 
3. make an impression                留下好印象 
4. what if                                要是……会怎么样呢? 
5. concentrate on                    集中精力于 
6. leave. . . alone                        不打扰; 不惊动
7. junior high school                    (美国)初级中学 
8. next to    紧挨着, 旁边
9. talk to    与某人交谈
10. not. . . any more    不再……
. 必备句式: 翻译课文原句, 并观察黑体部分
1. I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.
译文: 我发现我的大多数同学和老师都很友好且乐于助人。
2. There’s a lot to explore at senior high.
译文: 高中有很多事物等着我去探索
3. Her new friends were happy to explain things to her after class.
译文: 她的新朋友很高兴在课后给她解释东西
4. Tian Hua is not sure how well she will do at school this year, but she is not nervous any more.
译文: 田华不确定她今年在学校的表现如何, 但她不再紧张了。
1. 动词后加后缀-ion构成名词, 例如:
impress + -ion → impression         印象
concentrate→concentration         专心, 集中
act→action                        行为, 活动
elect→election                    选举; 选举权
protect→protection                保护; 防护
2. “动词 + on”构成的短语, 例如:
concentrate on         集中精力于
call on       号召; 拜访      carry on     继续, 坚持
depend on        依靠                hold on        坚持
turn on        打开                take on        呈现
框架宏观建构: 整体理解
1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks.
2. What’s the main idea of this passage?
The passage is mainly about Han Jing’s first impression on her first school day. 
高一必修部分涉及的新媒体语篇类型主要有: 个人主页、手机短信、网络信息、等。
个人主页的文本很短, 主要与个人的生活或情感故事有关, 语言上多使用简单句, 且口语化和生活化。
阅读个人主页时, 要特别注意作者使用的情感类和描述类词汇, 因为这些词承载了作者想要表达的主要信息。
文本微观剖析: 细节探究
1. Choose the best answer.
(1)How does Han Jing feel when she first enters the senior high school?
A. Excited.        B. Disappointed. 
C. Worried.            D. Surprised.
(2)What does Han Jing worry about on the first school day?
A. Losing her way to school.
B. No one will talk to her.
C. How to make a good impression.
D. How to make friends.
(3)What does Han Jing think of her maths teacher?
A. Cold and strict.              B. Kind and friendly.
C. Funny and naughty.      D. Helpful and lovely.
(4)What happened to her at chemistry class?
A. She broke the glass.
B. The teacher was so serious.
C. The lab is too old.
D. The guy next to her kept talking to her.
(5)How does Han Jing feel after a day?
A. She is much more frightened.
B. She is afraid to go to school.
C. She is much more confident.
D. She decides to make friends.
答案: (1)~(5)CCBDC
2. Long sentence analysis.
(1)I (主语)really wanted (谓语)to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone(动词不定式短语作宾语)!   
译文: 我真的想告诉他安静点, 离我远点!
译文: 我想念我初中的朋友们, 但我相信我会在这里交到新朋友, 而且高中会有很多事物等着我去探索
Reread the passage and fill in the blanks.
7: 00 a. m.
Want to make a good first (1)impression
12: 30 p. m.
Had her first (2)maths class;
Found most of her classmates and teachers (3)friendly and helpful
5: 32 p. m.
Had her (4)chemistry class in the science lab;  A guy tried to (5)talk to her the whole time;  Wanted to tell the guy to be quiet and (6)leave her alone
10: 29 p. m.
Didn’t feel awkward or (7)frightened;  (8)Miss her friends from junior high school;  Believe she will make new (9)friends;  Have more (10)confidence and think tomorrow will be a great day
语篇总结归纳: 主题深化
With my high school life 1. beginning(begin), I feel a little anxious right now. I hope to make a good first 2. impression(impress). But I wonder whether I will make friends or what if no one talks to me.