上海市控江中学 2021 学年第二学期高二年级期中
(满分 150 分)
II. Grammar & Vocabulary 25 分)
Section A 10 分)
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Young Chinese Take a Stand Against Pressure of Life — by Lying Down
Young Chinese are rebelling against society through a simple act of resistance: lying down. Examples of the “tangping”, or “lying flat,” way of life ____1____ (include) not getting married,
not having children, and refusing to work extra hours or to hold a job at all. “I stay at home and sleep and watch television series. Sometimes I go out for walks, read books and just think a lot,” said Daisy Zhang, who described herself as “lying flat” for the last two weeks ____2____ leaving her job in the film industry in Wuxi.
“Tangping” ____3____ (emerge) over the last few months as the rallying call (口号) of Chinese millennials who have had enough of the rat race. Some compare them to the 1950s Beat Generation in the United States. ____4____ call their behavior a form of nonviolent resistance or “ideological emancipation (解放)” from consumerism. Supporters portray it as a rejection of struggle and endless striving. Critics say it is defeatist.
“People realize there is no upward mobility,” said Yicheng Wang, a PhD student in political science at Boston University. “My life is like this. It will always be like this.”
The term developed after an April post on the Tieba forum, ____5____ the author, unemployed for the last two years, described a low-effort, low-cost lifestyle ____6____ (consist) of just a few months’ work out of the year.
“Lying flat is my sophistic (诡辩的) movement,” he wrote, referring to the Greek philosopher Diogenes, who was known for living in a barrel. He posted a picture of himself lying in bed in the middle of the day with the curtains ____7____(draw).
In the following weeks, a “lying flat” group on the online forum Douban increased to 9,000 members. Internet users identified themselves as “lying flatists,” posting photos of cats and seals lying flat on their back.
But ____8____ tangping gained popularity, it also drew a level of criticism. Nanfang Daily called the philosophy “shameful.” Global Times made light of it, describing “lying flat” as “not a serious philosophy.”
The Youth League pointed out that young medical workers on the front lines during the pandemic “never chose ____9____(lie) down.”
For Zhang in Wuxi, lying flat is not about giving up or withdrawing from society. “Many people want to lie down because 996 is too tiring,” she said, referring to the infamous hours
common in China’s tech industry, where staff ____10____ (expect) to work from to , six days a week. The philosophy is also about giving oneself a break.
【答案】1. include   
2. after    3. has emerged   
4. Others    5. where   
6. consisting   
7. drawn    8. as   
9. to lie    10. are expected
考查介词。句意:“我在家睡觉,看电视,有时会出去走走、读书,思考”,Daisy Zhang说,她辞去了江苏无锡电影行业的工作后,过去两周她一直处于“躺平”状态。结合句意可知,此处指“辞去了江苏无锡电影行业的工作后,过去两周她一直处于‘躺平’状态”,应用介词after,表示“在……以后”。故填after
考查时态和主谓一致。句意:过去几个月,躺平成为中国千禧一代的口号,他们已经受够了激烈的竞争。由时间状语“over the last few months”可知,句子应用现在完成时,主语“Tangping”表示单数意义,助动词用has。故填has emerged
考查代词。句意:另一些人则称他们的行为是一种“非暴力抵抗”或是从消费主义中“思想解放”。由上一句的“Some compare them…”可知,此处是固定结构“some…others…”,表示“一些人……另一些人……”。首字母应大写。故填Others
考查过去分词。句意:他上传了一张拉上窗帘,自己中午躺在床上的照片。此处是“with+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,动词draw和宾语the curtains之间是动宾关系,应用过去分词表被动,作宾语补足语。故填drawn
考查动词不定式。句意:共青团指出,奋战在疫情第一线的年轻医务工作者“从未选择躺平”。choose to do sth.选择做某事,固定短语,故填to lie