The Proms  漫步音乐会
Classical Music For All  面向大众的古典音乐
Are you a fan  of classical music? Then perhaps The Proms is for you. The Proms is a series of summer concerts which, for the last 110 years, has been presenting a wealth  of classical music to large audiences  at low prices.
In fact the Proms, has become a British institution as loved and valued by the British public as Wimbledon or the Oxford and Cambridge boat race.
The Proms first took place  in 1895 and was the idea of Robert Newman, a concert hall manager in London. Hall had organised many concerts, but wanted to reach a wider audience by keeping prices lo
w and offering popular programmes  in a less formal environment. The informal atmosphere  was encouraged by cheap tickets - one shilling (5p) for a single concert, or a guinea (£1.05) for a season ticket .
His partner was the conductor  Henry Wood who had just begun to make a name for himself . Wood and Newman wanted to introduce the public to a wider and wider range of music, and introduced new works each year. Wood also promoted young, talented performers and raised standards in orchestras, although this sometimes made him unpopular.
However, by 1927 The Proms were losing money. Fortunately the BBC decided to broadcast  The Proms on the radio, reaching an even larger audience. The radio broadcasts were halted during the Second World War, although the live concerts continued until Wood died, aged 75, in 1944.
After the war the BBC started to broadcast The Proms once more, and it grew in popularity during the 1950s until by the 1960s it had become a major  international festival .
Nowadays the Proms can be heard on radio and watched live on television. It is also interactive . Viewers  of certain digital channels  can e-mail their thoughts and questions to be used during the live broadcasts as well as receive programme notes to help them enjoy The Proms even more.
Although The Proms have changed enormously since Robert Newman and Henry Wood founded it in 1895, the concept  has remained the same – to provide high quality classical music to a large audience for a low price, and long may it continue!
Glossary  词汇表
fan – 迷,爱好者    a wealth – 大量的 audiences – 观众
took place – 发生
popular programmes – 大众化节目 season ticket – 季票,长期票
informal atmosphere –非正式的气氛 conductor – 指挥,指挥家 make a name for himself – 成名 to broadcast – 广播
major international festival – 重要的国际音乐节
interactive – 互动的,交互式的 concept – 理念 digital channels – 数字化频道
1. Reading Quiz  阅读测验
Are these sentences true or false? Circle the correct answer.
1.  The Proms was the first concert Hall had organised. True / False
2.    Nobody had heard of Wood before The Proms. True / False
3.    Wood was not always popular with musicians. True / False
4.    The BBC helped The Proms become more popular. True / False
5.    The idea behind The Proms has changed over the years. True / False
2. Error Correction  改错
Each of the sentences below has a mistake in it. Find the mistake and rewrite the sentence correctly.
1. The Amazon river is more wide than The Thames river in London.
2. The Beatles are one of the popularest groups in the world.
3. You should eat in Jack’s Restaurant. The prices are the most low in town!
4. Restaurants in Britain are usually formaller than restaurants in Brazil.
5. London is much more large than Rome.
s.h.e上海演唱会3. Prepositions  介词
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct preposition in the gap.
1. He plays guitar ____ a rock band.
2. He plays violin _____ the London Philharmonic Orchestra.
3. I saw a lot of concerts while I was living _____ London.
4. The concerts usually take place ____ the evening.
5. The concerts usually take place ____ Fridays.
6. I’m going to see a show _____ the weekend.
7. He took his girlfriend _____ to the theatre.
8. They went ___ to London to watch The Proms.