那一次 我真的很棒英语作文
I remember that day so clearly. It was a moment that I felt truly proud of myself. 那一天我记得很清楚,那一刻让我感到我真的很骄傲。
It all started when I was asked to give a presentation in English in front of my classmates and teachers. 这一切都始于当我被要求在同学老师面前用英语做一个报告。
I had always struggled with speaking in front of a crowd, especially in a language that was not my first. 我总是在人前讲话方面有困难,特别是用一种不是我的母语的语言。
But on that day, something inside me shifted. I was determined to overcome my fear and do my best. 但是在那一天,我内心的某种东西开始改变,我决心克服恐惧,尽我最大能力。
I practiced for hours, making sure that I knew my presentation inside and out. 我练习了好几个小时,确保自己对我的报告了如指掌。
When the time came to step in front of the class, I took a deep breath and started speaking. 当站在班上讲话的那一刻,我深吸一口气,开始讲话。
To my surprise, the words flowed out of me effortlessly. I was able to express my ideas clearly and confidently. 令人惊讶的是,我的话语轻松自如地流露出来,我能够清晰自信地表达我的观点。我记得我爱过mp3
My classmates listened intently, nodding along and asking thoughtful questions. They seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. 我的同学专心听着,点头表示同意并提出深思熟虑的问题,他们似乎对我说的内容很感兴趣。
As I finished my presentation, I was met with applause and words of praise from my classmates and teachers. 当我结束我的报告时,我听到同学和老师们的掌声和赞美之词。