Unit 2
1. Snakes always ______ at their prey before they attack.
A. glare
B. stare
C. flare
D. glance
2. Five years ago in a _____ check-up my school doctor told me that I had heart trouble.
A. routine
B. regular
C. normal
D. usual
3. As she stood on the stage, she became nervous ______.
意外之外 篱落素素A. anyway
B. someway
C. somehow
D. somewhere
4. Once the program starts, the producer makes sure it stays on ______.
A. agenda .
B. process
C. progress
D. schedule
5. ______, I rock to and fro on the swing. I'm feeling lonely. I wish I had someone to play with.
A. joyfully
B. listlessly
C. anxiously
D. delightedly
6. What I am ______ over is whether my kids are ready to face the challenges that await them.
A. pondering
B. reflecting
手放开简谱C. concerning
D. contemplating
7. The ______ between a teacher and student should be much more than just someone who teaches and someone who learns.
A. contact
B. connection
C. association
D. bond
8. Some people live in permanent insecurity, and have many fears and anxieties that make them dependent and ______ to the judgments of others.
A. fragile
B. vulnerable
你是我的supermanC. weak
D. frail
9. Speaking well of yourself would only make you appear conceited and ______.动漫mp3
A. miraculous
B. sparkling
C. pretentious
D. listless
10. I have made the last check-up for you, and all is right. You can ______ from hospital.
A. discharge
B. escape B. release D. free
11. Pitifully, Chinese fans won’t have their own teams to ______ for throughout the Rio 2014 World Cup.
A. support
B. fight
C. root
D. pledge
12. It gradually ______ on me that I still had talent and ought to run again.
A. dawned
B. occurred
C. hovered
D. appeared
13. Marriage is about the biggest commitment you can imagine, and ending a marriage is
a ______ experience.
A. incredible
B. dreadful
C. thrilling
D. miraculous
14. He ______ the important letter from the waste paper basket.
A. retrieved
B. retreat
C. relocate
D. retail
15. His mind was a ______ of fear and confusion.
A. maze
B. gaze
C. haze
D. daze
Unit 4
16. She's a ______ woman who believes marriage comes by destiny.
A. sensible
B. sensational
C. senseless
D. sentimental
17. It is generally agreed that education is a matter of learning process from ______ to grave.
A. birth
B. beginning
C. origin
D. cradle
18. We’d better keep off ______ topics when talking with people from another culture.
A. particular
B. special
C. sensitive
D. unique
19. She is acutely aware of the discrepancy between her inner state and her public ____.
A. demeanor
B. action
C. move
D. status
20. A translator must be armed with the excellent ability of expressiveness and ______
A. live
B. living B. alive D. vivid
21. Currently, government should give _____ to its education rather than economic
A. priority
B. preemption
C. preference
D. highlight
22. Our wildlife trips offer a ______ encounter with wildlife in its natural state.
A. influential
B. positive
C. thrilling
D. thoughtful
23. Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be ______ to
building a harmonious society.
A. devoted
B. focused
C. concentrated
D. absorbed
24. A neighbor asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke ______.
A. down
B. off
C. away
D. up
25. The first ______ of the project was completed two months ahead of schedule.
A. process
B. section
C. span
D. phase
26. A student is practicing writing the Chinese ______ xue, which means to study or to
A. word
B. letter