Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?同步听力辅导
1. Who can play the piano?
  A. Lucy.          B. Ann.          C. Mary.
2. What can the boys play?
  A. The guitar.        B. The drum.      C. Basketball.
3. Which club do the twins want to join?
  A. The swimming club.    B. The piano club.    C. The dancing club.
4. What can’t Jacky do?
  A. Play the drum.        B. Sing and dance.    C. Swim.
5. How many students can play volleyball in Mr Wu’s class?
  A. About 30.        B. Only 13.        C. Around 3.
Dialogue A
1. Why doesn’t Mr Wu like sports?
  A. It’s too hard.        B. He’s too short.      C. He’s too fat.
2. What can Mr Wu play?
  A. The piano.        B. The violin.        C. The trumpet.
Dialogue B
3. What are the man and the woman talking about?
  A. The Spring Festival.    B. The School Music Festival.    C. The School Music Club.
4. What do they need?
  A. Two musicians.      B. Two hundred dollars.      C. Two new dresses.
5. What must these two musicians play?
  A. The piano and the guitar.
  B. The violin and the drum.
  C. The guitar and the trumpet.
1. Why does Lisa come to China?
  A. Because she wants to study in China.
  B. Because she wants to learn the guitar.
  C. Because her parents come to work in China.
2. Which city is Lisa in?
  A. Shanghai.        B. Beijing.        C. Nanjing.
3. What can she play?
  A. The guitar.        B. The piano.      C. The violin.
4. Which club does she want to join?
  A. The Chinese Club.    B. The Art Club.      C. The Music Club.
5. Who will buy her a new guitar?
  A. Her mother.      B. Her father.        C. Herself.
V.John刚到北京来念书,他虽然中文不好,但是一个多才多艺的男孩。听John和朋友Han Xiao的对话并出John的才艺特长(用√在括号里表示)。
VI.John多才多艺,同学们推荐他去参加Music Club。去报名的时候,John还了解到学校里有好几个俱乐部,每个俱乐部有不同的活动时间。听对话完成下表。
Names of clubs
Time for activity(活动时间)
English club
Sunday evening
Wednesday afternoon
Music club
Saturday morning
Swimming club
Sunday morning
VII.John参加了Music Club,同时他从负责人Han Xiao那儿了解到,俱乐部几位主要成员都会玩一种乐器。请根据录音内容把各人与他/她擅长的乐器连上线。
VIII.John加入Music Club以后,还参加了全校学生俱乐部委员会办公室的值班工作。一天他接到了一个同学的申请电话。根据电话内容完成表格。
IX.学校准备搞一个School Show,各俱乐部都会出节目。John正和其他学校念书的进行视频语音聊天,告诉她School Show的节目并邀请她来参加。听对话完成School Show的宣传海报。
  1. W: Hi, Tom, can you play the guitar?
M: Guitar? No. But I can play the drum.
  2. W: Dear, do you like the guitar music?
M: No, but I like the piano music.
  3. W: Jim, what do you want to do for your holiday?
M: I want to join a music club in my school.
  4. W: Dad, I don't want to play the piano now.
M: OK. So you can play tennis with your sister.
  5. W: Oh, Mike. You are so tall. Can you play basketball?
M: No, but I can dance well.
only you mp3II.
  1. W: Can you play the piano?
M: No, I can't. But Lucy can play it very well.
  2. W: Boys, can you play the guitars?
M: Sorry, Miss Fang. But we can play basketball.
  3. W: Father, we want to join a club this year.
M: Really? The swimming club?
    W: No, the dancing club.
  4. W: Jacky is a clever boy, he can sing and dance.
M: But he can't swim.
  5. W: Mr Wu, how many students can play volleyball?
M: Let me think. About 30.
    Dialogue A
    W: Hi. Mr Wu, do you like sports?
    M: No. I don't like any sports.
    W: Why?
    M: You see I'm so fat! But I like music and I can play the violin very well.
    W: That's great.
    Dialogue B
    W: Do you know our school music festival?
    M: Yes, but not very much.
    W: We need some help.
    M: What's wrong?
    W: We need musicians. One for the guitar and one for the trumpet.
    M: Oh, I see.
W: I am Lisa. I come from Canada, but now I study in Beijing, China, because my parents come to work here. I like music very much. I want to join the music club in our school. I can play the violin. But I want to learn the guitar in the music club, so I want my father to buy me a guitar.
  W: Hello. John. How are you today?
M: Fine, thank you.
  W: Do you like music?
  M: Yes, I do. I can play the guitar.
  W: Really? Can you sing too?
  M: Yes. I can sing and dance well.
  W: Great, you can go to the music club.
  W: What can I do for you?
  M: I want to join a club here.