    My Auntie Jess
    My auntie Jess is the funnest person I know! She's my dad's sister and she lives just down the road from us. Whenever I'm feeling sad or angry, I ask my mom if I can go over to auntie Jess's house because she always cheers me up.
    Auntie Jess has a really big smiley face and crinkly eyes that make me feel happy just looking at her. She gives the biggest bear hugs too! When she hugs me, I feel all warm and safe like I'm a baby being swaddled up. And she always smells nice, like fresh laundry and flowers from her garden.
    My auntie is really silly and makes me laugh all the time. She does these totally crazy voic
es when she reads stories to me, with a different goofy voice for each character. Sometimes she'll make up her own silly stories too, about me and her going on adventures together. In her stories I'm always a brave knight and she's my trusty sidekick. She's just as silly in real life too. Sometimes she'll make a funny face across the dinner table at me until I crack up laughing, even though my parents tell her to stop being so daft!
    Auntie Jess has the best imagination for games and activities too. She'll take me on "safaris" in her backyard where we look for animal tracks and try to spot exotic creatures behind the bushes. Or we'll have indoor picnics on her living room floor with little sandwiches and my favorite juice boxes. Once we even set up a whole pretend store, and I was the shopkeeper selling her fake groceries from my little cash register!
    But my auntie isn't just all silliness - she's really wise too. Sometimes when I'm upset about something, she'll give me great advice in a way that actually makes sense. Like when I was frustrated that I couldn't get this video game level, she said "Emily, you're an unstoppable force! That level doesn't know who it's dealing with. Take a deep breath, and calmly show it who's boss." And you know what? I did beat that level after her pep talk!
    Auntie Jess also taught me it's okay to just be myself. There was a time when some kids at school were making fun of the quirky way I dress. But auntie Jess told me "Those kids are just jealous that you have the confidence to proudly express your unique style!" She says being yourself is the coolest thing you can be. Now I don't care if people tease me for my mismatched socks or tutus over jeans. I'm just rocking my own look!
    My auntie Jess has the kindest heart of anyone I've ever met too. She's always helping others and doing volunteer work. Sometimes she takes me along when she serves meals at the homeless shelter. She'll say "It's our duty to take care of those going through a rough time, Em. Someday someone else might be there for us when we need it." She teaches me that no matter how little or how much money you have, there's always a way to lend a hand.
    Auntie Jess has also taught me about the importance of following your dreams. She used to be an accountant like my dad (so booooring!). But then she quit and opened up her own little flower shop instead because it was her true passion. Now she gets to spend ever
y day surrounded by beautiful blooms that make people smile. I'd way rather be a flower shop lady than stuck at a desk all day! She tells me I can grow up to be whatever I want, even a astronaut/artist/cupcake chef if that's what I dream of.
    There's just no one quite as funny, imaginative, wise, confident and caring as my auntie Jess. I admire her so much for being beautifully unique and generous of spirit. Spending time with her is always the brightest part of my week. She's taught me more life lessons at her kitchen table than I've learned in all my years at school.
    Whenever I'm having a bad day, I know auntie Jess is just a knock on her bright purple door away. She'll instantly scoop me up for one of her big hugs and make me feel safe and loved. Then we'll do something silly like have a dance party in her living room to "shake off those grumpy grumplies!" Pretty soon I'll be laughing my head off like there's no trouble in the world.
    Auntie Jess makes me look forward to growing up so I can be just like her - living each day to the fullest, never losing my sense of wonder and playfulness. She's living proof that
you raise me up mp3you don't need to be a kid to still see the magic and joy in everything around you. I want to take on the world with that same enthusiastic, caring spirit she has. If I can be half as awesome as my auntie Jess, I'll know I'm doing life right!