I miss you so much. 我非常想念你。
Every day that passes without seeing you feels like an eternity. 每一天没有见到你,我感觉像度过了一个世纪。
Memories of our time together flood my mind, bringing tears to my eyes. 我脑海中涌现出我们在一起的回忆,令我热泪盈眶。
Your smile, your laughter, your voice – I yearn for them all. 你的微笑,你的笑声,你的声音——我渴望它们。
The sound of your laughter is like music to my ears. 你的笑声如同音乐般动听。
I find myself constantly checking my phone, hoping for a message from you. 我总是忍不住查看手机,希望收到你的消息。
Whenever I see something that reminds me of you, my heart aches. 每当看到让我想起你的
I miss our long conversations and the way we could talk about anything and everything. 我想念我们的长谈,以及我们能够畅所欲言的方式。
Your absence has left a void in my life that I cannot fill. 你的缺席让我的生活中留下了无法填补的空白。
I long to hold you in my arms again, to feel your warmth and your presence. 我渴望再次拥抱你,感受你的温暖和你的存在。
Every song I hear, every place I go, reminds me of you. 我听到的每首歌,每个地方,都让我想起你。
I find myself lost in memories of our time together, wishing I could turn back the clock. 我发现自己陷入了我们在一起的回忆中,希望能够倒转时光。
The thought of not being able to see you again is unbearable. 想到再也见不到你,我难以承受。
I miss you more than words can express. 我无法用言语表达我有多么想念你。