UFS SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL (ASIA) LTD.              危險物品分類表        Dangerous Goods  Classification HKG IMCO 爆炸物Explosive 危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category
Articles and substances having a mass explosion hazard (例如︰TNT 、炸藥或魚雷, 遇險信號、保險絲發火器,
信號彈、導火線 、某些類型煙花等。)
( e.g. TNT,Dynamite or Torpedoes, Distress signals, Fuse igniters,  Ammunition for hand weapons,  for signals, Safety Fuses, certain types of Fireworks,  etc.)HKG IMCO 壓縮氣體
Compress Gases (liquid or Dissolved under Pressure)危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category 易燃氣體類別 2.1 RFG
Flammable Gas Division 2.1 RFG 2.1  2.1利用不同的氣體在某些比例下混合而形成一個易燃的混
Any compressed gas which, when mixed with air in certain proportions, forms a flammable mixture.Butane, Hydrogen, Propane, Acetylene, Lighters HKG IMCO 壓縮氣體
Compress Gases (liquid or Dissolved under Pressure)危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category 不易燃的無毒氣體類別 2.2 RNG RCL
Non-Flammable non-toxic gas Division 2.2 RNG RCL 2.2  2.2任何不易燃, 無毒的壓縮氣體。
Any non-flammable, non-toxic compressed gas.Carbon dioxide, Neon, Fire Extinguisher, or low- temperature liquified gas such as liquified Nitrogen or Helium HKG IMCO 壓縮氣體
Compress Gases (liquid or Dissolved under Pressure)危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category 毒氣類別 2.3 RPG
Toxic Gas Division 2.3 RPG 2.3  2.3
Gases known to be toxic or corrosive to humans and known to pose a health risk Most toxic gases are forbidden for carriage by air; some are permitted, e.g. aerosols of low toxicity, tear gas devices.丁烷、氫、丙烷、乙炔、打火機
噴霧劑, 催淚彈等設備。
危險物品分類表        Dangerous Goods  Classification
HKG IMCO腐蝕性Corrosive危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category
腐蝕性物質類別 8 RCM Corrosive Material Class 8 RCM
38液體或固體能灼傷人體組織並對金屬等物品造成損壞。  A liquid or solid that causes full thickness destruction of intact skin tissue or has adangerous下载
severe corrosion rate on other materials.
Battery acids, sulphuric and other acids, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide,
HKG IMCO有毒性Poisonous危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category
毒性物質類別 6.1 RPB Toxic Substance Division 6.1 RPB
4  6 or 6.10物質(液體或固體)經由皮膚進入身體後,累積一定的份
Liquids or solids which are dangerous if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through
the skin.
Arsenic, Nicotine, Cyanide, Pesticides, Strychnine. Note: Some are totally
HKG IMCO有毒性Poisonous危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category
感染物質類別 6.2 RIS Infectious Substance Division 6.2 RIS
4  6.2物質含有致病的微生物,能引走病態,甚致死亡。Substances which are known or reasonably expected to contain pathogens and
cause disease in humans or in animals.
Virus, Bacteria, such as HIV (AIDS), Rabies, some diagnostic speci- mens and
Medical and Clinical waste
砷、尼古丁、、殺蟲劑、馬錢子鹼 。注︰某些
完全被禁止, 例如︰溴丙酮
病毒、細菌,例如︰HIV (愛滋病)、狂犬病、某些診療
UFS SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL (ASIA) LTD.              危險物品分類表        Dangerous Goods  Classification HKG IMCO 易燃液體或可產生易燃蒸氣Inflammable Liquids(Substances giving off inflammable vapour)危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category 易燃液體 RFL Flammable Liquid Class 3 RFL
53任何液體的閉杯式閃點閃點測定在 60.5.C 或以下。Any liquid having a closed- cup flash point of 60.5°C or below.
Certain Paints, Varnishes, Alcohols, some Adhesives, Acetone,Petrol, etc.
HKG IMCO 和水化合可產生危險物質
Substances which become dangerous by infraction with water 危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category 遇濕易燃物品 4.3 RFW
Dangerous When Wet Diviision 4.3 RFW 6  4.3物質遇水或受潮時,發生劇烈化學反應,釋放大量易燃
Substances which, by interaction with water, are liable to become spontaneously flammable or give off flammable gases.Calcium carbide, sodium. Etc.HKG IMCO 助燃物 (可以產生大量氧氣的物質)
Strong Supporters of combuston (5.1 oxidizing Substances)危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category 氧化劑類別 5.1 ROX
Oxidizer Division 5.1 ROX 7  5.1物質處於高氧化態,具有強氧化性,易分解並放出氧和
A substance that yields oxygen readily to stimulate the combustion of other material.Ammonium nitrate fertilizer, calcium chlorate, bleaches, Etc.HKG IMCO 助燃物 (可以產生大量氧氣的物質)
Strong Supporters of combuston ( 5.2 organic peroxides)危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category
有機過氧化物分部5.2 生產紀錄Organic Peroxide Division 5.2 ROP 某些油漆、油漆、酒精、某些膠黏劑、丙酮、汽油等。鈣碳化物、鈉
7  5.2物質分子組成中含有過氧基的有機物,其本身易燃易爆,極易分解,對熱,震動或摩擦極為敏感。An organic material (liquid or solid) that can be ignited readily by external flame and then burns with an accelerating rate: some substances react dangerously with others.Tert-Butyl hydroperoxide, listed in Appendix C of the DGR, Etc.
UFS SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL (ASIA) LTD.              危險物品分類表        Dangerous Goods  Classification
易燃物Readily Combustible substances 危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category
易燃固體類別 4.1 RFS Flammable solid Division 4.1 RFS 8  4.1任一種固體物料,是隨時可燃燒的,或通過摩擦可引起
Any solid material, which is readily combustible, or may cause or contribute to fire through friction.Matches, sulphur, Celluloid, Nitronaphthalene, Etc. (Note: Some are self- reactive.)HKG IMCO 有自燃性的物質
Substances liable to spontaneous combustion 危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category 自燃物品類別 4.2 RSC
Spontaneously Combustible Division 4.2 RSC 9  4.2物質可能自我發熱,或因為與空氣接觸而發熱而可能引
Such substances are liable to spontaneous heating or to heating up in contact with air and then liable to catch fire.白或黃磷、鎂聯氨。White or Yellow phosphorus, Magnesium diamide, Etc.
4.1/4.2**易燃物 (包括在5-9)
**Combustible goods (Exempted from item 5 to item 9)丁基過氧化氫, 被列出在附錄 C DGR 火柴、硫磺、明膠、硝基, (注︰某些是自我反應物質。)
UFS SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL (ASIA) LTD.              危險物品分類表        Dangerous Goods  Classification HKG IMCO
Other dangerous substances 危險標籤 / Hazard Label Category 雜項物質類別 9 RMD
Miscellaneous dangerous goods Class 9 RMD 任何物質在運輸途中,呈現其他類危險貨品所未涵蓋之
Any substance which presents a danger during air transportation that is not covered by other classes.本類物質還包括:航空管制固體或液體(Aviation
Regulated Solid or Liquid),也就是那些具有刺激性、嫌惡
的或其他的性質,足以造成 航空組員極度厭惡或不
These include Aviation regulated solids or liquids, where materials may have an irritating, noxious or other properties which could cause extreme annoyance or discomfort to crew members preventing them from performing their duties.109
石棉、大蒜油、救生器材、內燃引擎、車輛Asbestos, Garlic Oil, Life Rafts, Internal Combustion Engines, Vehicles, Etc.聚合珠粒類別 9 RSB Polymeric beads Class 9 RSB
半加工聚合物物質,注入易燃的氣體或液體作為一個發泡;會放出少量易燃氣體。Semi-processed polymeric articles, impregnated with a flammable gas or liquid as a blowing agent; may evolve small quantities of flammable gas.
固態二氧化碳 (乾冰)類別 9 ICE Carbon dioxide, solid (Dry Ice) Class 9 ICE
Carbon dioxide, solid/dry ice has a temperature of -79°C. On sublimation it
produces a gas heavier than air which in an enclosed area and in larger quantities
can lead to suffocation.
Other dangerous substances 危險標籤 / Hazard Label
Category 磁性材料類別 9 MAG Magnetized material Class 9 MAG 固態二氧化碳/乾冰有溫度-79.C 。乾冰溶解時,會釋放氧氣及冷氣。處理乾冰必須特別小心。