Cloze 1
John,11 years old, was in bed in hospital. Several days before, while he was 1 in a baseball game, he fell
and hit his head. The doctors believed that he might 2 get well.
Heseems to have given up hope. So medicines alone won t.P3erhaps he needs something else, said a
doctor. When I visit himal,l he ever says is that he would like to meet Babe Ruth.
To meet Babe Ruth, of course, was not 4 .In America, Babe Ruth was as important as the President, and
he was the most 5 baseball player.
The next day John s father tried to tell Babe Ruth about the story of his son on the -four hours
later, when the boy 6 in his hospital room, Babe Ruth walked in. Young John could hardly 7
his own eyes!
The great baseball player sat down at John andssa ibde, dsiKdeid,,you ve got to get wIell. ve brought you a
new American League baseball,8 you must start throwing it.
For John this was the beginning of a new life. To 9 doctors surpritshee, boy walked out of the hospital
on his own a few weeks later. He was able to live a healthy life all because of the 10 of Babe Ruth.
1.A.looking B.playing C.talking D.sitting
2.A.never B.ever C.always D.sometimes
3.A.go B.make C.stop
4.A.easy B.lucky C.difficult D.successful
5.A.favorite B.nervous C.famous D.dangerous
6.A.ran B.lay C.worked D.laughed
7.A.see B.close C.believe D.breathe
8.A.or C.though D.because B.your C.her D.his
10.A.story C.present
Cloze 2
We could all say that we have bad days as we go through life, but what does it take to have a really good day?
I remember a day recently when I had to go to the 1 for special tests because I wasn feeling well atnd my
doctor sent me to a specialist to try and find the cause of my illness.
As I 2 to the hospital, I was feeling sad and certainly wasn t on topAosf mI gyogt at omteh.e hospital,
I began my 3 for a parking lot. I finally found one not too far from the entrance to the hospital.
As I got out and brought my change out of my pocket, I noticed a man looking a little 4 standing in front
of a parking meter( 停车计时收费 )two cars away. He seemed to be searching his pockets for what I supposed
were 5 for the meter. Although I 6 didn t feel that greaItt,hought that I should at least go over to him
and find out if I could 7 him. As I stood beside him, he turned to me looking worried. I asked him if he had a
problem I could help with. He said that he had no coins at all because he was only thinking about visiting his sick
wife when he left his house.
I reached into my pocket and 8 out two dollars and gave it to him without saying a word. And, without
waiting for a reply, I turned on my h eel and said to him as I was walking away: Have a good day.
The funny thing was that I felt a lot brighter, a small smile came to my face, and I seemed to walk just a little
quicker. I was walking away when he called out: Thank you so much. I didn Yout ek vneonw ,9 him to say
anything. He didn t have to say a word to mIet .was simply enough to know that I had helped someone else who
needed a little 10 .That s all it took to bring a smile to my face as I went on toward completing my own
business. You know, it doesn t take much to help someone else. C.gym Dpany
2.A.walked B.ran C.rode D.drove B.plan
4.A.tired B.worried C.relaxed D.bored