基本英文商务短语apply by letter 通信申请
apply in person 亲自申请甘心情愿
apply for a position 申请职位apply for information 探询消息apply for remittance 托汇appointed store 指定商店appreciation of money 货币增值arbitrage of exchange 套汇arbitration clause 仲裁条款arbitration of exchange 汇兑率裁定army supplies 军需品
arrival at port 入港
arrival notice 到达通知
今生缘音乐articles made to order 订制品articles of luxury 奢侈品
artificial flower 人造花
as agreed (contracted) 按照合同
as per sample 与样品相同
Asian-dollar market 亚洲美元市场
ask the price of 询价
assignment clause 转让条款assignment of policy 保险单转让assistant manager 协理、副经理
心凌as soon as possible shipment 立即送运at a discount 折扣
at a premium 超过票面之价值
at a profit 获利、赚钱
at sight 见票即付、即期
at the market 照市价
at par 平价
原来爱情那么难歌词auction price 拍卖价
authority to purchase 购买委托证authority to pay 委托付款证
average cost 平均成本
average tare 平均皮重
average unit cost 平均单位成本average unit price 平均单价
average weight 平均重量
award of bid 决标、定标