1 亚当·斯密的“有效需求”"Effectual Demand", in Adam Smith
2 自回归综合移动平均模型ARIMA Models
3 不在地主Absentee
4 绝对地租Absolute Rent
5 绝对的和可交换的价值Absolute and Exchangeable value
6 国际收支的开支吸收分析法Absorption Approach to the Balance of Payments
7 吸收能力Absorptive Capacity
8 节欲Abstinence
9 抽象劳动与具体劳动Abstract and Concrete Labour
林心如于正10 加速原理Acceleration Principle
11 会计学与经济学Accounting and Economics
12 私人和社会会计Accounting, Private and Social
13 资本的积累Accumulation of Capital
14 非循环性Acyclicity
15 适应性预期Adaptice Expectation
16 总额相符问题Adding-up Problem
17 调整的成本Adjustment Cost
18 调整过程与稳定性Adjustment Processes and Stability
19 有管理的价格Administered Prices
20 预付Advances
21 逆选择Adverse Selection
22 广告Advertising
23 顾问Advisers
24 人口老化Ageing Populations
25 代理费Agency Costs
26 生产要素Agents of Production
27 总需求理论Aggregate Demand Theory
28 总需求和总供给分析Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis
29 总供给函数Aggregate Supply Function
30 加总问题Aggregation Problem
31 经济关系的总和Aggregation of Economic Relations
32 农业经济学Agricultural Economics
33 农业增长和人口变化Agricultural Growth and Population Change
34 农产品供给Agricultural Supply
韦唯爱的奉献歌词>公子是你吗 是什么歌
35 农业与经济发展Agriculture and Economic Development
36 农业与土地Agriculture and Land
37 异化Alienation
38 阿莱悖论Allais Paradox
39 阿尔蒙滞后Almon Lag
40 利他主义Altruism
41 美国经济协会American Economic Association
42 摊销Amortization
43 类比Analogy
44 无政府主义Anarchism
45 反托拉斯政策Antitrust Policy
46 适用技术Appropriate Technology
卡卡妻子47 套利Arbitrage
48 套利定价理论Arbitrage Pricing Theory
49 仲裁Arbitration
50 军备竞赛Arms Races
51 阿罗定理Arrow''s Theorem
52 阿罗-德布勒一般均衡模型Arrow-Debren Model of General Equilibrium
53 资产定价Asset Pricing
54 资产与负债Assets and Liabilities
55 指派问题Assignment Problems
56 非对称信息Asymmetric Information
57 原子状竞争Atomistic Competition
58 拍卖者Auctioneer
59 拍卖Auctions
60 奥地利经济学派Austrian School of Economics
61 自给自足Autarky
62 自发支出Autonomous Expenditures
63 自回归和移动平均时间序列过程Autoregressive and Moving-average Time-series Processes
64 平均成本定价Average Cost Pricing
65 阿弗奇一约翰逊效应Averch-Johnson effect
66 公理化理论Axiomatic Theories
67 交割延期费Backwardation
68 落后性Backwardness
69 贸易差额理论史Balance of Trade, History of The Theory
70 平衡预算乘数Balanced Budget Maltiptier
71 平衡增长Balanced Growth
72 中央银行利率Bank Rate
73 银行学派,通货学派,自由银行学派Banking School, Currency School, Free Banking School
74 讨价还价(议价) Bargaining
75 物物交换Barter
76 物物交换和交易Barter and Exchange
77 基本品和非基本品Basics and Non-Basics
78 基点计价制Basing Point System
79 杂牌凯恩斯主义Bastard Keynesianism
80 贝叶斯推断Bayesian Inference
81 以邻为整Beggar-the-neighbor
82 行为经济学Behavioral Economics
83 有偏和无偏的技术进步Biased and Unbiased technological Change
84 出价Bidding
85 双边垄断Bilateral Monopoly
86 复本位制Bimetallism
87 生物经济学Bioeconomics
88 经济学在生物学中的应用Biological Applications of Economics
89 伯明翰学派Birmingham School
90 生死过程Birth-and-death Processes
91 债券Bonds
92 有限理性论Bounded Rationality
93 资产阶级Bourgeoisie
94 贿赂Bribery
95 泡沫状态Bubbles
96 预算政策Budgetary Policy
97 缓冲存货Buffer Stocks
98 内在稳定器Built-in Stabilizers
99 金银本位主义的争论Bullionist Controversy
100 束状图Bunch Maps
101 公债负担Burden of The Debt
102 官僚制度Bureaucracy
103 经济周期Business Cycles
104 不变替代弹性生产函数CES Production Function
105 变分法Calculus of Variations
106 官房经济学派Cameralism
107 资本资产定价模型Capital Asset Pricing Model
108 资本预算的编制Capital Budgeting
109 资本外逃Capital Flight
110 资本的收益与损失Capital Gains and Losses
111 资本品Capital Goods
112 资本的反常现象Capital Perversity
113 资本理论Capital Theory
114 资本的理论:争论Capital Theory: Debates
115 资本理论:悖论Capital Theory: Paradoxes
116 固定资本利用程度Capital Utilization