    英文回答,I want to hold your hand tight, feel the warmth and connection between us. I want to intertwine our fingers and feel the strength and support that comes from holding hands with you. It's a simple yet powerful gesture that can convey so much love and care.
    英文回答,Holding hands is a way of showing affection, support, and unity. It's a way of saying "I am here for you" without using words. When I hold your hand, I feel a sense of closeness and intimacy that is hard to describe. It's a way of connecting with you on a deeper level and letting you know that you are not alone.
    英文回答,I want to hold your hand tight when we are walking together, when we are facing challenges, and when we are celebrating our successes. I want to be there for you, holding your hand through all the ups and downs of life. It's a way of showing my commitment and love for you.
    英文回答,So, let's hold hands and walk through life together, facing whatever comes our way with strength and unity. Let's hold hands and show the world that we are a team, a couple who supports and loves each other unconditionally. I want to hold your hand tight, and never let go.
陪你散步    中文回答,所以,让我们握手一起走过生活,用力量和团结面对生活中的一切。让我们握手向世界展示,我们是一个团队,一个无条件支持和爱对方的伴侣。我想握紧你的手,永不放手。