    How to Stay Safe and Happy on Social Media
    Hi there! Today I want to talk to you all about social media. It's super popular these days - sites like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat and more are used by millions of kids just like you. Social media can be really fun as a way to connect with friends, watch entertaining videos, and share about your life.
    But there's also a downside to social media that we need to be aware of. Some aspects of it can negatively impact our mental health, self-esteem, and overall wellbeing if we're not careful. That's why it's important we learn how to use social media in a healthy way from an early age.
    One big issue is cyberbullying. Have you ever seen other kids leaving mean comments on someone's posts? Or sharing embarrassing photos/videos of others without their permission? That's cyberbullying, and it can be really hurtful. If you're a victim, it makes you feel bad about yourself and unsafe online. And if you cyberbully others, it's mean and can get you in big trouble!
    Another problem is comparing ourselves to others online. You've probably seen influencers or even friends posting super glamorous photos that make their lives look perfect. But the truth is, most of those photos are filtered or edited to remove any flaws. They don't show the full reality. When we constantly see those kinds of posts, it's easy to start thinking our own lives are boring or that we're not good enough. But that's not true at all!
    Too much time on social media can also disrupt your sleep. Have you ever laid in bed at night mindlessly scrolling through apps when you should be sleeping? Or woken up super early to check your notifications? That lack of sleep is bad for your health and makes it harder to concentrate at school.
    So what can you do about these negative impacts of social media? Here are some tips:
    Be Kind Online
    Don't cyberbully, period. Treat others how you want to be treated. If you see bullying happening, report it to a trusted adult. Spread positivity, not negativity!
    Reality Check
    Remember that what you see online is heavily filtered and edited. Don't compare your whole reality to someone's curated highlights. Appreciate your life for what it is.
    Time Limits
    Set reasonable time limits for your social media use, like 1 hour per day max. Use apps to block certain sites during school/homework time so you can focus. And never use social media right before bedtime.
    In-Person Connections
    Don't let social media replace real-life friendships and interests. Have quality face-to-face time, join clubs, play sports, do hobbies you love. Your real world is most important.
    Positive Content
    Unfollow any accounts that make you feel bad about yourself. Follow body-positive, uplifting, educational, and funny accounts instead. Fill your feed with positivity!
    Tell a Trusted Adult
    If you're being bullied, harassed, or struggling mentally, tell a parent, teacher, or counselor you trust. You don't have to handle it alone! Adults can help.
    Social media is a huge part of life nowadays, but it's crucial we use it in a mindful, balanced way. By being kind, keeping perspective, limiting our use, staying connected to the real world, choosing positive content, and seeking help when needed, we can enjoy social media without letting it harm our wellbeing. Stay smart, safe, and confident out there!
    How to Stay Safe and Happy on Social Media
    Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I love using social media to keep in touch with my friends and share fun pictures and videos. But sometimes, social media can also be not so nice. Today, I want to talk about some of the negative things that can happen online and what we can do to avoid them.
    The Negative Stuff
can you feel it mp3    One big problem on social media is cyberbullying. This is when people post mean comments or spread rumors to hurt someone's feelings on purpose. Cyberbullies might make fun of how someone looks or acts. They could share an embarrassing photo or video without permission. Or they may leave horrible messages telling someone they are stupid, ugly, or that nobody likes them. Cyberbullying is never okay and can make people feel really sad, angry, and alone.
    Another issue is too much time online. Some kids and grown-ups get hooked on checkin
g their feeds and posting all the time. They might ignore their schoolwork, chores, or time with family because they are too busy scrolling. Spending too many hours per day on apps is unhealthy. It's important to take breaks and do other activities too.