掌握课文中的重点句型的结构、用法everything is sound
Unit11 The sound of the world
suggestion n. 建议
He suggests that a new school building(should)be built.
He insisted everyone be on time.
She orders he have a thorough exam.
She demands we go home.
They require they be treated equally.
The suggestion that a new school building be built is given by him.
The order that all mobile phones be kept off is given by her.
Her demand that everything be done before the deadline is accepted.
The request that we be on time is necessary.
Her suggestion is that we all be there.
His order is that all his students stay home.
Her demand is that we all leave the room.
My request is simply that you write me a letter every month.
He suggested that we were good students.
He insisted that she was a good teacher.
perform v. 表演,表现
perform skillfully on the flute
perform live on TV
The new car performs well.
performance n. 表演,表现
characteristic n. 特征 adj. 有特的,特有的
slave n. 奴隶
slavery n. 奴隶制
contain vt. 包括
traditional adj. 传统的
tradition n. 传统
spread v. 扩展,蔓延
extend v. 延伸,延长
The road extends to the small village.
He spread the map on the table.
He spread the news all over the country.
variety n. 多样性,种类
varieties / a variety of
vary v. 变化,不同
various adj. 多样的,各种各样的
varied adj. 多样的,多种多样的
universal adj. 通用的,普遍的
如:a universal language,a universal truth
如:a general idea,the general income
folk n. 普通人,老百姓 adj. 民间的
folks(pl)n. 亲属
turn … into…
turn sb. down
turn out
turn to sb.
satisfy vt. 使…满意
satisfied adj. 感到满意的
satisfactory adj. 使人满意的
satisfaction n. 满意
in satisfaction 满意地
inner adj. 内部的
outer adj. 外部的
desire n. v. 渴望,愿望,要求
the desire to do / for sth.
desire to do sth.
desire sth.
desirable adj. 称心的
desirous adj. 渴望的
anxious adj. 渴望的,焦虑的
eager adj. 渴望的
emotion n. 情绪,感情
emotional adj. 感情的,抒情的,情绪化的
process n. 过程 v. 处理,加工
in the process of doing
entertain v. 招待,款待;使…娱乐
entertain sb. to sth.
entertain sb. with
intelligence n. 智力
intelligent adj. 聪明的,巧妙的
intellect n. 智力,智慧
intellectual adj. 有智慧的 n. 知识分子
四. 课文重难点
What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is waiting for us.
…but the music has kept many of its characteristics.
…from African songs that people used to sing when they worked and during festivals.
Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and rock…
与……有共同之处have something in common with
In the US, where there are many Spanish-speaking people
where引导的定语从句,where there be表示“在有…的地方”。
There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered.
to be discovered做定语。
注意:如果本句中加上for us则为There is a wide variety of new music for us to discover.在不定式结构中,如果不定式的逻辑主语出现的话,则用主动语态。
…so the next time you look for a tape or a CD, don’t just…
the next time此处替代when作为时间状语从句的连词,注意不要再加介词。
Most pop singers make music their career.
make sth. sth.
We made him president of the US.
We called him teacher.
Money was also thought to be important.
be thought/supposed/believed to do被认为做…
be thought/supposed/believed/regarded/considered/(to be)adj.
be thought/supposed/believed/regarded/considered/ to be n.
…many young students were angry with society, so songs were full of anger.
be angry with sb.
be angry at/about sth.
Political leaders were not well thought of…
be well thought of受…好评
Country music today remains much the same as before.
remain不仅是实意动词而且还是系动词,后面加名词或形容词表语,如:He remained(staying)there.
He remains what he looked like before.
He remained strong.
[例1] If you have any questions, please turn ______ me.
A. on B. off C. at D. to
(答案为D,向…求助,turn to sb. for help)
[例2] She suggested that she ______ young.
A. be B. should C. is D. was
[例3] I don’t quite agree ______ his demand that everyone _______ home watching TV at night.