Class No:14
The review of Mona Lisa Smile
The story in the film Mona Lisa smile took place in 1953,when the second women’s liberation gradually arisen . all the story happen in Wellesley college ,the most conservative college in the nation .Katherine Watson ,a teacher from Oakland sate ,got a position in the art history department in Wellesley college ,having feminist thought ,Katherine Watson cannot get along well with her students who regarded marrying with a good husband as a final goal of their life .under this circumstance ,Katherine tried to open their mind to the new idea .as far as I’m concerned ,discrimination is the practice of treating one person or ground of people fairly or less well that other people or groups .in the movie ,we could  know that the female in the 195
0s is considered lower-grade .the male chauvinism advocated in that time is a kind of discrimination for women .there were many characters in the movie ,four of them were impressing . the first one was the main character Katherine ,who was a independent female with feminist thought  she was a forward thinker who was a little bit progressive .different from others in that time ,she thought that the female was equal with male and women were not born to be the wives or mothers .she was a creative teacher ,who never follow the textbook but tried to asked the students to think independently .she’s also a adamancy teacher who always lived by her own definition .when the headmaster tried to set a list of rules about her teaching ,she choose to leave without hesitation .and then would be Betty . a student in Wellesley who is conservative and stubborn .just like others women in that time ,she thought that the only responsibility for a woman was taking care of her husband and family .besides  ,she was a brave girl who always insist on her own opinion and wasn’t easy to give up her mind .however ,when she faced with her husband ,she was helpless and weak .suffered from a failed marriage ,her change her mind and became a independent woman .another student of Katherine is Connie ,who was a outgoin
g girl and eager for love ,there’s no doubt that she’s also thought that the marriage is the most important thing of the women .however .I admired her courage to pursuit her love when she realized that she was really love Charlie Stewart. The last one would be Johnnie ,a girl who was hardworking and have her own dream .however she’s also conservative .though she want to be a lawyer and was accepted by the Yale law school ,she gave up the chance just because she want to marry Tommy and have her family .
There were 3things I considered important in the movie .first one is that at the second class, Katherine showed the picture of carcass in 1925 to the students, which raised the heated discussion about what was art in the class. “there’s no textbook telling you what to think” Katherine wanted her students know that they should open their mind to the new idea and try to think independently .the second thing is that Katherine introduce the Sunflower, painted by Vincent Van Gogh 1888 to the students, telling the girls that they can conform to what others expected them or chose to be their selves. It showed how deeply Katherine wanted to change the students’ mind ,from which we can know that she’s a really a good teacher who tried everything she could to make a difference .the third one is that wh
en the headmaster of Wellesley tried to invite Katherine to continue the job ,she set a list of requirements ,including teaching only the syllabus as outlined by the department chair and others .according to this ,we can feel how bad the situation about women at that time ,the conception of women were born to be housewives was to deep to rid .It is also a sign of Katherine’s final leaving .
At that time ,men’s point of view of women was that women were lower –grade and should listen to men and be obedient .just like it showed in the movie ,when bill talked with Katherine ,he said that :If you are my girl friend ,I will never let you go .and when Katherine’s boy friend came to find her ,he thought Katherine would be obedient and married him without hesitation .besides ,at that time ,the powerful ,prestigious women also thought that that all the women were born to be the housewives and  mothers and what’s important  for women was to find a good husband .just like the headmaster who couldn’t accept the practice of Amanda Armstrong and fired her .what’s more ,when Betty came back to find her mother in the midnight ,her mother refused just because she thought Betty should be a good wife to wait her husband .however ,Katherine’s thinking was different fro
m those women .she thought that people should break the traditional rules and women should be independent and pursuit what they want .I think that’s why she applied for the job far away her boy friend .I can well remember that once she was talking with a man ,the man sais that if she were his girl friend ,he would never let her go and than Katherine said “I don’t need your permission”. besides ,Katherine thought that women have right to choose their love but not marry just for marry .she refused to married her boy friend when she realized she’s not love him and apart from the men teacher when she found that he had cheated her. on the contrary ,Betty’s thinking about women and women’s role is totally different from Katherine .Betty thought that women was the lower-grade ones who should listen to their men .the only responsibility of a woman was to take care of her husband and family . she thought the women was born to fill the role of a good wife and mother .because of the obvious difference ,there were many conflicts between Katherine and Betty .when Katherine tried to introduced the Sunflower to the students and asked the students to make their own choice and be themselves .Betty augured that Katherine is a subversive and disregarded their traditions .besides ,she was against Katherine’s suggestion and tried  to p
ersuaded John to give up studying law in order to marry .more importantly ,she delicate a passage in the newspaper ,saying :while our mother were mother were called to work for lady liberty ,it’s our duty ,obligation to  reclaim our place in the home ,bearing the children that will carry our traditions into the future one must pause to consider why Miss Katherine Watson instructor in the Art history department has decided to declare war on the holy sacrament o f marriage .he subversive and political teaching encourage our Wellesley girls to reject the roles they were born to fill” in Katherine’s class ,she was trying to make the students escape from the traditionally thinking way .when she showed the carcass to the students ,she want the students to think independently but not just copy what the textbook said .when she introduced the Van Gogh to them ,she want them to know that everyone have their own chance  to choose what should  they do but not live just for others’ expectation .Katherine felt disappointed about John because at first time ,Katherine considered John was different from others and she would pursuit her own dream to be a lawyer but not just a housewife .however ,when John was accepted by the Yale law school ,she gave up the chance because she wanted to be a good wife of Tommy .It really hurt Kat
herine because Katherine thought that what she did made no sense .the reason why it was contradictory is that when Katherine tried to persuade John not to give up ,John argued that it was Katherine tough her to do what she want and what she want was not be a lawyer but a housewife .though Betty was stubborn ,she changed her mind at last .after marriage ,Betty realized that family is not everything of a woman and the husband was not that kind of reliable one she ever thought .she choose to divorce her husband in spite of her mother’s objection and tried to understand Katherine .and she ever said: “----Katherine ----an extraordinary woman who lived by example and compelled us all to see the world through new eyes .”
There were many things surprised me in the movie .the first one was that the girls in the Wellesley played games so crazy just because they heard about that the first one can get their one .the second one was that the school fired the teacher Amada Astrong ,who have been working there for 24 years ,just because she offer condom to the students .another one was that the teacher in the Wellesley told the students that their only responsibility is to take care of their husband and children .however ,nowadays ,this kind of phenomenon is st
ill exist in China ,especially in some poor village .people think that girls needn’t too much education ,so many girls in the poor areas lose the chance to go to school .besides ,most of the villagers think that the only important thing for female is marriage and taking care of her husband and family ,which leading the result that many girls marry early and become a total housewife after marriage .as for my family ,the discrimination exist too . because I’m a girl ,I cannot inherit the skill my father have and I cannot have my name in the family tree .
As far as I ‘m concerned, I think it is a good movie .it showed the historic situation about women by telling the story happened in the Wellesley. It encourages women to free themselves and fight for their life to get what they really want. I think it is also praise the friendship between Katherine and her students .there are two scenes I will never forget .one is that all the students painted a sunflower paint to Katherine, which means a kind of understanding about Katherine and a love for the teacher .other was that when Katherine was leaving in the car, al the students rode behind the car and called her name .I was touched deeply!