1. 8/31
2. .but occasionally, after I’ve been intimate with a man
3. Needless to say, he got a huge tip
4. Don’t take this wrong,.  别会错意
5. See what happens when you break the code?
6. You tell me shes not a knockout.(旷世美人)
7. Central Perk is proud to present Miss Phoebe Buffay.
8. I want your absolute honest opinion, Okay?
9. Were done. 够了
10. Were done with the yogurt. 这酸奶吃不下去了。
11. How come Mommy lives with that other lady?
12. Its time for you to swoop in. 乘虚而入
13. You pick up the pieces and then you usher in The Age of Ross.
14. You should be with a guy who knows what he has when he has you.
15. Thats pretty much it. 差不多是这样
16. You use your humor to keep people at a distance.
17. Its textbook. 你很典型
18. This blows.  这个很烂
19. You know, I dont see that happening. 办不到
20. Tit for Tat 以眼还眼
21. Did you cave? 你有屈服吗?
22. Its nice to have a date on Valentines Day. 情人节
23. This woman is voluntarily bald. 非常地;自动地
24. If you want to put a label on it. 贴个标签,表示硬是要这么做
25. Janice: I brought you something.
Chandler: Is it loaded?  装上子弹了没?
26. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. 生命中无法承受的轻
27. Why is the air in here so negative?
28. Hell is filled with people like you.
29. It does not ring a bell with me. 我没印象
30. Youre more plugged into that show business thing.
31. You have to pick your moments. 你得选对时间
1. Im incredibly anal and an unbelievable control freak.  非常挑剔,always friends控制狂
2. What is this obsessive need you have to make everybody agree with you?
3. Youre setting yourself up all over again. 重蹈覆辙
4. For your information, Im seeing him so I can put those feelings behind me.
1. Could you be less enthused? 你能不能更不起劲儿点?
2. Youd be a great person to have around after an emergency.马后炮
3. Cut him some slack. 放他一马
4. Back me up. 帮我一下
1. Youre just paying your dues. 耕耘阶段,dues 费用
2. If George and Adelaide cant accept that, then the hell with them. 如果他们不接受的话,那就去他们的吧。
3. Nothing makes god happier than when two people, any two people, come together in love.
Friends, family, were gathered here today to join Carol and Susan in holy matrimony. ~~婚礼致辞~~
4. Cant get the monkey off your back? 无法摆脱工作的压力?
1. Are we nuts here? 我们疯了吗?
2. What a load of crap. 真是狗屁一堆
3. I get it. 我懂了。
4. Hes rubber and you are glue. 橡胶,胶水
5. This is the brilliance of the show. 棒
6. That song has so many levels.深度
7. Dont want live all by myself. 孤单
1. Why do we always have to do everything according to your timetable? 时间表
2. Suck it up, man. 认命吧
3. Im being realistic. 实际
4. Get some sense. 讲点道理吧
5. Ding-dong, the psychos gone! 疯子走了.
6. to shield us from the pain and sadness.  =keep from
7. Bring your nerves of steel. 铁胆
1. I was just warming up the earpieces for you.
I was just moistening the tip.
2. I would freak out. 我会发狂的
3. Youre freaking me out. 你吓坏我了