    I Always Argue with My Parents and Friends
    You know how some kids are really cool and laid-back? Yeah, that's definitely not me. I'm what you might call a "hot-head" or someone who gets worked up really easily. Arguing is kind of my thing, which has caused a lot of drama between me and the people closest to me - my parents and friends.
    With my parents, it feels like we're constantly butting heads about every single thing. They'll tell me to clean my room and I'll be like "Why? It's my room and I like it messy!" Then they get all frustrated and say something like "Because we said so and you need to listen to us." That's when I really get fired up. I hate when they just pull the "because I said so" card instead of giving me a real reason.
    It's not just about dumb things like cleaning either. We argue about my grades, my chores, my curfew, you name it. Whenever they try to lay down any kind of rule or restriction, I have t
o fight it. I always think their rules are unfair or unnecessary. Like when they say I have to be home by 8pm on weekends - that's SO early! How am I supposed to hang out with my friends? I end up shouting about how they're ruining my social life and being totally unreasonable.
    My parents' biggest complaint is that I "talk back" too much. But See, I don't think it's talking back when I'm just voicing my opinion and defending my side of things. To me, that's just part of having a healthy debate or discussion. My parents see it differently though. They get all bent out of shape anytime I question or disagree with them, even just a little bit.
    Then there's the whole slew of arguments about my future too. They're always nagging me to study harder so I can get into a prestigious college and have a successful career afterward. I'm just like "Chill out, I'm only in 8th grade! Why are you stressing me about this stuff already?" They think I'm being lazy and unfocused, when really, I just want to live a little and not have my whole life planned out at 13 years old.
    As if the arguments with my parents weren't enough, I also find myself quarreling with my friends a lot too. We'll be hanging out, having a good time, and then suddenly someone will say something that rubs me the wrong way. Instead of letting it go, I always take the bait and snap back at them. Then we're in this whole thing shouting and getting all worked up over nothing.
always friends
    A lot of our arguments are about who's right or wrong on different topics or opinions we have. Like we'll be debating something silly like which soccer team is better or what celebrity is hottest. I'll state my case forcefully, and then my friend will do the same in return. Soon it's this big clash and we're saying things to purposely annoy each other. Sometimes I even argue just for the sake of arguing, you know? Like I'll purposely take the opposite stance just to be contradictory and stir things up.
    Of course, most of our arguments are quickly forgotten once we're done venting and moved on to the next thing. But sometimes they get really heated to the point where we're not speaking to each other for a while after. I've definitely lost some friends over the years
because they just got sick of my confrontational attitude and constant need to pick fights, even over trivial stuff.
    I know I can be a real pain with all my arguing and I truly am trying to get better about it. It's just so hard for me to hold my tongue or back down once I've gotten riled up about something. My brain goes into battle mode where I feel like I have to forcefully stand my ground, no matter what. I get this tunnel vision and I can't let anything go until I've "won" the argument, even if that means damaging important relationships.
    Some people have suggested that I look into anger management, but I don't think I have an anger problem per se. I just have a very strong personality and I'm extremely opinionated and stubborn. I'm not one of those meek, mild people who just goes along with whatever anyone says. If I disagree with something, I'm going to say my piece loudly and refuse to back down. Call me hard-headed, but that's just how I am.
    Maybe I do need to work on my tone and delivery though. My friends and parents are always saying I come across as too aggressive, hostile, or disrespectful in the way I expres
s myself during our clashes. I can definitely be sarcastic and let my emotions get the better of me sometimes. I've said some really hurtful things in the heat of the moment that I ended up regretting later.