张馨予霍建华Let me live in your heart Meet you is my fate Fate I met you, no openings are feeling. Hazy night, faint heart. Don't want to seen him at that moment, his eyes suddenly lit up! o Good figure tall and straight, tall, love said love to laugh, a masculine chiseled face, the body is permeated with enthusiasm, sending out the air of a man! Particularly that magnetic voice and pleasing to the ear, listening to the heart, sense of comfortable. So, I feel that heaven opened and scene, the face of the moon! Gently passing a piece of paper, he left his phone number, inadvertently swept to he a The wind gently blowing, because you smiled to me, so I feel very happy. Love at first sight is not hidden, two hearts don' I was hit by a love a low back Huge in met you, everything becomes meaningful, this mountain in the world than one mountain high, but in my heart, you always the best in the world! Since then, he at six o 'clock every night on time a phone call, I will firmly hold in telephone. Fan of the voice in my heart a soft, crisp fall for it. He would take me going out for a walk in the square, the time he can't help the arcana wildfire in gently to burn for me "can't tell from what time to start, I have quietly falling in love " Later, I saw him in my written in the book "thick eyebrows and big eyes, a button nose, the man of my dreams..
." He will be for me when the day is cold good coat, wear a hat, bold and vigorous appearance he will so exquisite and affectionate. I deeply intoxicated, in the world there are hundred flatters thousand red, will you love me only this one? Heart to let you hear love to let you see Clearly know lovesickness bitter. Suddenly tasted the taste of love. Sometimes a person quietly sat there staring blankly, mind is full of his shadow, always feeling chi always for you! Some people say that make a wish, make to the one thousandth time, favorite people will appear. Where can I find your shadow? so Began to fold paper cranes, a variety of, and began to write, the tip is revealing innumerable. Ah! Independent of the window for who? Just quietly looking forward to you! It is night, insomnia for who? But secretly think you! The flowers at the moment the happiness in the circulation Take a piece of clay, pinch two person, one is you, one is me. Will we break together, water, knead, knead a you again, knead a me again. I have you, in the sometimes-complex mix-and-match never separate! That day is a good day, the weather is good, his love for me with the clothes. From then on, I was his wife, he will be completely belongs to me. Everybody was laughing, bless the couple! Everyone was hap
py with my happy, happy with my happiness! After marriage he still unchanged, diligent clean, treat their parents is especially good, honest good, had never thought of will do much good food! Thrush depth for me, you are with, I'll return him "during the day do not understand the black of night. In fact, couples together, their sharpness can cut through metal fame and fortune! Fame and fortune is empty talk, may this life with you always! Who's tears in the fly That a transfusion allergies, high fever. Send me the emergency when he had a big man cried. He's nervous, he CARES, I panoramic view. He carefully feed me to dinner, be careful to accompany in my around. At that moment, I was very painful, heart is lit filar silk is sweet. What is happiness? Is a wake up every morning, just hold the hand of love; Every time is sick, someone care take care of you. Is injured, someone to comfort you. If you leave, I will life and death dependency. A kind of acacia Two idle sorrow The end of the world into infinity. That time he out of tolerance, empty heart inexplicable melancholy. Also have front of the number of leaves, and also had several drops of window, countless is a trace of love; Also had asked water, and I had asked the white clouds flow, ask not clear is the mood To send acacia Trinidad -
dove吉他point tears, flow is less than your side! Wants to natural and unrestrained, partial hard to natural and unrestrained, and also can't afford to, also can not let go! It happened that the bottom of my heart once more then two words of "only under the eyebrows But in my heart!" Two love li also touching! Meet opinion you difficult P door deep as the sea, the weekend is passers-by from now on! Sometimes he is very busy busy, busy faint one, or even a few days don't come back, leaving me a person. In order to work, he painstakingly, s home for us all. Without your hard to defend, which to our safety and happiness? Sometimes, he will come back with weary10 and scars, I gathered all my self-will, no matter how late, I will wait for him, brew a cup of water Ready to fruit, waiting for the beloved home. A heart of heaven and earth, gently stumbles for you! Affection long way is longer Heart, heart be printed; Hand and hand in hand. With you, I will even a little hard on the journey! Since met you, everything became more beautiful. Day is transparent, the heart is transparent, if the future have a choice, I'm still single! Also wish world lovers, plain old, heart and life!
缘分让你我相遇, 没开口却有感觉 。朦胧的夜,暗淡的心 。不想初见他的那一刻 ,眼睛一下子点燃了 !呵 好挺拔得身材 ,高高大大的 ,爱说爱笑的 ,一张阳刚的轮廓分明的脸 ,全身洋溢着热情 ,散发着男子汉的气息!尤其那声音 ,磁性悦耳 ,听在心头 ,莫名的舒服 。于是 ,我感觉到 ,天开了 ,云散了 ,月亮的脸出来了!他轻轻的递过一张纸 ,留下了他的电话号码 ,不经意间扫到了他一口漂亮的牙齿 …风轻轻吹着,因为你对我笑了 ,所以感觉很快乐 。一见钟情不隐藏 ,两颗心再不孤单…
人海之中遇到了你 ,一切变得有意义 ,这世上一山会比一山高 ,但在我心中 ,世上始终你 !
此后的他 ,每晚六点准时一个电话 ,我也会牢牢守在电话旁 。那里面的声音迷得我心里柔柔的 ,为之酥倒 。他会带我去广场散步 ,那一次他情不自禁的为我唱起了那首 野火在轻轻地烧 “分不清从什么时候开始 ,我已经悄悄爱上你的样子…”后来 ,我看到了他在本子长征组歌歌词
上写的我 “浓浓的眉毛 ,大大的眼睛 ,翘翘的鼻子 ,我的梦中情人 …” 他会在天冷时为我拉好上衣, 戴好帽子, 外表粗犷豪放的他竟也会这般细腻深情。 我深深地陶醉了, 人世间有百媚千红 ,你会独爱我这一种吗?
心要让你听见 爱要让你看见
明明知道相思苦 。好像一下子尝到了爱情的滋味 。有时一个人静静的坐在那里发呆 ,脑海里全是他的身影 ,总为情痴总为你 !有人说许个愿 ,许到第一千遍 ,最喜爱的人就会出现 。可我到哪里寻你的影子?于是 开始叠纸鹤 ,各各样的 ,于是开始写信,笔尖流露着无数的浓情蜜意。哎!独立窗前为谁 ?只是悄悄盼你 !夜来不寐为谁 ?只是偷偷想你 !
拿一块泥,捏两个泥人儿,一个是你,一个是我。 将咱俩一起打破,用水调和,再捏一个你,再捏一个我。 我中有你,你中有我, 再也分开不得! 那一日是好日子, 天气好得出奇 ,他为我披上了爱的衣裳。 从此, 我就是他的妻了, 他也会完完全全的属于我了。 满世
界都在笑 ,为这对新人祝福!大家都在高兴着我的高兴,快乐着我的快乐! 婚后的他依然不变,勤快干净,对待双方父母尤其的好,正直善良, 还不曾想到竟还做得一手好菜 !也会为我画眉深浅, 也会和针锋相对,我会回敬他 “白天不懂夜的黑” 。其实呢, 夫妻同心, 其利断金名利! 名利乃空谈,愿今生与你共相伴!
那一次输液过敏 ,高烧不止 。送我急救时他挺大的男子汉哭了 。他的紧张 ,他的在乎 ,我尽收眼底。他小心的喂我吃饭 ,小心的陪在我的左右 。那一刻 ,我虽然很痛苦,心里却燃起丝丝甜意。什么是幸福呢?就是每天清晨一醒来 ,就握着爱人的手;就是每次生病时 ,有人呵护照顾你;就是受伤时 ,有人安慰你 。你若不离不弃,我必生死相依!
一种相思 两处闲愁
为了环境不能来凑合天涯流落思无穷 。那一次他公差在外 ,心里莫名的空虚惆怅 。也曾数门前的落叶 ,也曾数窗前的水滴 ,数不清的是爱的轨迹;也曾问流水的消息 ,也曾问白云的流处 ,问不清是爱的情绪…欲寄相思千点泪 ,流不到君身边!欲想潇洒 ,偏难潇洒 ,拿也拿不起 ,放也放不下!偏偏心底荡起那么两句 “才下眉头 却上心头!”两情千里也缠绵 !
一入警门深似海 ,从此周末是路人 !有时他会很忙很忙,忙的昏天暗地 ,甚至几天不回来 ,留下我一个人 黯然神伤 。为了工作 ,他不辞辛苦 ,舍小家为大家 。没有你们的辛勤保卫 ,哪来我们的平安幸福 ?有时候 ,他会带着一身疲惫甚至伤痕回来 ,我收起了我所有的任性 ,不管多么晚 ,我会为他守候 ,沏好一杯水 准备好水果,等着心爱的人回家。天地一颗心 ,轻轻为你牵绊!
心 ,心相印 ;手 ,手牵手 。一路上有你 ,苦一点也愿意 !自从遇见你 ,一切变得美丽起来 。天是透明的 ,心是透明的 ,若今后有选择 ,我仍是专一 的!也祝福天下有情人 ,平平淡淡活到老 ,真心真意过一生!