正义联盟(2017)Justice League
他在那儿There he is!
超人能问你几个问题吗Superman! Superman! Can we ask you some questions?
我们要做播客那好吧It's for our podcast. Well, in
你一共救过多少人How many people that have you saved?
我.. 算了下个问题I... Never mind.
那个标记是代表着希望吗Does your thing really stand for hope?
对是的Yes. It does.
看起来像字母SBut it looks like an "S".
对这是有内涵的字母像条蜿蜒的河流Yes, it's meant to. It's meant to wind, like a river. 河流奔腾不息It comes and goes.
我认识的一个人说过A man I knew, used
希望就像车钥匙一样that hope is like a car keys.
容易弄丢但只要你去Easy to lose, but if you
总能到的...it's usually close by.
你跟河马搏斗过吗Did you ever fight a hippo?
别问这么蠢的问题That's dumb!
但河马是最危险的动物啊But hippos are the most deadly!
你最喜欢地球的哪一点 What's the best thing about planet Earth?
你干什么What are you doing?
等等不要Wait! No, wait! Wait! Wait!
求你了老兄求求你了Please! Please, man! Please!
你想要我怎样What do you want from me?
它们能闻到恐惧They could smell it.
什么情况What the hell?
那是什么一个侦察兵What was that? A scout.
从太空来的? 外星大军要入侵了?From space? Like an alien army?
阿尔弗雷德你看到了这些么Alfred, are you seeing this?
看到了和其它的目击事件情况一致I am. Matches the other sightings.
卢瑟的笔记里全都是那种图案And that pattern is all over Luthor's notes.
准备飞机我们今晚去北方Prep the jet. I'm going north tonight.
好是时候了Good. It's time, then.
这是因为他们知道他死了对吧It's 'cause they know he's dead, right?
我是说超人他死了Superman. He's gone.
我们以后要指望谁呢Where does that leave us?
放下武器Drop your guns now!
抱歉你..Excuse me?
让开别开Move it. Move! Don't shoot!
都趴下Get down.
让他们都靠墙蹲下让他们闭嘴Line them up along the wall. Keep them quiet.
你们是什么人Who are you?
用真言套索套住你了你说出来的都是真话The lasso of Hestia compels you to reveal the truth.给我从实招来Now, who are you?
我们是一个小型的We're a small group of reactionary terrorists.
我们知道地球的罪恶We know that sinners brought
招致了外星入侵为什么抓人质on this Why the hostages?
你来晚了倒计时已经开始You're too late. The countdown's already begun.
几分钟后这四个街区将在全世界的注视下In a few minutes,
灰飞烟灭While the world watches.
安静闭嘴Shut up!
这是人类最后的希望This is man's best hope.
毁灭现代世界Down with the modern world.
回到黑暗时代Back to the Dark Ages.
才能得到神的庇护And the safety of holy fear.
本来早就了结了但是..This would've been over quickly,
不不要No! Don't!
怎么可能I don't believe it.
来者何人一个爱的信徒而已What are you? A believer.
请各位帮我一个忙I'm asking for your help.
我知道有个陌生人从海里来到了这个村庄I believe there's a stranger, comes to this village from the sea.
每年冬天的时候人们没吃的他来到这里He comes in the winter when the people
带来很多鱼and brings fish.
他来的时候潮水非常高He comes on the
也就是说他昨晚来的That was last night.
港口有冰山Icebergs in the harbour.
四个月没有船进来了Four months since the last ship got through.
不是坐船来的Doesn't come by ship.
有敌人要来了从很远的地方来There are enemies coming, from far away.
需要战士I need warriors.
我在组建一个联盟保卫我们的家园I'm building an alliance, to defend ourselves.
听着让我马上跟他去外面谈会话Look, I'll give you $, to...
我就给你talk to this man
我觉着不管我告不告诉他这钱最后他都得给我的Something tells me that of all he will give them to me.
告诉我这三个盒子是什么东西我给你三万Tell me what those boxes are and I'll make it .
你应该滚出去You should get out.
你至少应该明着告诉我去亚特兰蒂斯吧Can you at least point me to Atlantis?
亚瑟·库里Arthur Curry.
海的保护者Also known as the Protector of the Oceans.
你是海王The Aquaman.
我听说你能跟鱼说话I hear you can talk to fish.
我得把话说清楚So let me get
你扮成蝙蝠的样子就像真的蝙蝠那样?You do it dressed like a bat? Like an actual bat?
二十年来哥谭市的人们都信以为真呢It's worked for years in Gotham.
就那个破地方Oh, that shithole.
开战的时候我们需要你The fight comes, we'll need you.
别指望我去凑热闹为什么Don't count on it, Batman. Why not?
因为我不喜欢你来这里Because I don't like you
问东问西打搅我的生活digging into my business, getting into my life.
亚特兰蒂斯的人对我指手画脚People from Atlantis tell me, "Do this."
现在你又上门了Now, you say, "Do that."
我想清静点I want to be left alone.
所以你就躲在这个荒凉的地方帮助渔民That why you help these people out here in the middle of nowhere?
因为在这你可以消极避世?Because you can just leave?
我帮助他们是因为没人对他们伸出援手I help them 'cause no one else does.
想保护他们你得跟我合作You wanna protect them, you need to work with me.
单匹马的英雄才是最强的A strong man is strongest alone.
听过这句话没You ever heard that?
be your superman
那句话不是这么说的你正好说反了That's not a saying. That's the opposite of what the saying is.
那行这并不代表我说的就是错的Yep. Doesn't mean I'm wrong.
你听说过超人吗You ever hear of Superman?
他与我并肩作战时去世了我没说反吧He died fighting next to me. My point exactly.
那三个盒子里是什么What's in the boxes?
它们的起源很古老了It's ancient history.
人类活动使得极地的冰盖融化Mankind's melting the polar
破坏了生态系统所以报应来了?Destroying the ecosystem, they got it coming?
我又不介意海面升高Hey, I don't mind if the ocean rise.
如果海水沸腾了呢How about if they boil?
装扮成蝙蝠的模样Dressed like a bat.
你疯了布鲁斯·韦恩You're out of your mind, Bruce Wayne.
这并不代表我说的就是错的Doesn't mean I'm wrong.
所以你是说你没法再联系上这个所谓的So, you say you have no way of reconnecting
我在他外套里放了跟踪器I put a tracking device in
可他脱掉外套游走了He left without it.
实际上那可能根本不是他的外套It may, in fact, not have been his coat.
卢瑟的笔记中画的那些盒子Those squares, from Luthor'
会不会是某种容器呢I think they must be containers of some kind.
装什么的呢不知道Of what? I don't know.
也许可以带来金钱权力总之值得为它们发动一场战争Money, power. Something worth starting a war over.
幸好我到了Well, we had luck with
名单里的一个人on the team list.
巴里·艾伦住在中心城Barry Allen, of Central City.
他基本上是与世隔绝He's completely off the grid.
估计靠占用闲置的房屋为生Squatting, I think.
经常突然搬家Moves suddenly and often.
可能是那种喜欢玩失踪的人? 但他会定期探望父亲Disappearing act? But he does visit
他父亲...in prison.
因为谋杀了他的母亲进了监狱我的天For murdering his mother. Jesus!
巴里小时候总说他父亲被冤枉了Young Barry always protested his father'
可他那时才九岁没人理会他But he was and nobody listened to him.
监狱那边有认识的人么We have somebody at the prison?
有的我们会搞到监狱地址的Oh, yeah. We'll find the address.
有没有联系戴安娜你有她的电话号码What about, Diana? Well, you have her number.
你打电话给她就行了You could've called her.
要不要我带上你的亲笔信Perhaps I should fly to Paris
立刻飞到巴黎她with a handwritten note?
上面写着"你愿意当布鲁斯的队友吗""Will you be Bruce' teammate?"
"请选是或否""Check: Yes or No"
我只对她的技能感兴趣I'm only interested in her skill set.
那当然了回归正题吧I'm sure you are. Can we?
这次的面部识别情况有点复杂Well, facial recognition's a bit dodgy on this one.
不过已经有部分吻合的结果了But it's got a partial match.
这个人叫维克多·斯通A Victor Stone.
智商超拿过橄榄球奖学金Genius I.Q., football scholarship
而且他已经去世了And deceased.
太好了全是神神鬼鬼的事情Figures. Fairy tales and ghost stories.
真怀念以前的日子当时最大的麻烦One misses the days when one's biggest
不过是会爆炸的发条企鹅而已concerns were exploding wind-up penguins?
日子多简单啊The simple life.
我已经看不转这个世界了I don't recognize this world.
我不需要看透这个世界I don't have to recognize it.
我只需要拯救世界I just have to save it.
我来探望亨利·艾伦Here to see Henry Allen.
动作快点小子Hurry it up, will you?
怎么你想打架么What, you got a problem?
没事我不想打架No. There's no problem.
算你识相Better not be.
你知道该去哪的You know where to go.
还是想秀智商?Or you just trying to look brainy?
因为你自己困住了自己你在原地打转Because you're holding yourself back. You're going in
做着三份没前途的工作还准备第四份You're working deadend jobs. Going on four.
你哪来这么多时间Where do you even have the time?
我会挤时间做的I make the time.
这都是为了挣修读刑事司法学位的学费对吧And this is all to pay for a criminal justice degree, huh?
好了我真的不想再谈这个了Okay. I really don't want to talk about
他们的调查漏洞百出The investigation was botched.
伸出你的手巴里Give me your hand.
认真听我说巴里I want you to listen to me,
我是认真的Because I mean this.
你不要再坚持了I want you to give all of that up.
也不要再来这儿探望我And I want you to stop coming to see me.
我拖累了你的人生I am a drag on your life.
别再跟我说这样的话了Please don't ever say that to me again.
你能心想事成的你是个聪明的孩子You can be whatever you wanna be. You're a brilliant man.精英中的精英Absolute best of the best.
我不忍心坐在这里I can't
看着你为了我这个老头子and watch you run in place in
在中心城原地踏步for some
我已经困在这里了爸爸who's not going anywhere.
别这么说时间到了That's not true. It's time.
别这么说走吧艾伦That's not true. Let's go, Allen.
你要把握好你的未来艾伦I want you to make your own future.
不要活在过去把握好未来Living in Make your own future.
开门Open gate!
你可以进实验室打扫了霍华德Lab's all yours, Howard.
十一点半今天回家挺早啊赛拉斯:. Early night for you, Silas.
是的挺早的Yes. Early.
一直没机会跟您说I never got
你儿子的遭遇真是令人遗憾I'm very sorry about what happened.
维克多是个好孩子Victor was a wonderful kid.
谢谢Thank you.
维克多你不要止步不前Victor, you're not stuck up here.
你可以有自己的生活而不是...You can have a life. You can have
如果你一直在这里胡思乱想我在处理数据If you stay up I'm processing.
我能访问一切数据I can access everything.
但我没法把它们组合在一起先别急But I can't put it all together. Not yet.
如果你要让我帮忙如果有再造引擎But if you work with me, if we had the 那你还是会把其他人变成我这样So you did to someone else. What you did to me.
不要把盒子藏好No. The box stays hidden.