    My Favorite Animals
    Hi there! My name is Lucy and I'm a 4th grader. In our English class, we've been learning all about different animals in Unit 4A. It's been really fun and interesting! I wanted to tell you about some of my favorite animals we've learned about.
    One animal I think is super cool is the elephant. Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth! Can you imagine being as big as an elephant? I would need to duck to go through doorways. Elephants are so massive, yet they are vegetarians and don't eat any meat. They just munch on plants, grasses, fruits and vegetables all day long. I couldn't eat that much! Elephants are also known for having really good memories. Their trunks are amazing too - they use them to breathe, drink water, grab food and even greet other elephants. If I had a tr
unk like that, I could probably grab my lunch from across the classroom!
    Another favorite animal of mine from the unit is the panda. Pandas are just so cute and cuddly looking! With their distinctive black and white markings and patchy eyes, how could you not love them? Pandas mainly eat bamboo, which I've tried before and it doesn't taste very good to me. But pandas definitely seem to enjoy it. Sadly, pandas are an endangered species, which means there aren't many left in the wild. Deforestation is a big threat to their bamboo forest habitats. I really hope we can protect pandas so they don't go extinct.
    Maybe my most favorite animal of all that we learned about is the koala bear. Koalas aren't actually bears at all - they are marsupials like kangaroos! They are found only in Australia and spend most of their lives sleeping and relaxing in eucalyptus trees. Koalas are so sleepy because the eucalyptus leaves they eat don't provide them with much energy. A koala can sleep over 20 hours a day! That's more than I sleep. Koalas are truly adorable fluffy creatures and very peaceful animals.
    There are so many other fascinating animals we studied too, like the mighty lion, the sca
ry saltwater crocodile, the tall giraffe, and the playful dolphin. Learning about the behaviors and characteristics of all these animals has been amazing. They are so different from humans, yet so interesting in their own ways.
    I've learned that the natural world is filled with such an incredible variety of creatures, all adapted in unique ways for survival. From the massive blue whale in the oceans to the tiny little hummingbird, there is such a rich diversity of animal life on our planet. I feel very lucky to be able to learn about so many awesome animals through our English studies. Who knows, maybe I'll even become an animal expert or zookeeper someday! For now, I'll just keep observing the squirrels, birds and dogs around my neighborhood and reading up on animals any chance I get.
    Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm in 4th grade. Today I want to tell you all about Unit 4a that we just learned in our English class. It was really cool and I learned so much new stuff!
    The unit was called "A Balloon Voyage" and it was about a family that went on an amazing hot air balloon ride. At first, I didn't really know what a hot air balloon was. But then my teacher showed us pictures and videos and I was like "Whoa, that looks so fun!"
    The story started with a family of four - a mom, a dad, a big sister named Annie, and a little brother named Andy. They were going on vacation and decided to go up in a hot air balloon. I'd never heard of that before! The balloon was huge and colorful with stripes.
    When they got in the basket under the balloon, the balloon started rising up into the sky. Annie and Andy were really excited. Annie said "Look, we're flying!" But her mom reminded her that they weren't actually flying, just floating on the hot air inside the balloon. Still, it must have felt like flying up there!
    As they floated along, the family could see everything below them - houses, streets, parks, rivers. Andy shouted "I can see our house from here!" The dad was pointing out different landmarks to help the kids identify where they were.
    At one point, the balloon flew over a farm. Annie and Andy got to see cows, pigs, horses and sheep from way up high. They started mooing and baaing to try to get the animals' attention. That made me laugh!
    Then the balloon drifted over a forest area. The trees looked so tiny from up there. Andy thought he spotted a deer, but it was just a rock. Annie said "Look, there's a lake!" and pointed to a sparkling body of water below.
    My favorite part was when the family saw a rainbow in the sky! Apparently when you're up in a hot air balloon, sometimes you can see your own rainbow shadow on the clouds. How cool is that? I've never even seen a rainbow shadow before.