1.have a say in  对......有发言权
Of course we have a say in this matter.我们对此事当然有发言权。
2.have a taste of  尝一尝
I suggest you'd better have a taste of it tonight.我建议你今晚最好去品尝一下。
3.have a temperature 发烧
Jane has a temperature and has gone to bed.简发烧了,已经上床睡觉了。
4.have a   与.......谈话
I would like to have a word with you.我想和你说句话。
5.have an appetite for  喜爱;渴望;有......胃口
He has a huge appetite for learning.他有强烈的求知欲
6.have an effect on  对......有影响
Smoking has a bad effect on our health.吸烟影响健康。
7.have an eye for 有眼力,有眼光;有鉴赏力
She had an eye for the beauty of nature.她有鉴赏自然美的能力。
8.have an impact on  对......有影响
Her speech had a great impact on me.她的演说对我影响巨大。
9.have a desire to do  想做
I have a strong desire to improve my life.我强烈渴望改善我的生活。
10.have difficulty in  在(做)......方面有困难
We had a lot of difficulty in finding a parking place.在寻停车地点时,我们遇到了很多困难。
11.have faith in  相信,信仰
I have faith in his ability to succeed.我相信他有成功的能力。
12.have fun in/ with  玩得愉快;获得乐趣
The children have great fun in playing hide-and-seek.孩子们从捉迷藏游戏中到了巨大的乐趣。
13.have (got) to  不得不,必须
We have got to rush to the hospital.我们必须赶紧去医院。
14.have ... in common  有......共同之处
Those two have something in common.那两者有共同之处。
15.have (an) influence on  对......有影响
Many a woman has great influence on her husband.许多女人对丈夫有很大影响。
16.have something to do with  与......有关
I think the accident has something to do with it.我认为这起事故与此有关。
17.have sth. on one's mind  挂念
He seemed to have something on his mind.他似乎有什么心事。
18.have sth. in stock  有现货
We don't have the book in stock, but we can help you order one.这本书我们没有现货,但是可以帮您预订。
19. do  (某人)有事要做
I have a mountain of work to do today.今天我有一大堆工作要做。
20.have trouble (in) doing sth.  做某事有困难
Do you have trouble finishing the plan? 你完成计划有困难吗?
21.have words with  争吵;吵架
She had words with her elder sister last night.昨天晚上她和吵嘴了。
22.hear about/of 听说;听到
I am sorry to hear about your illness and I hope you get well soon.听说你病了,我很难过,希望你早日康复。
23.heart and soul  全心全意地;竭诚
I devote myself heart and soul to the tough task.我全心全意地致力于这项艰巨的任务。
24.help oneself (to)  自由取食;依靠自己
Please help yourself to some fish.吃些鱼吧!
ut  帮助.....解决困难
If you have any difficulty,just let us know and we'll help you out.
26.help sb.with  帮助某人做(某事)
Give me a call if I can help you with anything.如果有我帮得上忙的地方,打个电话给我。
27.here you are  给你
Here you are,sir.Count them carefully please!先生,给您,请数好。
28.hit on/upon  突然想到,偶然发现
Then we hit on the idea of asking viewers to donate money over the Net.然后我们想到了请观众通过网络捐钱的点子。
29.hold back  阻止;阻碍;抑制;控制
She smiled and could not hold back tears of joy.她笑了起来,禁不住流下了喜悦的泪水。
hold down  保有,保住;压制
hold on  坚持;不挂断;等一等
hold on to  不把某物给予或售予他人;保留或保有某物
hold one's breath  屏住呼吸
hold out  坚持;取出;伸出
hold up  举起;支撑;经受得住考验
30.how about  怎样;如何
How about going out for dinner?出去吃晚餐如何?
31.how far  多远;到.......程度
And yet,we never forget how far we have to go.然而,我们永远不会忘记我们还有多远的路要走。
32.how long  多长;多久
How long will it take me to get there? 我到那儿要花多长时间?
33.hundreds of  数百的;数以百计的
The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm.那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。
34.hunt for  打猎;搜寻;寻
The kids were hunting for shells on the beach.孩子们在海滩上寻贝壳。
35.hurry into  急于(做某事);匆匆开始
Time's up,and they hurry into the office.时间到了,他们急忙赶进办公室。
36.hurry up  赶紧;快点
Hurry up or else you'll be late.快点,否则你就要来不及了。
hold住你的心37.if only  只要;要是.......就好了
If only I could get a bite of that cake.要是我能吃一口那蛋糕就好了。
拓展:if only  主要用于引导虚拟语气,表示对现在或未来的愿望,或表示与过去事实相反的愿望。
38.if possible  如果可能的话
If possible,she wants to go with us.如果可能的话,她想跟我们一起去。
39.impress on/with  铭记;印上;留下深刻印象
My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。
40.improve on/upon  改进;做出比......更好的成绩
Let's try to improve on it.咱们设法把它改进一下。
41.in a dilemma  处于进退两难中
The bad weather put us in a dilemma.糟糕的天气使我们进退两难。
42.in a flash  转瞬间;立刻;即刻
In a flash,the truth came to him.突然间,他明白了真相。
43.in a hurry/rush  立刻;匆忙
She was in a hurry to see her child.她急切地想见到她的孩子。
44.in a moment  立刻;马上;一会儿
The problem was solved in a moment.问题立即得到了解决。
45.in a nutshell  简言之;概括地(说)
Just give me the facts in a nutshell.只要简要地告诉我事实。
46.in a row  一排;一列;接连地
The teacher told the children to stand in a row.老师叫孩子们站成一排。
47.in a way  在某种程度上
In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes.从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之一。