anna nalick
The namthar in Khalkha Dzaya Paṇḍita Lobsang Trinle (1642–1715)'s Clear Mirror 期刊名称: Life Writing
作者: Sangseraima Ujeed
年份: 2019年
期号: 第4期
关键词: Tibet;Mongolia;Buddhism;Biographical writing
摘要:The Clear Mirror: A Records of Teachings received (Thob yig gsal ba'i me long) was written by Dzaya Paita Lobsang Trinle (Dza ya Paita Blo bzang 'phrin las, 1642–1715) between 1698 and 1702. It is a unique work with many defining characteristics, the foremost of these being the huge number of namthar (rnam thar, 'life stories') which form the structural backbone of the eleven chapters of the topyik. Not only are these namthar capable of standing alone as biographies of the respective Buddhist masters, they are also reminiscent of the links in a chain, or the beads of a rosary. Strung together, these
individual life stories form a larger lineage life story, reflected within them is the history, identity and chronology of the Gelukpa (dGe lugs pa) tradition as interpreted by the author and his tradition in the late